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ART. I.-1. Reports of the Commissioners of Pentonville Prison.
1947 and 1848.
2. Second Report of the Surveyor-General on the
Construction of Prisons.
3. Fourteenth Report of the Prison Inspectors. 1849.
4. The precise present Character of Transportation.
By Ignotus. London : 1849.
5. Correspondence on the subject of Convict Disci-
pline and Conversation. Presented to both Houses
of Parliament, 5th May, 1848.
6. Further Correspondence on the subject of Convict
Discipline and Transportation; in continuation of
Papers presented 16th February, 15th April, 14th
May, 1847, and 5th May, 1848. Presented to both
Houses of Parliament, February, 1849.
7. Prison Discipline, and the Advantages of the
Separate System of Imprisonment, with a detailed
Account of the Discipline now pursued in the new
County Gaol at Reading. By the Rev. J. Field,
Chaplain London, 1848,
II.1. Lectures on Shakspeare. By H. N. Hudson. 2d
Edition. New York, 1848.
2. Macbeth de Shakespeare en 5 actes et en vers.
Par M. Emile Deschamps. Paris, 1848.
3. Shakspeare's Dramatic Art and its relation to
Calderon and Goethe. Translated from the German
of Herman Ulrici. Chapman Brothers, 1846.
4. An Inquiry into the Philosophy and Religion of
Shakspeare. By W. J. Birch, M. A. Mitchell,
5. Etudes sur le Seizième Siècle. Études sur l'An-
tiquité. Par Phil. Chasles. W. Jeffs, 1847.
6. History of Opinion on the Writings of Shaks-
peare. By Charles Knight. 1847.
III.-Histoire Philosophique du Règne de Louis XV. Par
le Comte de Tocqueville. Paris: 1847,
IV. The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. By George
Dennis. 2 vols. London : 1848,
V.-1. A Letter to the Right Honourable Henry Labou-
chere on the Balance of Trade, ascertained from
the Market Value of all Articles imported during
the last Four Years. By C. N. Newdegate, Esq.,
M. P.
2. Fruits of the System called Free-Trade, as shown
in Three Letters to the Operatives of the Manufac-
turing Districts of the United Kingdom. By a
London Merchant,
VI. Corpus Ignatianum: a Complete Collection of the
Ignatian Epistles, genuine, interpolated, and spurious;
together with numerous Extracts from them, as
quoted by Ecclesiastical Writers down to the Tenth
Century; in Syriac, Greek, and Latin; an English
Translation of the Syriac Text, Copious Notes, and
Introduction. By William Cureton, M. A., F.R.S.
London: 1849. 8vo.
VII.-King Arthur. By Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. Second
Edition. 8vo. London: 1849,
VIII. The Island of Sardinia, including Pictures of the
Manners and Customs of the Sardinians, and Notes
on the Antiquities and Modern Objects of Interest
in the Island. To which is added some Account
of the House of Savoy. By John Wallis Tyndale,
M. A., Barrister-at-Law. Three volumes, 8vo.
London: 1849,
IX.-1. The Cause of Hungary stated. By Count Ladis-
laus Teleki. Translated from the original French,
by William Browne. London: 1849.
2. De l'Intervention Russe. Par le Comte Ladislas
Teleki. Ire et 2nde Feuille. Paris: 1849.
3. De l'Esprit Publique en Hongrie, depuis la Revo-
lution Française. Par A. Degerando. Paris: 1848.
4. A Narrative of Events in Vienna, from Latour
to Windischgrätz. By Berthold Auerbach. Trans-
lated by John Edward Taylor; with an Introduc-
tion and Appendix. London: 1849.
5. Ludwig Kossuth; Dictator von Ungarn. Mann-
heim 1849.
6. Der Krieg in Ungarn. Dargestellt von Oscar
Fódál. Mannheim: 1849, .
. 155
X.-The History of England from the Accession of James
the Second. By Thomas Babington Macaulay.
Vols. I. and II. Fourth Edition. London: 1849, 249
ART. I.-1. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte.
Eighth edition, pp. 60. 8vo. London.
2. The Nemesis of Faith. By J. A. Froude, M. A.,
Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 12mo. Lon-
don: pp. 227.
3. Popular Christianity, its Transition State and
Probable Development. By F. J. Foxton, B. A.;
formerly of Pembroke College, Oxford, and Per-
petual Curate of Stoke Prior and Docklow, Here-
fordshire. 12mo. London: pp. 226,
II.1. Die Chemische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der
Agricultur und Pflanzenphysiologie. Von Emil
Theodor Wolff. 8vo. pp. 549. Leipzig: 1847.
2. Précis Elémentaire de Chimie Agricole. Par le
Docteur F. Sacc, Professeur à la Faculté des
Sciences de Neufchatel (Suisse). 8vo. pp. 420.
Paris: 1848.
3. Mémoire sur les Terrains Ardennais et Rhénan de
l'Ardenne, du Rhin, du Brabant et du Condros.
Par André Dumont, Professeur de Géologie à
l'Université de Liège-Extrait du tome xx. et du
tome xxI. des Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de
Belgique. 4to. pp. 613.
4. Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State
of Rhode Island, made under a Resolve of Legisla-
ture in the Year 1839. By Charles T. Jackson,
M.D. 8vo. pp. 312. Providence: 1840.
5. The present State of Agriculture in its Relations
to Chemistry and Geology. A Lecture delivered
before the Royal Agricultural Society, at the Meet-
ing in York. By Professor Johnston. From the
Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of Eng-
land, vol. ix. part 1. London: 1848.
6. Contributions to Scientific Agriculture. By James
F. W. Johnston, M. A., F. R. S. L. L. & E., F. G. S.,
&c. 8vo. pp. 231. London and Edinburgh: 1849.
7. On the Use of Lime in Agriculture. By James
F. W. Johnston, F. R. SS. L. & E. &c. &c. Fcap.
8vo. pp. 282. London and Edinburgh: 1849, 357