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reached their majority; a circumstance which seems to indicate foul play, and which was, in fact, expressly attributed to treachery on the part of the administration of Thibet, vested chiefly in the hands of a functionary styled Nomekhan, during the Grand Lama's minority.

If the new system cannot be made to supersede | whom, therefore, we may compare to the Carthe old, it may at least be grafted upon it, as dinals. The present Dalé-Lama is only nine years experience has already proved at our own colony of age, and his three predecessors had none of them of Ceylon; for Romanism has sometimes been satisfied with a part, where the whole was unattainable. In a recent work by Sir Emerson Tennent, he observes of the early converts in that island to the Romish Church, "There is no reason to doubt that, along with the profession of the new faith, the majority of them, like the Singalese of the present day, cherished, with still closer attachment, the superstitions of Buddhism;" and he attributes the ease of their external conversion to "the attractions of a religion which, in point of pomp and magnificence, surpassed, without materially differing from, the pageantry and processions with which they were accustomed to celebrate the festivals of their own national worship." We may, however, charitably and reasonably suppose that the present emissaries of Rome would stop short of the complaisant conforinity of their Jesuit predecessors, who, according to the Abbé Dubois, "conducted the images of the Virgin and Saviour on triumphal cars, imitated from the orgies of Jaggernath, and introduced the dancers of the Brahminical rites into the ceremonial of the church.

After eighteen months of mingled residence and journeyings through the immense tract which intervenes between the neighborhood of Peking and Lhassa, MM. Huc and Gabet reached the capital of Thibet in a very weary and exhausted state. The snowy range of mountains which formed the fatter portion of their route was passed with a caravan, which is periodically collected as a protection against robbers; and the miseries and privations which they endured had well-nigh proved fatal to M. Gabet, though both travellers were in the prime of life-one thirty-two, and the other only thirtyseven. Scarcely settled in the lodging where they had installed themselves, when troubles not less barassing, though of another kind, were to be encountered. "Après les peines physiques, c'était le tour des souffrances morales." As far as rested with the native government of the country, they might long have remained unmolested to exercise their zeal at the head-quarters of Buddhism; but obstacles arose in a direction which they were hardly prepared to anticipate. The minister of the Emperor of China resides at the Court of the Supreme Lama, something like the Austrian ambassador at Rome, but with a vastly greater and more undivided influence. His spies were the first to detect the intruders; and he succeeded, at length, notwithstanding the favor and kindness shown to them by the temporal Regent of Thibet, in effecting their expulsion from the country. The whole narrative is extremely curious, and, in fact, gives a better insight into the real relations existing between Peking and Lhassa than any other source within our reach.

In addition to the numerous and striking analogies which have been traced between the rites of Lamanism and the Roman worship, M. Huc observes that "Rome and Lhassa, the Pope and the Supreme Lama, might also furnish points of resemblance full of interest." The Thibetian government is altogether ecclesiastical. The Tale or Dalé-Lama is its political and religious head. When he dies, or, as the Buddhists say, transmigrates, his indestructible personification is continued in a child, chosen by the great Lamas, distinguished as Houtouktou, whose sacerdotal rank is inferior only to that of the Grand Lama, and

A party at Lhassa opposed to this Nomekhan applied secretly, in the year 1844, for the interference of the Emperor of China, who is sufficiently ready to extend his influence, on all occasions, in Thibet and elsewhere. The person selected to proceed as ambassador to Thibet, and overturn the ill-acquired power of the Nomekhan was Ke-shen, who only about four years before had been ruined by the result of his negotiations at Canton; but whose energy and talents appear still to have been appreciated by the emperor's government, and whose failure might possibly have met with palliation and excuse in the still worse failures of his successors in the south. On reaching Lhassa, Ke-shen took his measures in concert with those opposed to the Nomekhan. That high functionary was arrested; when, to avoid torture, he at length confessed to the guilt of having taken three lives from the Grand Lama, or, in other words, having caused his transmigration three times by violence. To this confession the seals of Ke-shen and the other parties were affixed, and it was transmitted by a special courier to Peking.

Three months afterwards the capital of Thibet was

frightfully agitated; at the door of the palace of Nomekhan, and in the principal streets of the city, was placarded an imperial edict, in three languages, on yellow paper, and with borders representing winged dragons. After lofty reflections upon the duties of kings, and of sovereigns great or small;-after exhortations to potentates, monarchs, princes, magistrates, and the people of the four seas to walk in the paths of justice and virtue, under pain of incurring the wrath of Heaven, and the anger of the great Khan -the emperor recalled the crimes of Nomekhan, and condemned him to perpetual banishment to the shores of Sakhalien-oula, at the extremity of Manchouria.At the end, was the usual form-tremble and obey.

Such an unusual sight as this Imperial Edict on the gates of their governor excited a general insurrection among the Thibetians of Lhassa. At half a league's distance is a College of Lamas, composed of some thousands. These armed themselves at random, and came down like an avalanche, denouncing death to Ke-shen and the Chinese. They carried by assault the residence of the ambassador, who, however, was not to be found. They next attacked those who had acted with him, and sacrificed more than one to their fury. They released the condemned Nomekhan, who, however, had not the spirit to avail himself of the occasion. "He had," says M. Hue, "the cowardly energy of an assassin, and not the boldness of a conspirator."

The next morning, the Lamas were again agitated like a hive of bees, and again swarmed down upon Lhassa. But Ke-shen had profited by the interval, and his measures were taken. A formidable array of Chinese and Thibetian troops barred their passage; and the Lamas, whose trade was not fighting, betook themselves to their cells and their books, and were glad to avoid the consequences of their temerity in an immediate resumption of their clerical character. In a few days, the Nomekhan, who had thrown away his only chance, was on his way "comme un mouton" to Tartary | low."-"Do the rest of you," said he, turning to -while Ke-shen, elated with his triumph, showed those standing round him, "understand this lana disposition to extend the penalties to his reputed guage?" They bowed all together, and said they did accomplices in guilt. The ministers of the local not understand it. "You see, nobody here under

government, however, thought the Chinese influence had done enough, and the ambassador had the prudence to forbear. The new Nomekhan was selected from the Lamas of the greatest emi

nence in the country; but as the choice fell on a youth of only eighteen, a regent was appointed in the person of the chief kalon, or minister. This individual soon showed that his first care was to provide barriers against the ambition and encroachments of the Chinese ambassador, who had so boldly taken advantage of the weakness of the Thibetian government, to usurp its powers, and extend the pretensions of his master, the emperor. Things were in this state on the arrival of our two missionaries, who, after some weeks of unmolested residence, began to flatter themselves that they might pass unobserved. They were one day seated at their lodging in conversation with a Lama well versed in Buddhistic learning, when a well-dressed Chinese suddenly made his appearance, and expressed a strong desire to inspect any merchandise they might have to dispose of. They in vain declared they were not merchants; he was not satisfied, and in the midst of the discussion arrived a second Chinese, and then a third; after which, the number of visitors was soon swelled to five, by the appearance of two Lamas in rich silk scarfs. They all joined in a multitude of questions, ad. dressed to MM. Gabet and Huc, and their looks were directed on all sides, in a minute examination of the contents of the dwelling. They at length took their leave, promising to return, and left our missionaries in an uncomfortable state, justly thinking that the pretended chance visit looked like a concerted measure, and that their new friends had very much the appearance of either spies or swindlers.

When dinner was over, two out of the late five reäppeared, and at once announced that the regent desired to see the missionaries ;-" and that young man," said they, pointing to their faithful Tartar attendant, Samdadchiemba, who eyed them with no very friendly looks-" he must come too." The authorities must be obeyed, and they set out together towards the palace of the regent. On their arrival, they were conducted through a court and passages, crowded with Thibetians and Chinese, to a large room, at the end of which was seated the regent, with his legs crossed upon a thick cushion covered with a tiger's skin. He was a man of about fifty, stout, and remarkably fair, with a most intelligent and benevolent countenance. The strangers were invited to seat themselves on a bench covered with red carpet to their right.

stands your language; translate your words into that of Thibet."-" We said that in the physiognomy of the chief kalon there is much goodness." - "Ah, yes;

you find me very good? Nevertheless, I am very

wicked. Am I not very wicked?" he asked his people. They smiled, and did not speak. "You are right," continued the regent; "I am good, for goodness is the duty of a kalon. I ought to be good to my own people, and also to foreigners."

The good-natured functionary assured the missionaries that he had sent for them merely in consequence of the contradictory reports in circulation,

and without the least wish to molest them. After having found, to his surprise, that they could express themselves in the written characters of China, Tartary, and Thibet, and having satisfied himself as to the nature of their pursuits, he informed them that the Chinese resident was himself going to question them. He advised that they should frankly state their history, and added, that they might depend upon his protection, for it was himself who governed the country. As he took his departure, the noise of the gong announced the approach of Ke-shen. The experience of our travellers made them anticipate a less agreeable interview in this quarter; but they screwed their courage up to the sticking place, determined that as Christians, as missionaries, and as Frenchmen, they would not kneel to anybody; and they bade their squire and neophyte, Samdadchiemba, confess his faith, if the occasion should require. The portrait of the celebrated mandarin must be given at full length.

Ke-shen, although sixty years of age, seemed to us full of strength and vigor. His face is undoubtedly the noblest, most gracious, and most intellectual, that we had ever seen among the Chinese. As soon as we had taken off our hat to him, making a bow to him in our best possible fashion, "That's right," said he, "follow your own customs. I have heard that you speak the language of Pekin correctly. I wish to converse with you for a moment." -" We make many mistakes in speaking, but your wonderful intelligence will be able to make up for the obscurity of our words."" Why, this is pure Pekin indeed! You French have a great facility for all sciences. You are French, are you not?" "Yes, we are French.""Oh! I know the French; formerly there were many of them at Pekin. I saw some of them."" You should have known some of them also at Canton, when you were imperial commissioner." This souvenir made our judge knit his brow; he drew out of his repository a large pinch of snuff,* and snuffed it up in very bad humor. "Yes, it's true. I have seen many Europeans at Canton. You are of the religion of the Lord of heaven, are you not?"-" Certainly; we are even preachers of that religion."- " I know it, I know it. No doubt you have come here to preach that religion?"-" For that very purpose."-" Have you already gone over many countries?"-" We have gone through all China, all Tartary, and now you see us in the capital of Thibet."-" With whom did you lodge when you were in China?" -" We do not an-. swer questions of that nature." -" But if I command you?"-" We could not obey." (Here the displeased!

As soon as we were seated, the regent considered us a long time in silence, and with minute attention. He leaned his head sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left, and examined us in a manner half mocking and half good-natured. This sort of pantomime seemed to us at last so droll, that we could not help laughing. "Well," said we in French, in a low tone, "this gentleman seems a pretty good fellow; our business will go well."-"Ah!" said the regent, with a voice full of affability, "what language do you speak? I did not understand what you said."-"We speak the language of our country." -" We shall see. Repeat aloud what you just said in a low voice."- and had a silver box or vessel at his side-"vase en "We said, This gentleman seems a pretty good fel-argent."

* The Chinese generally take snuff out of a small bottle, but Ke-shen probably required larger supplies,

judge struck his fist hard on the table.) "You know," | useless to protest that nothing but the safety of our

we said to him, "that Christians are not afraid; why, then, try to intimidate us?"-" Where did you learn Chinese?" "In China."-" In what part?"-" A little everywhere."-" And the Tartar language, do you know that? Where did you learn it?"-" In Mongolia, the land of herbs."

traders was in view; that the commercial treaty was altogether futile without the safe navigation of the seas by our merchant vessels; and it became necessary at once to cut the matter short by saying that the commanders of H. M. ships must obey any orders they received from their government in the prosecution of their lawful business.

Maps of the country our missionaries had, but they were not autograph, nor even manuscript. A grand scrutiny took place before Ke-shen.

The firm bearing of MM. Hue and Gabet was properly respected by Ke-shen, who, however, did not treat with the same ceremony their Tartar attendant, Samdadchiemba, on finding he was a subject of China. He ordered him peremptorily to kneel, and in that attitude obtained from him his history, which might have gone far to compromise the unfortunate squire, but for his connection with the two missionaries. Ke-shen's character appears maps ourselves; but to a person of your information

to considerable advantage throughout this narrative. Encroaching and overbearing towards the Thibe- it is easy to perceive that these maps are not our

tian government, according to his supposed duty to his sovereign, his personal demeanor to the two travellers proved his due appreciation of the European character, no doubt the result of his experience at Canton. The lateness of the hour put an end to the audience, and our missionaries had an immediate interview, followed by a supper, with their kind friend, the regent, whose solicitude may fairly be attributed as much to his jealousy of the Chinese resident, as his sympathy for the strangers. At this interview appeared as interpreter, on account of his knowledge of the Chinese language, (the medium most familiar to the missionaries,) a certain Mahomedan chief of the Mussulmans of Cashmere, resident at Lhassa. This little incident shows our increased vicinity to the Chinese empire, since Gholab Singh, ruler of Cashmere, became our tributary, and bound himself in the treaty with Lord Hardinge, to transmit annually a dozen fine shawls, and a certain number of shawl goats, in acknowledgment of British supremacy.

The greatest cause of anxiety to the regent, and the circumstance most likely to compromise the missionaries, proved to be the supposed possession of maps of the country, constructed by themselves. It would seem, according to our author, that this

"We are fortunate," said the travellers to the Chinese minister, "to find you here. In your absence it might have been impossible to convince the authorities of Thibet that we did not construct these -to one so well acquainted with European matterswork." Ke-shen appeared greatly flattered by the compliment. "It is evident at once," said he, "that these are printed maps. Look," he added to the regent, "the maps, instead of being made by these persons, were printed in the country of France. You could not perceive that; but I have been long accus tomed to distinguish the various objects which come from the West."

Solvuntur risu tabule. - This incident was of more use to the missionaries, and relieved them more completely from the cloud which had hung over them, than anything else that could have occurred. The only fear and anxiety of the regent himself was effectually removed, and from being virtually prisoners, and their baggage under seal, they returned in a sort of ovation to their lodging. It did not seem unreasonable for them, under all the circumstances, to hope that they might remain unmolested in the country. This appeared still more probable after their friend, the regent, had allowed them to take up their quarters in a house

belonging to the government, where they established a chapel, and where they were visited by both Thibetians and Chinese, some of whom manifested no disinclination towards the Romish worship. Enough has been shown to prove that, in external rites, there is not a great deal of difference, give the Papal emissaries great practical advantages over Protestant missionaries. Whatever

fear originated since the visit of our countryman and there are, besides, certain circumstances which

Moorcroft, who, according to the Thibetians, introduced himself at Lhassa as a native of Cashmere.

They stated that, after a residence of some years, he took his departure, but was murdered on his way to Ladak. Among his effects were a number of maps and designs, which he had executed during his stay in this country; and hence the fear of mapmakers. The truth, however, is that this fear has been of long standing, in China at least, where the common notion of an Englishman is that of a bipes implumis who goes about making maps of the country, with an express view to future conquest. Keying, the most liberal Chinese we have ever had to deal with, was in a perpetual fidget

about the coast survey, carried on, since the peace, by that able officer Captain Collinson, between Hong-Kong and Shanghae, and plagued H. M. plenipotentiary incessantly on the subject. It was

*The time and place of Moorcroft's death near Balkh, as related by Professor Wilson, have been -confirmed through repeated notices gathered by Barnes and others during our occupation of Cabuland the adjacent countries, and there is no doubt of the fact. Moorcroft's residence for twelve years, from

1826 to 1838, at Lhassa, without being heard of,

directly or indirectly, by any European, whether in India, Nepaul, China, or Russia, is incredible on the face of it.

may be the evils or scandals attending celibacy in the Romish Church, (and Dr. Dens' miscalled "Theology" proves its dangers in the confessional,) it has been very useful to them in the case of foreign missions, and in the exploration of untried regions or new fields of action. The very undertaking we are considering could never have been accomplished by Protestant clergymen encumbered with the "impedimenta" of wives and families. When a missionary is nominated from England, the prospect of a provision, supposing him to be single, generally induces him to marry, and he

fixes himself down, say at one of the five ports of China, for perhaps his life, with the very moderate prospect of converting the empire from a place corresponding to one of our seaports. If he dies prematurely, which is often the case, the funds which sent him out become charged with the maintenance of those whom he leaves behind, and we need only look over the accounts of the Propagation Society to see that a very considerable amount of their funds (most justly and unavoidably we admit) are swallowed up annually in this way.

The interval of prosperity now enjoyed by our travellers, but destined to be too soon interrupted, conversations with Ke-shen. His Canton recollections seemed to haunt him. Ke-shen asked us for news of Palmerston; if he was still minister of foreign affairs. He gave them a graphic and perfectly true description of the absolute power of the Chinese sovereign :

was varied by some interesting and unreserved | China has long exercised the same sort of power ici, assise en paix dans ta chambre.-Va-t-en tout | reported that they found in his house, or at least his doucement, répondit l'épouse; va-t-en tout douce- possession, 682 Chinese pounds of gold, being

Our emperor says to us, "You see that is white." We prostrate ourselves, and answer, "Yes, it is white." Then he shows us the same thing, and says, "You see that is black." We prostrate ourselves again, and say, "Yes, it is black." But if you were to say that a thing could not at the same time be both black and white, the emperor would say perhaps to him who had that boldness, "You are right"-but at the same time he would cause him to be strangled or beheaded.

Ke-shen was a high authority on this subject, for he had been one of the emperor's privy councillors.

M. Huc persuades himself, naturally enough perhaps, that the Chinese resident at Lhassa became jealous of the progress made by himself and M. Gabet among the Thibetians, and therefore determined on bringing about their departure from the country; but any Chinese functionary in his position would have deemed such a measure necessary, and a mere act of prudence as concerned himself, considering he served a master who, as we have just seen, treats his servants in so truculent a style, even when they have reason on their side. Ke-shen had already been once condemned to death himself.

One day the ambassador, Ke-shen, had us called,

and, after much cajolery, he ended by telling us that

Thibet was a cold country, too poor for us, and that we must think about going back to France. He said this with a kind of careless frankness, as if he had supposed that no objection could be made to it. We asked him whether in thus speaking he intended to give us advice or commands?" Both," said he coldly.

They in vain urged that they were not Chinese subjects, and therefore disclaimed his assumed authority over them in Thibet. The conference was abruptly terminated by their being informed that they must prepare themselves to quit the country. They went at once to their friend, the regent, who, in words at least, seemed to impress them with the notion that he did not consider their departure absolutely depended on the will of the Chinese Resident. The habitual insincerity of Asiatics renders them very ready to say anything that may be agreeable to their hearers, and their love of ease makes them willing to avoid unpleasant discussions. It is very probable that the regent was jealous of Ke-shen; but we cannot go quite the length of imagining, with M. Huc, that a ready compliance with the determination of Ke-shen on the part of himself and M. Gabet became necessary, " de peur de compromettre le regent, et de devenir, peut-être, la cause de fâcheuses dissensions entre la Chine et le Thibet." We are persuaded that, whatever circumstances may occur to occasion a war between Thibet and China, it will not be for such a cause as this. M. Huc must before now have become sensi

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or influence in countries very far west of Lhassa, and therefore more distant from Peking.

It was certainly a stipulation in 1845, between M. de Lagrené, the French minister, and Keying, that the Romish religion should no longer be subject to persecution in China; and Sir John Davis lost no time in obtaining for Protestants whatever privileges were to be accorded to Romanists. In 1847, however, two Romish bishops, in partibus, were found in the interior, and immediately sent off to the coast, whence they found their way to Hong-Kong, indignant at what seemed to them so direct a violation of treaties. The Chinese government declared that the privileges in question were only intended for the Five Ports where Europeans were permitted to reside, and that they did not extend to admitting the teachers of Christianity into the interior.

We altogether concur with M. Huc on one point. If the two missionaries were to quit Lhassa, they might at least have been allowed to leave it in the readiest and easiest way. Within three weeks' journey was the frontier of Bengal, whence it was their wish to proceed to Calcutta. But no; Chinese fears and jealousies had decreed otherwise. The same absurd precaution which had caused certain emissaries from Russia to be conducted by a roundabout course from Kiachta to Peking, doomed our poor missionaries to travail from Lhassa through alpine passes to the frontier of China, and from thence to Canton-a weary course of about eight months. They protested in vain, and declared they would denounce this cruel measure to the French government. Ke-shen was inflexible, observing that he must remember what was expected from him by the emperor, and take care of his own head.

A good escort, however, was provided, and every care taken for the welfare of our travellers. A mandarin of respectable military rank, and fifteen Chinese soldiers, were charged with their safe conduct by Ke-shen in person, who, moreover, in a most edifying oration, recorded by M. Huc, pointed out their respective duties; and truly the undertaking before them was not a light one, as the description of the journey to the Chinese frontier (where the present work concludes) will easily show. In this almost impassable tract of country we may discover the real cause of the separation, for so many ages, of China from the Western world; for mountains of nearly the same alpine character extend all the way from Tartary southwards to Yunnan and the frontiers of the Burmese empire. The hardships of the present journey, undertaken under all possible advantages, killed no less than three mandarins, that is, their conductor and two others who joined them on the route. We must observe, however, that the former had been invalided from his duties on account of swelled legs and other, probably dropsical, symptoms, brought on by the abuse of stimulating liquors. We must give our author's description of this mandarin's separation from his Thibetian wife, as it is a specimen of M. Huc's style :

Avant de monter à cheval, une Thibétaine vigoureusement membrée et assez proprement vêtue se presenta; e'était la femme de Ly-kouo-ngan. Il l'avait épousée depuis six ans, et il allait l'abandonner pour toujours. Ces deux conjugales moitiés ne devant plus se revoir, il était bien juste qu'au moment d'une si déchirante séparation, il y eut quelques mots d'adieu. La chose se fit en publique, et de la manière suivante. - Voilà que nous partons, dit le mari; toi, demeure

ment, et prends bien garde aux enflures de tes jambes. Elle mit ensuite une main devant ses yeux, comme pour faire croire qu'elle pleurait. -Tiens, dit le Pacificateur des royaumes* en se tournant vers nous; elles sont drôles ces femmes Thibétaines; je lui laisse une maison solidement bâtie, et puis une foule de meubles presque tout neufs, et voilà qu'elle s'avise de pleurer! Est-ce qu'elle n'est pas contente comme cela. Après ces adieux si pleins d'onction et de tendresse, tout le

monde monta à cheval.

[Before getting on horseback, a stout, well-made Thibetian woman, well dressed, made her appearance. It was the wife of Ly-kouo-ngan. They had been married six years, and he was going to leave her forThese conjugal halves, not being to see each



other again, it was proper that at such an excruciating separation, they should have some words of fare well. The affair came off in public, and in this man"We are going to set off," said the husband; "do thou remain here, and sit quietly in thy chamber."-"Go carefully," answered the wife, "and take care of the swellings of your legs." She then put one hand before her eyes, as if to pretend that she wept. "Just see," said the husband, turning to us, "how queer these Thibetian women are! I leave her a well-built house, besides a quantity of furniture nearly new-and yet she is going to cry! Is she not

satisfied with that?" After these adieux, so full of

soul and tenderness, we all mounted our horses.]

One word more about Ke-shen. A most striking trait of Chinese character is recorded by M. Huc, just as he is on the point of departure. We have seen the circumstances under which our missionaries took leave of the imperial representative at Lhassa. Whatever he might think or say on the occasion, they, at least, had just cause to consider themselves treated by him with unnecessary harshness; if not for their removal from Thibet, at least for their removal by the way of China, instead of Bengal. Notwithstanding all this, he drew them aside at their last interview, and said confidentially: "I shall soon be on my way to China myself; that I may not be overcharged with effects on my departure, I send two large chests by this opportunity; they are covered with Thibet cow skins (showing us at the same time how they were lettered); I recommend these two cases to your special care. When you reach the relays at night, let them be deposited in your sleeping apartment; and when you arrive at the capital of Sse-chuen province, deliver them to the care of the viceroy." Thus, when a Chinese officer, a countryman and nominee of his own, was going the same journey, he preferred entrusting this treasure (for such no doubt it was) to two poor European missionaries, whom he had injured, rather than to a Chinese mandarin of respectable station, who was, in a great measure, his own dependant. He had often said that he admired and respected the European probity, and this was a practical proof of it. M. Huc very justly adds: "This mark of confidence gave us pleasure: it was a compliment to the honesty of Christians, and at the same time a bitter satire upon

the Chinese character."

Some time after Ke-shen's disgrace, there ap

peared at Hong-Kong the copy of a Peking gazette, which detailed the circumstances of his sentence, and gave the amount of his registered property. The two ministers commissioned on the occasion

* A play on his Chinese name.

about 14,560 English ounces; but of silver the enormous amount was 17,940,000 taels, which is more than six millions sterling, or as nearly as possible the whole amount of indemnity paid to England on account of the war, including the ransom of Canton. Ke-shen might thus truly be said to have " paid for the war." But, as if this were not enough, his women were sold by auction (Mr. Robins never had such an opportunity), and when he reached the capital from Canton, he was without the necessaries of life, though the emperor soon packed him off to Elee, the Celestial Siberia.* After all this, it was rather cool, when his services were wanted, to appoint him resident at Lhassa; where, however, he soon contrived to do something towards repairing his broken fortunes, by helping himself to the gold and precious stones in which Thibet abounds. The two chests in charge of the missionaries were, no doubt, an instalment of his remittances to China; and he is now viceroy of the province of Sse-chuen, (whither he sent the chests,) one of the largest of the empire, being equal in area to all France. This strange history is not unlike that of many a minister of the Celestial Empire.

Our missionaries make no pretension to learning; and are credulous in proportion. But their notices of the life before them are curious, and, we believe, truthful. We will conclude with two very extraordinary Thibetian customs, which we do not remember in Turner; though it must be observed that, while they did not reach Ladak or the Indian frontier, neither did Turner reach Lhassa or the Chinese.

The Thibetian women at their toilette submit to a custom, or rather to a regulation, almost incredible. Before going out of their houses they anoint their faces with a black and sticky varnish, a good deal like preserved raisins. As their object is to make themselves ugly and hideous, they spread this nasty paint over their faces every way, and daub themselves so as no longer to look like human beings.

It is certainly something altogether new to find any race of women with the ambition " de se rendre laides et hideuses," but it must be an amazing simplification of the business of the toilet. The only wonder is that such a custom was ever submitted to, when, as M. Huc states, a certain Nomekhan, or Lama-king of the country, imposed it on the female part of the community, as a corrective of their morals and a protection to their virtue.

In order to put a stop to a licentiousness which was beco becoming almost general, Nomekhan published an edict, by which women were prohibited from appearing in public without daubing their faces in the manner we have described. High moral and religious considerations caused this strange law, and threatened the disobedient with severe punishments, and, above all, with the wrath of Buddha.

Nothing but a hierarchy, or rather, a nation of priests, could ever have succeeded in so monstrous a scheme of moral or religious discipline, more unnatural than the nunneries of Romanism.


need not sure look frightful, though one's dead."

* M. Huc has the true version of the story. "The emperor, in his paternal tenderness, gave him his life, and contented himself with degrading him from all his titles, taking all his decorations from him, confiscating his goods, razing his house, selling his the extremity of Tartary."

+ The Yak of Thibet, bœuf à long poil, figured in wives at auction, and sending him to banishment at Turner's embassy.

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