470 he's set i Found ry to m "Tell him I'm doing all I can! T think it's an easy matter to persuade do a thing he don't like! Tell him the in the business now, he'll spoil all. A you what, Bessy, we should have a chance by and by, after this business over. Tell your unele so, Bessy; it w do for my father to see von now. It w against you, and wh body, there's no one will. One the Cathedral. I er to wait till ng who was om Mr. He uch asked eform from ng ses- car he thing me squire g horse would ved in been al that very dangerous character to susceptible hearts that could not be deferred-and that w -"an exceedingly interesting young man ;" and of Bessy's child. Time was adva when the fair Emily read in those expressive eyes Uncle Philpots threatening to break the love which the lips durst not reveal, she fear Vincent Halloway delayed longer t lessly opened her bosom to the charms. She knew promise. He wrote him a letter to of no reason why she should not. There was no enclosing it in one to his sister, bidding inequality of condition; her lover's father and her it herself, "because he was afraid the own were on terms of cordiality, and Vincent's Bessy wouldn't have pluck enough reputation was unimpeached-the knowledge of Bessy did deliver it, however, at her his unfortunate connection with Bessy Mure not quest; and Vincent, with ill-conceale having extended beyond the humble villagers of entreated her to keep her uncle quie the neighborhood. Indeed, Mr. Halkelt himself, while longer. who conceived that the only son of so rigid a father must be a model of virtue, and who was well aware that old Jacob's coffers were not ill lined, gave every encouragement to the intimacy between the young people by throwing his doors open to Vincent whenever he liked to come; whilst Jacob, whose preparations for the next world had not taught him to despise the goods of this, if he did not give his countenance at least shut his eyes to the fast growing intimacy at the silk-mercer's. Meantime, whilst Vincent was revel In his new life-a life of ecstatic happine one dark spot that threw its gloop every joy-poor Bessy's hour of t nigh. He seldom saw her now, as he could. Business, he told from home-business connect Bill, that was expected to pa sion; and Bessy thought it to have a husband that was and rode to Taunton on a about such grand matters mately make her his wif of his growing neglect divest herself of the tained by many simple bit of paper with his 1 more delicate and su would have been age fears and suspicions sort. When she di the consequences of ashamed and alarm were rare in the great pains to in morals of his fl ure and reproc of the indignat of old Mr. H pots being reiterated to for the pre rogated V he alway father hear of it at my with, why, she can't help herself, and she 'll be 16 hasten on his marriage, therefore, was the And if my mother dies before we're married, rather relinquish you altogether, though I broke Lipstics, who had ridden with a batter, and was lounging ghout the stables whilst waiting the the answer. The man housing been why but in the marvin of the wirer, was well wumph tenta And Emily, who was in love, and very willing for, though they had not met for the They to be married, and who, from Vincent's descrip unturally 6-ll into comerantion about Bormer day tion, entertained a horror of the rigorous rule gud and old nequintanen, in the tech the dull uniformity of old Jacob's manage, fell into his gromm modes athuston to Vimeout Hattie' views, and gave him her best support in the siege approaching marriage with Miss Halbe Now he laid to Mr. Hallet's find paternal heart, who, Ton was proud deal surprised at this intelligenes in conjunction with Vincent's mother, undertople to and rather displenerul than othing but that he attack and overcome Jacob an enterprise, which, eareal anything about Rossy on her misburga, but but for the temporary revolution wrought in him he felt a twinpe of ensy at Vincent's pool book of by political excitement, no man or women would which he thought him the ban dersing the hos have ventured to attempt. But the cause of Reform had been for some the past in the produnt proce was advancing favorably, the Reformers were of dropping the young libo-lamitha aequalitama gaining such signal victories over their adversaring, and the men for his my doing was now jebuln That the gloomy spirit of the old Puritan rejoiced, Vincent was petting up in the world, gout for w and his close heart opened to more kindly infle not prontend mph bir hing And Jos se pr Neither was, he insensible to the enfrenties bely upped in his comm-luetone Itur no thiy ful Rachel, who, under the apprehension Butter's ill poolpro restriction the Intimary soul ould not live long, was extremely ans probably have time, but Vimeo pt, could b her son married and removed from hetentel is equaintance, would pertainly re likely to terminate in strife and prefer had company to me, and in bot to his son's marrings with his twly be the pur Funty, not the mome daughter, and t up to hep that it would be better to *** VIH |