I vowed that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine— have I not kept the vow? With beating heart and streaming eyes, even now I call the phantoms of a thousand hours Each from his voiceless grave ; they have in... Littell's Living Age - Page 3881910Full view - About this book
 | 1904 - 738 pages
...Surround the world," he save. In boyhood he vowed himself to the service of intellectual beauty: " I vowed that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine : have I not kept the vow 1" Not that Shelley wa-j perfect, not that he was an archangel, as some of his admirers would... | |
 | Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1831 - 624 pages
...and blossoming, Sudden, thy shadow fell on me : I shriek'd, and clasp'd my hands in ecstasy ! I vow'd is better, I resign it to the hands Of Providence. For what am I, the vow? With beating heart and streaming eyes, even now I t»ll the phantoms of a thousand hours Each... | |
 | 1835 - 598 pages
...to cherish all things — or, as he beautifully says, in his " Ode to intellectual Beauty :" I vow'd that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine : — have I not kept the row ? With beating heart, and straining eyes even now J call the phantoms of a thousand hours,... | |
 | 1836 - 802 pages
...and blossoming Sutldcn thy shadow fell on me — I shrieked and clasp'd my hands in ccetacy ! I vow'd that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine : have I not kept the vow ? Wilh beating heart and streaming eyes, even now I call the phantoms of a thousand hours Each... | |
 | Robert Walsh - 1836 - 522 pages
...birds and blossoming. Sudden, thy shadow fell on me: I shrieked, and clasped ray hands in ecstacy : I vowed that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine. Have 1 not kept the vow? " They know that never joy illumed my brow, Unlinked with hope; that thou would'st... | |
 | Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1838 - 634 pages
...and blossoming, Sudden, thy ihadow fell on me : I shriek'd, and clasp'd my hand* in ecstasy ! [ vow'd that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine : have I not kept the vow 1 With beating heart and streaming eyes, even now I call the phantoms of a thousand hours Each... | |
 | William Wetmore Story - 1842 - 206 pages
...might he have addressed to his art, those lines of Shelley in the " Hymn to Intellectual Beauty : " " I vowed that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine : have I not kept the vow ? With beating heart and streaming eyes, even now I call the phantoms of a thousand hours,... | |
 | Henry Barkley Henderson - 1843 - 374 pages
...and blossoming,— Sudden a Shadow fell on me ; I shriek'd, and clasp'd my hands in ecstacy. I vow'd that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine ;— have I not kept my vow ? With beating heart and streaming eyes, e'en now I call the Phantoms of a thousand hours, THE BENGALEE.... | |
 | 1910 - 848 pages
...With phantoms an unprofitable strife. And in mad trance strike with our spirit's knife Invulnerable nothings. When we die, we awake Into Reality — that...was consecrated: I vowed that I would dedicate my pow•ra To thee and thine — have I not kept my vow? He calls it "Intellectual Beauty"; he impersonates... | |
 | Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1845 - 560 pages
...and blossoming, Sudden, thy shadow fell on me : I shrick'd, and clasp'd my hands in ecstasy ! I vow'd that I would dedicate my powers To thee and thine : have I not kept the vow 1 With healing heart and streaming eyes, even now I call the phantoms of a thousand hours Each... | |
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