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From an enamel after a picture by Sir Thomas Lawrence.

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years after Romilly's death, there appeared three volumes of "Memoirs," edited by his sons. This publication contained copious extracts

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from a Diary which Romilly began to keep when nearly fifty years of age, together with a selection from his correspondence. It comprised also the text of two autobiographical narratives," written respectively in 1796 and 1813, and embracing the first thirty-two years of his life.



The Memoirs" have been frequently quoted in the present work without the insertion of any precise reference : indeed, those three volumes necessarily constitute the main— almost the sole source of supply for purely personal details, although the labours of Sir W. Collins and of Mr. H. Wagner, in this connection, deserve grateful recognition.

The measure of success secured by Romilly's efforts in the direction of legal reform did not become apparent until he had been some years in the grave. But, as the lessons of history often prove of considerable practical value, an attempt has been made to elucidate the nature of the legal problems to the solution of which he devoted so large a part of his Parliamentary life.

Most of the social and political questions which engrossed his attention presented themselves for decision towards, or shortly after, the close of the Napoleonic wars; and it is interesting to note how many of them have again demanded public attention, in somewhat similar conditions, during the recent crisis in this country.

The Editors of the "Memoirs" expressly disclaimed an intention of writing anything in the shape of a "Life," and it has, accordingly, been sought, in this book, to collate and interweave such references in contemporary and later writers as serve to shed further light on the various and varied aspects of Romilly's career.

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