Annual Report of the Commissioner of the Banking Department of the State of Michigan |
From inside the book
Page 3
... Items in transit United States bonds Due from banks in reserve cities 84,576 19 108,097 71 79,108 74 111,378 92 Exchanges for clearing house 439 73 1,453 79 1,821 17 2,015 23 U. S. and National bank currency 26,860 00 24,005 00 18,668 ...
... Items in transit United States bonds Due from banks in reserve cities 84,576 19 108,097 71 79,108 74 111,378 92 Exchanges for clearing house 439 73 1,453 79 1,821 17 2,015 23 U. S. and National bank currency 26,860 00 24,005 00 18,668 ...
Page 4
... Items in transit United States bonds .. Due from banks in reserve cities . 21,552 36 50,272 94 96.038 44 70,929 43 Exchanges for clearing house . 114 05 365 23 217 94 496 42 U. S. and National bank currency 22,130 00 23,765 00 24,545 00 ...
... Items in transit United States bonds .. Due from banks in reserve cities . 21,552 36 50,272 94 96.038 44 70,929 43 Exchanges for clearing house . 114 05 365 23 217 94 496 42 U. S. and National bank currency 22,130 00 23,765 00 24,545 00 ...
Page 5
... Items in transit , mutilated currency 5.000 00 United States bonds .... Due from banks in reserve cities . 54,442 28 64,791 01 Exchanges for clearing house . 9 90 335 01 71,253 24 53 50 58,941 29 30 96 U. S. and National bank currency ...
... Items in transit , mutilated currency 5.000 00 United States bonds .... Due from banks in reserve cities . 54,442 28 64,791 01 Exchanges for clearing house . 9 90 335 01 71,253 24 53 50 58,941 29 30 96 U. S. and National bank currency ...
Page 7
... Items in transit . United States bonds . Due from banks in reserve cities . 25,436 94 14,461 84 9,985 42 40,216 29 Exchanges for clearing house 69 84 135 87 673 55 1,219 20 . U. S. and National bank currency 12.072 00 8,561 00 7,905 00 ...
... Items in transit . United States bonds . Due from banks in reserve cities . 25,436 94 14,461 84 9,985 42 40,216 29 Exchanges for clearing house 69 84 135 87 673 55 1,219 20 . U. S. and National bank currency 12.072 00 8,561 00 7,905 00 ...
Page 8
... Items in transit United States bonds Due from banks in reserve cities 23,305 51 34,307 70 40,981 67 9,593 30 Exchanges for clearing house . 1,518 58 U. S. and National bank currency . 6,355 00 5,001 00 4,410 00 3,270 00 Gold coin ...
... Items in transit United States bonds Due from banks in reserve cities 23,305 51 34,307 70 40,981 67 9,593 30 Exchanges for clearing house . 1,518 58 U. S. and National bank currency . 6,355 00 5,001 00 4,410 00 3,270 00 Gold coin ...
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Common terms and phrases
00 Furniture 00 Gold coin 00 Other real 00 Silver coin 00 Surplus fund 00 U. S. bonds 00 Undivided profits Assistant Cashier bankers not reserve banks and bankers banks in reserve bills rediscounted Bills bonds to secure Capital stock paid cash items Cashier's checks outstanding certificates of deposit Certified checks Commercial deposits subject Due from banks Due to banks Exchanges for clearing fund with U. S. Furniture and fixtures interest and taxes internal revenue ac items and internal Items in transit June 9 less current expenses Loans and discounts March 28 mortgages and securities National bank currency Nickels and cents Notes and bills Overdrafts paid on bonds real estate rediscounted Bills payable Report of Jan Report of March Report of Sept reserve cities Resources Savings certificates Savings deposits secure U. S. deposits subject to check taxes paid U. S. and National U. S. treasurer United States bonds Vice President
Popular passages
Page xviii - ... amount of the capital and surplus of such bank ; but the discount of bills of exchange drawn in good faith against actually existing values and the discount of commercial or business paper actually owned by the person negotiating the same shall not be considered as money borrowed : Provided...
Page 321 - Due from State banks and bankers Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items...
Page xi - December the Commissioner of the Banking Department shall make an annual report to the Governor of the State, which report shall be published, and shall exhibit; First, A summary of the state and condition of every bank from which reports have been received...
Page xviii - The total liabilities to any association, of any person, or of any company, corporation, or firm, for money borrowed, including, in the liabilities of a company or firm, the liabilities of the several members thereof, shall at no time exceed one-tenth part of the amount of the capital stock of such association actually paid in.
Page 350 - Stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures.. Other real estate and mortgages owned. Due from National banks...
Page xx - Drafts may be bona fide bills of exchange drawn upon actual existing values within the meaning of the statute, though not accompanied by specific bills of lading in each case. It is sufficient if they are drawn against property previously consigned and existing either in its original form or in the shape of proceeds of sales in the hands of the consignees.
Page xix - The object of this provision of the statute was to guard National banks from the hazard of speculative loans, but it contemplated and permitted to an unlimited amount the discount of paper used and required in facilitating the transfer of property and money in the transaction of the legitimate business of the country.
Page xi - ... and the total amount of means and resources, specifying the amount of lawful money held by them at the times of their several returns, and such other information in relation to such associations as in his judgment may be useful.
Page 276 - Liabilities. Capital stock paid in .... Surplus fund Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid . . . National bank notes outstanding. . Due to ol her National banks . . Due to State banks and bankers Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit.
Page 323 - Due to other National hanks Due to State hanks and hankers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits suhject to check Demand certificates of deposit. Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier.s checks outstanding . United States deposits Notes and hills rediscounts1 . . ... Bills payahle Liahilities other than those ahove stated.