General Laws of the State of Idaho ...Authority, 1903 |
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Academy of Idaho ACT ENTITLED act shall take ACT TO AMEND amount appointed approved February Auditor Bingham county board of county board of directors board of trustees bonds boundaries capitol bldg cert certificate city of Lewiston Clearwater river clerk construction corporation council or trustees county commissioners day of March deemed ditches duty election enacted Engineer ENTITLED AN ACT expenses February 9 filed Fremont county fund Game Warden Governor holder HOUSE BILL Idaho county improvement interest irrigation issued Dec issued June 25 issued May 23 issued Oct land deptmt Legislature levied license manner ment negotiable instrument Nez Perce Nez Perce county notice oath ordinance owner paid payable payment person or persons petition purpose record Reform School Secretary sewer sewerage Shoshone county Snake river special assessment take effect taxes therein thereof thereto tion Treasurer village vote Warrant water master