Bond of com. missioners. When loan to office for the period of two years from and after the passage of this act, and shall have power to elect out of their number a president, a secretary and a treasurer. SECTION 3. Said commissioners shall give a bond to the town supervisors of the town of Kewaunee, Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the county judge of Kewaunee county, for the faithful discharge of their duties as herein after set forth. Upon the delivering of said bond to be paid to com- said supervisors, the town treasurer of said town of missioners. Powers of commissioners. Quorum. Duty at expira tion of term. Compensation. Kewaunee shall forthwith pay over to said commissioners upon their joint receipt, the ten thousand dollars loaned by the commissioners of public lands of the state of Wisconsin to said town of Kewaunee, as authorized by an act of the present legislature. And such commissioners may also receive such sum or sums as may be given by private subscription to aid in the construction and improvement hereinafter named. SECTION 4. Said commissioners shall have power to order, supervise and direct the construction of piers at the place of the government survey, in said town of Kewaunee, and repair and construct and improve a harbor at the place of said survey at a cost not exceeding said sum of ten thousand dollars, and the amount which may be so as aforesaid given by private subscription. They shall have power to contract for all materials and work necessary in such construction and improvement, and to pay, lay out and expend said sum or sums, in such work of construction and improvement. SECTION 5. Three of said commissioners shall constitute a quorum for business, and all appropriations of the funds, and all contracts must receive the assent of at least three of said commissioners, and all moneys shall be paid out by the treasurer of said commissioners upon the warrant of the president, countersigned by the secretary. SECTION 6. At the expiration of their terms of office, such commissioners shall render a full account and report of their doings to the board of supervisors of the said town of Kewaunee, and return to the treasurer of said town any of the aforesaid fund which may remain unexpended in their hands, taking his receipt therefor. SECTION 7. The compensation of said commissioners shall be paid out of said fund aforesaid, and shall be two dollars for each day, and one dollar for each half day, to each member of the commission, for the time actually and necessarily employed. SECTION 8. This act shall not be construed as here- Not a corpora by creating or attempting to create a corporation, or a corporate organization under the laws of Wisconsin. SECTION 9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 1, 1880. [No. 17, A.] [Published March 4, 1880.] CHAPTER 80. AN ACT to appropriate to David Wetherby and William James a sum of money therein named. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: tion. SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated to David Appropriation, Wetherby and William James, out of any money in the general fund not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty-three hundred and fifty-three dollars, to assist in defraying the expenses of litigation, by which the title of the state of Wisconsin to the sixteenth sections of lands embraced in the Indian reservation in said state was established: provided, that no money shall become due or payable under the provisions of this act until the said David Wetherby and William James have filed with the secretary of state a receipt in full of all demands upon the state in consequence of said litigation, and an agreement that they do not make and will not make at any time hereafter any claim upon the state on account of the litigation which is set forth in this bill. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 2, 1880. [No. 53, A.] [Published March 4, 1880.」 CHAPTER 81. • AN ACT to appropriate to George B. McMillan a sum of money $2,358. SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated to George Appropriation. B. McMillan, out of any money in the general fund not $225.83. otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundred and twenty-five dollars and eighty-three cents, as extra pay for services as a soldier in the late war, as originally contemplated by chapter one hundred and seventeen, laws of 1864. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Received by the secretary of state, March 2, 1880. Note by secrcretary of state. NOTE BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. - The foregoing act, having been presented to the governor for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of the legislature in which it originated within the time prescribed by the constitution of the state, has become a law without his approval. [No. 120, S.] [Published March 6, 1880.] CHAPTER 82. Authorizing AN ACT to authorize the Hamburg town fire insurance company to re-insure the Vernon county Scandinavian mutual insurance company. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be lawful for the Hamburg Hamburgo to town fire insurance company, when organized as a cor reinsure Vernon ScandinaVian Ins. Co. poration, pursuant to section one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven of the revised statutes, and it is hereby authorized to re-insure the Vernon county Scandinavian mutual fire insurance company for any and all risks taken by said Vernon county Scandinavian mutual fire insurance company. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved March 1, 1880. [No. 391, Α.] [Published March 6, 1880.] CHAPTER 83. AN ACT to incorporate the city of Platteville. The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: CHAPTER I. CITY OF PLATTEVILLE - ITS CORPORATE POWERS. Corporate powers defined. SECTION 1. All that district of country in the county of Grant hereinafter described, shall be a city by the name of Platteville, and the people now inhabiting, and those who shall inhabit, said district, shall 1 be a municipal corporation by the name of the city of Platteville, and shall have the general powers possessed by municipal corporations, at common law, and in addition thereto, shall have and possess the powers hereinafter specifically granted; and the authorities thereof shall have perpetual succession, and shall be capable of contracting and being contracted with, suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all courts of law and equity, and shall have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure. CITY BOUNDARIES. city. SECTION 2. All the territory within Grant county, Boundaries of described as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section nine, the south half of section ten, the southwest quarter of section eleven, the west half of section fourteen, all of section fifteen, and the east half of section sixteen, of town three north, of range one west of the fourth principal meridian, shall be included in, and constitute the city of Platteville. CITY GOVERNMENT. and aldermen. SECTION 3. The government of said city, and the Government exercise of its corporate powers and management of its vested in mayor financial, prudential and municipal concerns, shall be vested in a mayor and six aldermen, who shall be denominated the common council; and such other officers as are hereinafter provided for. cers. SECTION 4. The elective officers of said city shall Election of offbe one mayor, six aldermen, one justice of the peace, and one supervisor to represent the city in the county board of supervisors, and shall, until otherwise provided, be elected by the city at large. All other officers necessary for the proper management of the affairs of said city shall be appointed by the common council; and it shall be the duty of the common coun- Duty of council cil, at its first meeting after the annual election in each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, to appoint a city clerk, a city treasurer, a city marshal, a city attorney, and a street commissioner, and may from time to time appoint such other officers as are hereinafter provided for, oras the common council shall ordain. Ali officers of the corporation, except justices of the peace, unless Terms of office. otherwise provided, shall hold their respective offices for one year, and until their successors are elected or appointed, and qualified. Said justice of the peace shall hold his office for the term of two years, from and after the first Monday in May succeeding his election. Annual election Qualified elect ors may vote. Elections to be by ballot. Such justice of the peace shall be chosen at the first election under this act, and biennially thereafter. All other elective officers of said city shall be elected annually. CHAPTER II. ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. The annual election for city officers shall be held on the second Tuesday in April each year, at such place in the city as the common council shall designate, and the polls shall be opened at nine o'clock in the forenoon and kept open until sundown of the same day; notice shall be given by the city clerk, by publication in some newspaper in said city, or by posting written or printed notices in at least three public places in said city, at least ten days previous to the holding of any election, of the time and place at which the same will be held, and of the officers to be elected thereat. SECTION 2. All qualified electors for state and county officers shall be entitled to vote at any election in said city held in pursuance of this act: provided, that no person shall vote at any such election, unless he be an actual resident of the city at the time he offers his vote; and a temporary residence, merely for the purpose of voting at any such election, shall not entitle him to vote thereat. SECTION 3. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and a 'plurality shall constitute an election; the vote for all elective officers shall be on one ballot, and shall be deposited in one ballot box. When two or more candidates for an elective office shall receive an equal number of votes for the same office, the election shall be determined by lot in the presence of the common council, at such time and in such manner as it shall direct. SECTION 4. Previous to the holding of any city election in said city, the common council shall appoint three of its own number to act as inspectors of such election; and in case of the absence or inability to serve, of any of the inspectors so appointed, the electors present at the time for the opening of the polls may appoint inspectors in their places. be the clerk of such elections, and in his absence the inspectors may appoint a clerk. clerk shall take and subscribe the usual oath as prescribed by the laws of this state for inspectors and clerks of election; and the inspectors shall exercise all The city clerk shall The inspectors and |