4th Moncay in September....... Marquette....... Tuesday after first Monday in Baraboo Sec. 2424, R. S. January. 1st Tuesday in June Montello Sec. 2424, R. S. Every term in the counties of Dane and Columbia shall also be a special term for the whole judicial circuit. No jury shall be summoned for the term in July for Dane county. Section 2424, Revised Statutes. TENTH CIRCUIT. JUDGE-GEORGE H. MYERS, APPLETON. Term expires first Monday of January, 1886. Counties. Terms. Where Held. Laws. Brown. 4th Monday in January. Green Bay. 3d Monday in September...... Sec. 2424, R. S. Door......... Tuesday after third Monday in February.... Tuesday after third Monday in Sturgeon Bay...... Sec. 2424, R. S Langlade Attached to Shawano county for Ch. 114, L. 1879. judicial purposes....... Outagamie 1st Monday in June... 2d Monday in November Appleton. Sec. 2424, R. S. Oconto 21 Monday in April...... Oconto Sec. 2424, R. S. 3d Monday in October Shawano Tuesday after 2d Monday in Jan. Shawano... Sec. 2424, R. S. No jury shall be summoned for the: January term in Brown county. Every term in the counties of Brown, Outagamie and Oconto shall also be a special term for the whole judicial circuit. - Section 2424, Revised Statutes. The terms of the circuit court in and for the county of Marinette, in the state of Wisconsin, are appointed to be held on the second Monday in December and on the second Monday in May in each year. - Order of Judge Myers, issued March 27, 1879, under. provisions of chapter 114, laws of 1879. 32-LAWS. Each term in the counties of Chippewa and Polk is a special term for the entire circuit, where any business from any county in the circuit, not requiring the intervention of a jury, may be transacted.- Chapter 181, Laws 1879. Green 1st Tuesday in March } 3d Tuesday in June 1st Tuesday in October..... Monroe. Sec. 2424, R. S. Jefferson 1st Monday in February.. Jefferson. Sec. 2434, R. S. 2d Tuesday in June... 1st Monday in September...... No jury shall be summoned for either of the terms in this circuit appointed to be held in the months of January and June. Every term in this circuit shallalso be a special term for the whole judicial circuit - Section 2424, Revised Statutes. INDEX. A. ACADEMY - GERMAN AND ENGLISH, in Milwaukee, amended ...... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, registers of deeds may take AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY - appropriation to Central Wisconsin. appropriation to State.... AHNAPEE, city charter of, amended AMENDED -- REVISED STATUTES .. ...... ...... Page. 58 127 143 . 64 ........ 289 270 ..... 158 .... 158 233 140 359 subdivision 1, printing for state agricultural society..... 233 relating to evidence...... 22 4389 of ill-treatment of inmates of charitable and penal insti- 299 .. 1855 80 1855 318 .... 1858 72 1858 72 ..... 1859 58 .... 1864 84 1866 284 1866 474 1868 76 1868 158 city charter of Ripon.. city charter of Ripon... charter of Madison gymnastic association..... 12 charter Black River Falls improvement com- .... pany 2 Eau Claire lumber company. city charter ot Janesville... 5 Union school district in city and town of Beloit, and town of Turtle.... 4 Milwaukee chamber of commerce 58 130 287 69 342 69 260 24 166 55 159 ANALYST, appointment of state.. ANNUAL INSPECTION of the Bayfield rifles ANNUNSON, HALVOR AND JOHN, to build dam...... APPEALS from justices court.... APPROPRIATIONS - to state dairymen's association. to C. E. Bross and J. E. Eldred. ............. 226 |