For I trust if an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hill, And the rushing battle-bolt sang from the three-decker out of the foam, That the smooth-faced snubnosed rogue would leap from his counter and till, And strike, if he could, were it but with... Littell's Living Age - Page 6111910Full view - About this book
 | 1855 - 620 pages
...enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hill And the rushing battle bolt sang from the three decker out of the foam, That the smooth-faced, snub-nosed rogue would leap from hia counter and till, And strike if he could, were it but with his cheating yardwand, home.' But how... | |
 | 1910 - 848 pages
...higher than cheapness and a free breakfast table, may face invasion with what spirit the demagogues and their greed have left him. "For I trust," wrote Tennyson,...but with his cheating yardwand. home. The cheating yardu-iind. the most ignoble of weapons, is better than no weapon at all, and it was Tennyson's great... | |
 | Marlborough coll - 1855 - 126 pages
...and his earlier productions. We select two lines as fine as any the poem produces : — " For I trust if an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hill, And the rushing battle bolt sang from the three-decker out of the foam." but how sadly is the effect spoiled by what... | |
 | Robert Kemp Philp - 1855 - 936 pages
...hope even in these wicked wights : ' ' For I trust if an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hiil. And the rushing battle-bolt sang from the threedecker...were It but with his cheating yardwand, home." The story of the poem has little in it. It opens with a fiercely drawn picture of a ruined household ;... | |
 | 1855 - 724 pages
...battles, and shaking a hundred thrones. For I trust If an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the bill, And the rushing battle-bolt sang from the three-decker...That the smoothfaced snubnosed rogue would leap from MS counter and tin, And strike, if he could, were it hut with his cheating yard wand, home. Having... | |
 | Robert Aspland - 1855 - 802 pages
...loud war by land and by sea, War with a thousand battles, and shaking a hundred thrones. For I trust if an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hill,...could, were it but with his cheating yardwand, home." That the adulteration of food has proceeded to a frightful extent—that legislative interference has... | |
 | 1855 - 1416 pages
...War with a thousand battles, and shaking a hundred thrones. THB IRISH QUARTERLY REVIEW. For I trust if an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hill....would leap from his counter and till, And strike, If be could, were it but with his cheating yardwand, home. Having Ihus disposed of the times, Tennyson,... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1855 - 180 pages
...war by land and by sea, War with a thousand battles, and shaking a hundred thrones. 13. For I trust if an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hill,...snub-nosed rogue would leap from his counter and till, 14. There are workmen up at the Hall : they are coming back from abroad, The dark old place will be... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1855 - 176 pages
...war by land and by sea, War with a thousand battles, and shaking a hundred thrones. 13. For I trust if an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hill,...snub-nosed rogue would leap from his counter and till, 14. There are workmen up at the Hall : they are coming back from abroad, The dark old place will be... | |
 | University magazine - 1855 - 776 pages
...loud war by land and by sea, War with a thousand battles, and shaking a hundred thrones. " For I trust if an enemy's fleet came yonder round by the hill,...three-decker out of the foam, That the smoothfaced suubnosed rogue would leap from his counter and till, And strike, if he could, were it but with his... | |
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