Shall report in levied to meet the current expenses thereof for the year, or draw or issue any orders in excess of the appropriation made by the common council from such ward fund, and all debts incurred or orders drawn in violation of this section shall be no charge against such ward nor the city, but the aldermen guilty of the violation shall be held personally liable to any person injured thereby. SECTION 24. The aldermen of each ward shall at detail to coun- the first meeting of the common council in each year report the liabilities incurred against their respeciv e wards, and in detail the orders by them drawn during the year last past on the ward appropriation. Lighting ing cisterns. SECTION 25. The common council may authorize streets; build the aldermen of the respective wards to contract for the lighting of the streets, and for the building of public reservoirs or cisterns; but all such contracts, before they shall have any validity, shall be approved by the city council and countersigned by the city comptroller: and provided, that no liability shall be created against any ward fund in excess of the tax levied for ward purposes. Street commissloner; duties SECTION 26. The common council may appoint for and compensa each ward a street commissioner to oversee and direct tion. Powers of sur veyor. the repairs of streets, alleys and sidewalks, whose duty it shall be to report to the aldermen of his ward the condition of the streets, alleys and sidewalks, and to make such recommendations as he may deem proper, and to prevent and report any encroachment or unauthorized encumbering of any street, sidewalk or alley, and to report and make complaint against all persons who shall be guilty of depositing any earth, rubbish, filth, or other matter on any street, sidewalk, alley or public ground, or of injuring or digging up any street, alley, sidewalk or public ground in his ward. Such street commissioner shall receive a compensation, to be paid out of the respective ward fund, not exceeding two dollars ($2) per day. THE CITY SURVEYOR. SECTION 27. The city surveyor shall be a practical surveyor and engineer. He shall keep his office at some convenient place within the city, and shall perform the duties required of him by this act, and by the common council. All surveys, profiles, plans and estimates made by him for the city, shall be the property of the city, and shall be carefully preserved in the office of the surveyor, open to the inspection of the parties interested, and when required by the com mon council he shall file copies of plans, profiles and estimates with the city clerk, and all books and papers appertaining to said office shall be delivered over by the surveyor, at the expiration of his term of office, to his successor or to the common council. Duties of sur SECTION 28. It shall be his duty when required to make surveys, profiles, plans and estimates for the veyor. grading of any street, alley or ground for the building or construction of reservoirs, sewers and drains, and to make such recommendations to the common council or aldermen of any ward as he may deem proper; to examine any public work or improvement done by contract for any ward of the city, and make true report thereof to the common council. prima facie evi SECTION 29. All surveys of streets, alleys or pub- Surveys to be lic grounds in said city made by the city surveyor by Prime order of the common council, shall be prima facie evidence of their correctness in all courts of this state. SECTION 2. Title seven of said chapter three hundred and thirteen of the laws of 1876, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: TITLE VII. THE HARBOR. cil shall main SECTION 1. The common council of the city of Ra- common councine shall have power, by ordinance, to establish dock tain harbor. and wharf lines upon the banks of Root river in said city, wherever the same are not established; to restrain and prevent encroachments upon said river and obstructions thereto, and to construct, alter and maintain, at the expense of the city, docks or wharves along the banks of said river, where the same are not by law required to be constructed and maintained at the expense of the owners of the lots bounded on said river. Docking of SECTION 2. The common council shall have power Root river. to dock and require the docking of Root river within the limits of said city, and to protect and require the protecting of the banks of any stream or creek emptying in said river, so as to prevent the washing away of such banks, and to prevent sand and other obstructions from washing into said river, and may, by ordinance, require the docking of the banks of said river, and the repairing of any docks and the filling of any lots abutting thereon, and the protecting of the banks of any creek, gutter or water emptying into said river, by the owner or owners of the pieces or parcels of land, lots or docks adjoining or abutting on said river, gutter or Dredging Root river. water course, in such manner, and within such reasonable time as the common council shall prescribe; and if any owner or owners of such lots, lot, piece or parcel of land so adjoining or abutting, shall neglect or refuse to build or repair such docks or other protection, or to comply with any of the requirements of such ordinance, the common council may let such docking, repairing, filling or protecting, by contract to the lowest responsible bidder for the same. Such contract shall have like terms and provisions as are specified in section eight of title six of this act, and when the work shall be completed according to such contract, the whole expense of such work shall be charged and levied against and collected from each particular lot or parcel of land in front of or along which such work has been done; and a certificate shall be issued to such contractor; which certificate shall be in all respects similar to and possess the qualities of the certificate issued under section twelve (12) of title six of this act, and its payment and collection shall be enforced in like manner and with like effect. SECTION 3. Said common council shall have power to provide by ordinance for dredging Root river, and to require of the owners of lots or lands abutting on said river, to dredge the same opposite such lots to the width of fifty feet, in such manner and to such depth, and within such time as the council may direct; and the earth excavated from the bed of said river may be deposited upon such lot or lots or be otherwise disposed of; and if the owner or owners of such lot or lots shall refuse or neglect within the time specified by said council to do such dredging, the common council may let such dredging by contract to the lowest responsible bidder for the same; such contract shall have like terms and provisions as are specified in section eight (8) of title six of this act, but the common council may at the same time cause the river to be dredged to the same depth, in front of streets and other places in said river, where such dredging shall be chargeable against the city contiguous to the points required to be dredged by such ordinance, within the limits prescribed by such ordinance, and when the dredging in front of such lot shall be completed according to such contract, and accepted by the council, the expense of such dredging shall be charged and levied against the particular lots or lands in front of which such dredging has been done. And the mayor and city comptroller shall issue a certificate to such contractor, which certificate shall be in all respects similar to and possess the same qualities of the certificate issued under section twelve (12) of title six of this act, and its payment and collection shall be enforced in like manner and with like effect. SECTION 4. The common council shall annually Harbor master. appoint a harbor master on whom may be conferred the duties of bridge tender. The duties and compensation of such harbor master and bridge tender shall be prescribed by the common council, by ordinance. His term of office shall be one year, and until his successor is appointed and qualified; but he shall be subject to removal at any time by the common council. SECTION 3. Section one of title two of said chapter three hundred and thirteen is hereby amended so that the same shall read as follows: cers. SECTION 1. The elective officers of said city shall Elective offibe: A mayor, two aldermen from each ward, consti- cere. tuting a common council, a city treasurer, a city clerk, who shall be ex officio comptroller, a city marshal, three assessors, two justices of the peace, and one supervisor from cach ward, to represent such ward in the county board of supervisors of Racine county; and the appointive officers shall be: One school commissioner appointive offifrom each ward, constituting the board of education; three health commissioners, constituting a board of health; a city attorney, a chief of police, a fire marshal, a superintendent of the poor, a harbor master, who shall be bridge tender until otherwise ordered by the common council, a city surveyor, and as many bridge tenders, firemen, constables, policemen and such other officers and agents as may be provided for by this act, or as the common council may determine to be necessary. SECTION 4. Section three of title two of said chapter three hundred and thirteen of the laws of 1876 is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 3. The mayor, city marshal, one alder- Elections. man from each ward, one assessor, one justice of the peace and one supervisor from each ward, shall be elected at the annual municipal election on the first Tuesday in April in each year. Said officers so elected shall enter upon the duties of their respective offices on the third Tuesday of April in the year of their election, and shall hold their respective offices for the term of one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified, except justices of the peace, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and assessors, who shall hold their offices for the term of three years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. At the annual municipal election, on the first Tuesday Municipal elec in April, 1880, there shall also be elected a city clerk who shall hold his office one year, and a city treasurer who shall hold his office two years, and until the election and qualification of their respective successors; the term of each of said last named officers shall begin on the third Tuesday in April, 1880. After said municipal election of 1880, said clerk and treasurer shall each be elected biennially at the annual municipal election in alternate years, and shall hold their respec tive offices for two years, and until the election and qualification of their respective successors. Amended. Amended. Amended. SECTION 5. " Said Section two of title five of said chapter three hundred and thirteen is hereby amended by inserting after the words "all persons interested who shall appear and desire to be heard in opposition thereto," where they occur in said section, the following words: council shall also hear all persons who shall desire to be heard in favor of such petition, and may continue or adjourn such hearing for such time as it may deem proper, but not longer than until the next regular meeting of said council;" also by inserting after the words "Monday next succeeding the day of such hearing," where they occur in said section the words "or adjourned hearing." SECTION 6. Section three of title five of said chapter three hundred and thirteen is hereby amended by inserting after the word "forthwith," in the twenty-ninth line of said section, the words or at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. upon the succeeding day." " SECTION 7. Section two of title eleven of said chapter three hundred and thirteen is hereby amended by adding at the end of said section the following words: "The com mon council shall also have power to adopt any system or systems of fire alarm, telegraph or other inventions for the rapid transmission of fire alarms, and to regu late and control the same, and punish the wrongful use or destruction thereof, by ordinance." |