By me o'r thee, as justments to the dead, Forgive, forgive me ; since I did not know Whether thy bones had here their rest, or no. But now 'tis known, behold, behold, I bring Unto thy ghost th... Littell's Living Age - Page 1971910Full view - About this book
 | Robert Herrick - 1823 - 330 pages
...To doe the rites to thy religious tombe ; That neither haire was cut, or true teares shed By me, o'r thee, as justments to the dead ; Forgive, forgive...know Whether thy bones had here their rest or no. But now 'tis known, behold, behold, I bring Unto thy ghost, th' effused offering ; And look, what smallage,... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1825 - 334 pages
...To doe the rites to thy religious tombe ; That neither haire was cut, or true teares shed By me, o'r thee, as justments to the dead ; Forgive, forgive...know Whether thy bones had here their rest or no. But now 'tis known, behold, behold, I bring Unto thy ghost, th' effused offering ; And look, what smallage,... | |
 | 1910 - 848 pages
...That for seven lustres I did never come To doe the rites of thy Religious Tombe: That neither haire was cut, or true teares shed By me o'er thee (as Justments...leisure to receive deep Inspiration from the past "Balaustion's Adventure" and "Atalanta in Calydon" are worlds apart. But they are not less divided... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1852 - 744 pages
...lustres I did never come To do the rites to thy religious tomb ; That neither hair was cut, or true tears shed By me, o'er thee, as justments to the dead ;...know Whether thy bones had here their rest or no. But now 'tis known, behold, behold I bring Unto thy ghost, th' effused offering : And look, what smallage,... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1856 - 380 pages
...To do the rites to thy religious tombe ; That neither haire was cut, or true teares shed By me o'r thee, as justments to the dead, Forgive, forgive me...know Whether thy bones had here their rest, or no. But now 'tis known, behold, behold, I bring Unto thy ghost th" effused offering : And look, what smallage,... | |
 | Hubert Ashton Holden - 1866 - 726 pages doe the rites to thy religious tombe: that neither haire was cut, or true teares shed by me, or thee, (as justments to the dead) forgive, forgive...know whether thy bones had here their rest, or no. But now 'tis known, Behold, behold, I bring unto thy ghost th' effuse'd offering: and look, what smallage,... | |
 | 1866 - 388 pages
...To do the rites to thy religious tombe ; That neither haire was cut, or true teares shed By me o'r thee, as justments to the dead, Forgive, forgive me...know Whether thy bones had here their rest, or no. But now 'tis known, behold, behold, I bring Unto thy ghost th' effused offering : And look, what smallage,... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1869 - 304 pages
...thy religious tombe ; That neither haire was cut, or true teares shed By me, o'r thee, asjustments to the dead : Forgive, forgive me ; since I did not...know Whether thy bones had here their rest, or no. But now 'tis known, behold, behold, I bring Unto thy ghost th' effused offering : And look, what smallage,... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1876 - 490 pages
...thy Religious Tombe ; That neither haire was cut, or true teares shed By me, o'r thee, (as justments9 to the dead) Forgive, forgive me ; since I did not know Whether thy bones had here their Rest, or no.1 But now 'tis known, Behold ; behold, I bring Unto thy Ghost th' Effused Offering : And look, what... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1876 - 482 pages
...fustments9 to the dead) • From the Latin jutta, funeral obsequies : query — a coinage of Herrick? Forgive, forgive me ; since I did not know Whether thy bones had here their Rest, or no.1 But now 'tis known, Behold j behold, I bring Unto thy Ghost th' Effused Offering : And look, what... | |
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