Parliament, that the king's royal assent, by his letters patent under his great seal and assigned with his hand, and declared and notified in his absence to the Lords spiritual and temporal, and to the Commons, assembled together... Littell's Living Age - Page 4101929Full view - About this book
 | Charles Thomas Ellis - 1802 - 330 pages
...HENRyVIII. c. 21, the King may give his assent by letters patent under his great seal, signed with his hand, and notified in his absence to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and to the Commons, assembled togegether in the High House : And when the bill has received the Royal Assent in either of these ways,... | |
 | Charles Thomas Ellis - 1802 - 288 pages
...HENRYVIII. c. 21, the King may give his assent by letters patent under his great seal, signed with his hand, and notified in his absence to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and to the Commons, assembled togegether in the High House: And when the bill has received the Royal Assent in either of these ways,... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament - 1912 - 658 pages
...the " higher House of Parliament, or by his " letters patent, passed under a Great Seal, " assigned with his hand, and declared " and notified in his absence to the Lords " Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, " assembled in the higher House of Par" liament." — In virtue of this act, by the 1st of... | |
 | 1809 - 598 pages
...the Eighth, cap. 21, the King's royal assent by his letters patents, under his great seal, signed by his hand, and declared and notified in his absence...spiritual and temporal, and to the commons assembled in parliament, is, and ever was of as good strength and force, as if the King had been there in person... | |
 | Harleian miscellany - 1808 - 654 pages
...the Eighth, cap. 21, the King's royal assent by his letters patents, under his great seal, signed by his hand, and declared and notified in his absence...spiritual and temporal, and to the commons assembled in parliament, is, and ever was of as good strength and force, as if the King had been there in person... | |
 | 1809 - 582 pages
...the Eighth, cap. 21, the King's royal assent by his letters patents, under his great seal, signed by his hand, and declared and notified in his absence...spiritual and temporal, and to the commons assembled in parliament, is, and ever was of as good strength and force, as if the King had been there in person... | |
 | 1809 - 586 pages
...the Eighth, cap. 21, the King's royal assent by his letters patents, under his great seal, signed by his hand, and declared and notified in his absence...spiritual and temporal, and to the commons assembled in parliament, is, and ever was of as good strength and force, as if the King had been there in person... | |
 | William Oldys, John Malham - 1809 - 584 pages
...the Eighth, cap. 21, the King's royal assent by his letters patents, under his great seal, signed by his hand, and declared and notified in his absence to the lords spiritual and temporal, and to the common* assembled in parliament, is, and ever was of as good strength and force, as if the King had... | |
 | 1812 - 1038 pages
...personally present in the higher house of parliament ; or by his letters patent under a great seal, as signed with his hand, and declared and notified in...his absence to the lords spiritual and temporal, and the commons assembled together ;!> — and the omission of the usual words in the commission, and the... | |
 | 1813 - 502 pages
...beingpersonally present in the higher house of parliament, or by his letters patent under a great seal, as signed with his hand, and declared and notified in...his absence to the lords spiritual and temporal, and the commons assembled together;" — and the omission of the usual words in the commission, and the... | |
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