OF THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN EDITED BY LYMAN COPELAND DRAPER, LL. D. SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY VOL. IX Being a page-for-page Reprint of the Original Issue of 1882 F576 W811 v.q Published by Authority of Chapter 96, Laws of 1903 2,000 COPIES PRINTED THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF GEORGIA DEMOCRAT PRINTING CO., MADISON, STATE PRINTER Contents and Illustrations PORTRAIT OF CADWALLADER C. WASHBURN Frontispiece EARLY HISTORIC RELICS OF THE NORTHWEST. James Davie Butler . ARTICLES: Recent accessions of historic copper, 97; Aztalan, the ancient city, 99; Brick baked in situ, 103; The first page of Wisconsin history, 105; Discovery of the Mississippi, 108; Jolliet's first map, 113; French footprints in Northwestern Wisconsin, 117; Roma rediviva in Rock County, 120; Span- 97 |