3 of Allsopp's beer, and he is evidently convinc-| back even now many centuries. Each people the House of Lords, when alluding to the Lord Clarendon observed the other day in Union between the two countries, that there was no longer an English Cabinet and a French Cabinet, but one sole Cabinet whose members were deliberating indifferently at one The whole of Paris seems suddenly to have acquired a knowledge of the English language, for there is scarcely a shop in which the passerby is not informed that "English is spoken." This notice of the possession of the vernacular is occasionally of the quaintest kind, or ambiguously worded as the dicta of the Delphic oracle. The Englishman who has got through the elements of the tongue may guess its meaning by the help of the corresponding translation in French. But it is not rare to see our new arrivals horribly puzzled when or the other side of the Channel. From they see on the windows of an eating-house in one of the back streets such notices as this, "Bifsticks. Rosbiff-English spoken, et cuit a point." Or, again, in a Magasin de Modes, "Dentelles et blondes-English spoken avec the visit of Queen Victoria :de broderies superbes." Or, again, “Drab this day, when Queen Victoria makes her en; "It is this day that the Queen of England bon marché, presque pour rien-English spo- is to make her entrance into Paris. The preken, a 4 francs la mètre." Or " Bon Vin-sence of Queen Victoria in France will be for English spoken, a 75 centimes le litre," etc. During the whole night the sound of the tifying their sentiments of affection and respect the inhabitants of Paris, an occasion for teshammer and the saw has not ceased. Struc- for the powerful ally of the Emperor, for that tures have arisen everywhere almost with the Sovereign, whose vast States do not count less rapidity of Aladdin's palace, and at one mo- than 200,000,000 of subjects; in this circumment the great central thoroughfares seemed stance they will be the interpreters for all as if the days of barricading had again return- the nation; the Queen will find here a weled. The barricades and arches are there, but come not less cordial, not less enthusiastic than how different the purpose! Lofty poles and that which the Emperor and Empress have restately columns, with flags and streamers float-ceived in London. Certainly, one of the most ing in the air, and tipped with gold, and the important facts of our epoch, so fertile in great multitudes that crowd the public places are no events, will be this visit to Paris of the Queen longer wild bands in arms rushing to shed of England, under the reign of the Emperor each other's blood. Of the thousands of work- Napoleon; this solemn consecration of an almen who are employed to adorn the city and liance now cemented by sufferings and victorender it worthy the visit of a mighty sove- ries in common, and which draw closer still reign many may have figured in other times the mutual sympathies of the Sovereigns. in other occupations than preparing for the What more striking proof of her friendship presence of Royalty. The visit of the Queen can England give us than thus to confide to of England is the seal to that alliance which us at one and the same time her well-beloved three short years ago few would have dreamed Sovereign, who is a brilliant example on the of. It is an event which will be recorded in throne of every virtue, and the young Prince future annals as one of the most remarkable who is to succeed her? France will worthily of the extraordinary times we live in. The reply to this loyal confidence. The welcome reception prepared for her is not merely an given to the Queen of Great Britain will be act of courtesy offered by a gallant and chiv- addressed also to the august spouse so intialrous people to an august lady-it is a politi-mately associated with her high destinies, and cal act of the highest importance; it is the ap- who, by the rare qualities of his mind and by proval expressed by an entire people of the his noble character, has known how to concilipolicy of its Government, and a new and un- ate the esteem and affection of the English mistakable adhesion to the English alliance. nation. From the eagerness which is maniWhile thus welcoming Queen Victoria, France fested in all classes, from the preparations celebrates the reconciliation of two powerful which are making upon the points of passage nations who have effaced in the glorious fra- of these august guests, it is easy to discern ternity of arms the last traces of ancient hat- that the population comprehends all the bearred, whose germs are, let us hope, for ever de-ing of this great event, that it associates itself stroyed. Those recollections seem thrown heart and soul with the sentiments of the Em peror for his faithful ally, and that the arrival of the Queen of England in Paris will be a day of rejoicing for all France." BOULOGNE, Saturday. ing upon the ears of the Royal visitors, who could now distinctly see from the deck the fine cathedral-like dome of the church in the Upper Town, and the clean stone houses of the Haute Ville. The English men-of-war now THIS event, fraught with so much interest to took up the mimic thunder, and broadside afthe destinies of Europe, has this day set the ter broadside pealed from them. The ships seal to an alliance consecrated and cemented were soon enveloped in smoke, and when it by the blood already shed in defence of civili- had cleared away and the Royal yacht had zation. The news of the glorious successes neared the squadron every ship appeared of the French arms in the Crimea, which only with manned yards. As the Victoria and Alpreceded Her Majesty's arrival by a few bert drew still nearer to the shore a long dark hours, the recent destruction of Sweaborg by streak was seen stretching along the heights the allied fleets, and the commencement of for miles to the right and left of the town. another and, it is hoped, final bombardment Then wreaths and puffs of smoke, the gleam of the Russian lines south of Sebastopol, were of bayonets, and, by and by, the distant rattle circumstances of such happy augury that the of musketry converted the long dark streak Queen seemed to bring victory and good for- into lines of French soldiery. They not only tune with her; while the glorious harvest crowned the heights, but wherever a lower weather, with its associations of plenty and ridge upon the cliffs gave "coigne of vantage abundance, gave superadded joyousness to the to a company of infantry there were drawn Royal progress. A cloudless sky, a sea re-up Chasseurs de Vincennes, or the light comsembling a glassy Inland lake, reflecting in panies of a French infantry regiment, whose every slight ripple the rays of a brilliant Au- sharp volleys alternated with the deep-mouthgust sun, a people feverish and excited with a ed welcome of the ordnance of the port. mingled feeling of enthusiasm and curiosity, When the Royal yacht crossed the bar, at 15 but offering the respectful homage of its ad- minutes to 2, loud hurrahs broke from the miration, and all the minor accessaries and crowds upon the left jetty. On the right jettokens of welcome which the boundless taste ty, along the lower stage near the water, was and ingenuity of an accomplished people one unbroken line of French infantry, who could devise have greeted Queen Victoria's entry into France. " presented arms as the Royal yacht passed. Bands of music were stationed at intervals on The Victoria and Albert Royal yacht, with both sides of the jetty, and the wonderfully spirthe Queen and Prince Albert, the Prince of ited and vigorous roll of the French drums was Wales, the Princess Royal, and the members continuous. The spectacle was now extremely of the Royal suite, left Osborne at 4.30 this striking. The quay contained an immense multimorning. She passed Cowes at 6.10, Beachy- tude. Tricolored flags and British ensigns wavhead at 8.45, Dungeness at 11.25, was sighted ed in profusion from every house, and the whole at Boulogne about 12.30, and arrived off port was gay with streamers, flags, and garBoulogne about half-past 1. A mist over- lands. Every window had its group of fair spread the channel early in the morning, but spectators. Opposite the Depôt de Bagages it cleared away as the day advanced. When was seen a square pavilion or small templethe Royal yacht had steamed to within about like edifice, open at the sides and decorated four miles from Boulogne, Captain Smithett, in the style of the loggie of the Vatican, which, who piloted her, waited a few minutes either as it appeared the most conspicuous object for the tide or for the arrival of the steamers along the quay, was correctly supposed to be forming the Royal escort, or for both, and the place where the Emperor awaited the arthen the Victoria and Albert, conspicuous by rival of his Royal visitors. As soon as the her three masts, her great size, and fine pro- Victoria and Albert drew alongside this pavilportions, steamed majestically for the harbor. ion Her Majesty appeared at the ship's side, She carried the Royal standard of England at and gracefully acknowledged the salutations the main, the tricolor at the fore, the union of the Emperor. A stage was thrown on jack at the bows, and the Royal ensign at the board, the Emperor quickly ran up the platstern. The English men-of-war forming the form, and, after respectfully kissing her Masquadron of honor were drawn up outside the jesty's hand, saluted her upon both cheeks, harbor, and formed an imposing spectacle. according to imperial and Royal etiquette and Each ship had the British ensign and the tri- the theory which presumes that crowned heads color floating at the main, and each gave in- stand in sacred and fraternal relations to each numerable flags to the wind. At 25 minutes other. The Emperor then cordially shook past one the first note of welcome was given hands with Prince Albert, the Princess Royal, by the sharp ring of a brass gun at the batte- and the Prince of Wales, and, giving his hand ry on the Capecure side, and one after an- to the Queen, led her down the stage to the other the Royal salute came distantly boom-pavilion, within which state chairs were plac ed on a dais, and here Her Majesty, seated, adorned with flags, and high masts bore aloft received the congratulations of the civic au- the Imperial and Royal standards of France thorities and the English residents. After a and England. Within the courtyard were brief pause the Emperor led Her Majesty to three carpeted rows of seats for a select comone of the Royal carriages. The Princess pany, the backs of the stages being covered Royal took her place beside the Queen, and with velvet. The belfry tower over the grand Prince Albert and the Prince of Wales took entrance, the arches of the windows, and the the opposite seats, while the Emperor mount- pilasters had their appropriate standards, eaed his horse, and rode upon Her Majesty's gles, green leaves, and flowers, and initial right hand. letters in gold upon velvet. How can one At this spectacle of the Emperor himself describe the marquise, with its roof of velvet, forming a part of her Majesty's escort and its fine curtains of red velvet, its six candeguard of honor the acclamations of the multi- labra entwined and overflowing with flowers, tude were redoubled, and cries of "Vive la its exquisitely designed carpet-but a carpet Reine!" and "Vive l'Empereur!" were not worthy, as it should seem, of such visitors, mingled with the hearty cheers of the Eng- for it is covered with velvet where they are lish spectators. The French minister of to walk? The reception room was a wonder War rode at the opposite side of the Royal of French upholstery. Its walls hung with carriage, and the Emperor's brilliant staff rich red velvet, strewed with spangled bees followed. Then came a carriage containing and leopards, the openings covered with mus the two ladies in attendance upon the Queen, lin curtains and velvet hangings with golden the Earl of Clarendon, and the Marquis of acorns-its tribunes covered with velvet and Breadalbane. The other members of the embroidered with coats of arms-its twelve Royal Household followed, and the Dragoons huge vases of flowers suspended from the and Lancers brought up the rear. The road ceiling, and its one magnificent flower vase in was kept by French infantry, whose drums the centre, its richly designed carpet covering and bugles made military music as the Royal the whole space must in turn give place to the cavalcade slowly proceeded through dense marvels of the Queen's reception-room, with crowds to the railway station. Her Majesty, its door lined within with white velvet, its who appeared to be in excellent health and walls of red and white silk hangings crimped; spirits, acknowledged in the most gracious its mirrors, toilet tables, couches, sofas, and manner the vivats of the people. The Queen chairs disposed with that taste and eye to enwore a white bonnet and blue satin visite, and semble which made the spectators wonder Prince Albert a Field-Marshal's uniform, with whether Parisian taste in decoration could greatthe blue riband of the Garter. The Emperor ly transcend the splendors of the Boulogne wore the uniform of a general of division, railway-station. In the station itself, where with the Grand Cordon of the Legion of the Royal train was drawn up, were seats filled Honor. with English and French fashionables. The preparations made at the railway sta- Upon the arrival of the Royal party at the tion at Capecure to do honor to the Royal station the directors of the railroad were preguests were on a scale of surpassing magnifi-sented, and, after a short delay, the Royal cence. A sum of 25,000f. had been voted for party were ushered to their carriages. In the these decorations, and good taste as well as first saloon the Emperor, the Queen of Engliberality had presided over the distribution. land, the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, Two lodges were constructed at the entrance and the Princess Royal took their seats. At of the station, and between the lodges a tri- half-past 2 o'clock the train, containing nine umphal arch, 75 feet high, upon a scale of im- carriages, glided noiselessly from the station, posing grandeur, was constructed. The lower amid a salvo of artillery. Montreuil was the part of this arc de triomphe was of open gilt first station decorated in honor of the visitors. lattice-work, 40 feet high, and adorned with At Abbeville, the fine cathedral of which is flowers and evergreens tastefully disposed. At seen from the station, considerable preparathe spring of the arch was a green scroll, with tions were made to do honor to the guests of the words, "Welcome to France," in large the Emperor. Two thousand cavalry and ingold letters. The arms of England and France fantry were drawn up in view of the railway rose above the scroll, and a colossal figure re-station, at the entrance of which was a large presenting the Genius of Civilization held inscription, "Welcome to France," surmountaloft a scroll with a suitable inscription. The ed by an eagle and surrounded by flags. The flags of England and France, Turkey and Mayor and civic authorities of Abbeville Sardinia, waved side by side, and shields, ban-awaited the arrival of the train at the platners, emblazonments, streamers and garlands form, and proffered their congratulations, which of flowers were distributed through the various were received and acknowledged by Her Macompartments of the gigantic structure. The jesty in a manner that won the hearts of all two lodges on each side of the arch were also Abbeville. After clearing the railway station the tower of the cathedral again came in sight, | Our smoky atmosphere, our dingy, brick-built, and the graceful fringe of trees on both banks stuccoed streets, and the awkwardness of our of the river could hardly fail to be admired. people in getting up rapidly decorative effects The country here is richly wooded and pic- compel us to rely mainly upon the moral influturesque, and groves of trees and wooded ence of vast numbers in conveying to the slopes give place to cornfields. Up to this minds of illustrious foreigners a notion of what point the country had been smiling, not to say we are and what we think. We have no millaughing, with plenty. Fields of corn, like itary array adequate to hold in splendid pomp "golden shields cast down from the sun," had any long line of procession. We can scarcely waved in rich luxuriance, awaiting the tardy hang out a flag gracefully, and the thin blue reaper. France has no Ireland to send her line of policemen which usually guards our sturdy out-door laborers at the precise mo- streets on such occasions, however significant ment when they are wanted, and the agricul- of a well-disposed populace and good civil govtural districts seem in many places so thinly peopled that the ripe corn stands and sheds its ripest grains before the sickle can be brought into the field. Up to Abbeville the train dashed through a district containing excellent crops of grain. The scenery then changed to cattle-bearing meadows and the region of the willow and pollard, while villages of thatched cottages embowered among trees with a low-spired church in the middle were seen, and passed as soon as seen; and while looking at these changes of the railway phantasmagoria the train arrived at Amiens. Here the magistracy of the district were assembled, and the daughter of the Prefect, an interesting young lady of 17, habited in white, approached the royal carriage, and timidly but gracefully presented to the Queen a splendid bouquet, which her Majesty received with more than queenly courtesy. The progress of the train was extremely rapid after leaving Amiens, and the Royal party arrived safely at 10 minutes past 7 o'clock at Paris, the journey having been performed in four hours and a half. ernment, is not very captivating to the eye. Here, on the other hand, you have a cloudless sky, spacious thoroughfares set off on either hand by stately architecture, a noble army always at hand for the purposes of spectacle, and, above all, a people who, from the highest to the lowest, have more or less strongly developed artistic tendencies. The spectacle which the route of the Queen's progress presented to-day in all these respects rendered it a remarkable contrast to the Emperor's reception in London. By far the most striking scene then presented was the aspect of the Borough and Lambeth, the deep valleys of unwashed humanity through which the Imperial cortege passed, and the ringing cheers with which our working classes welcomed the ally of their Queen. Here everything was different. Instead of alighting at the station of the railway by which she trav elled to Paris, the Queen was conveyed to the terminus of the Strasbourg line, as best adapted by its architecture for adding to the ceremonial effects of a grand reception. Had it been necessary to make the circuit of Paris to gain that object, no doubt it would have been accomplished, and the same studious attention to The reception which greeted Queen Victo- whatever could give increased lustre to the ocria from the inhabitants of Paris will long be casion was perceptible in all the arrangements. remembered by every Englishman who wit- This will be rendered obvious by the following nessed it. In the honor there done to our details of the preparations within the terminus constitutional Sovereign the whole nation will and outside, along the line of procession:feel that it shares, and on their part the people On the platform, magnificently carpeted, and of the French metropolis appear equally ani- fitted up as a grand saloon, were collected the mated by the conviction that they gave ex-railway officials, the corps municipal, the counpression, for the time being, to the hospitable cillors of State, and the chief civil and military and generous sentiments of their great country. authorities. From the balconies overlooking The recent visit of the Emperor Napoleon to this area numbers of gayly dressed ladies looked London did not more unmistakably represent down upon the pomp of the reception. Overthe cordial interchange of friendship between head lines of pendant streamers along the nopowerful neighboring States than the scene ble span of the semicircular roof swayed gracewhich the streets of Paris witnessed this even-fully, whilst the succession of arches on which ing; and, although the two occasions are the side walls rest were cleverly hung with broadly marked out from each other by the portières, which completed the furnished aspect different modes in which the strong emotions of the interior. The entrance hall to the staof the hour found a voice, both had alike tion had been prepared as a special saloon for stamped upon them those essential characteristics which give to public events a high historic interest. We do not possess in our metropolis any of those facilities for display which this splendid city so abundantly commands. PARIS, Saturday Night. Her Majesty, and there were placed some fine orange trees in full blossom. Without, on the principal façade of the building, were displayed along the lines of the architecture draperies of purple velvet brocaded with gold, festooned with that noble street, the Rue de la Paix, which was so brilliantly ornamented as to make one almost wonder that the cortege was not irresistibly led to enter the Place de la Concorde and the Champs Elysées in that direction. Whether by fortunate accident or skilful premeditation, the decorations appeared gradually but even there enough was retained to preserve the festive character of the occasion and to heighten the ordinary effect of the coup d'ail. with laurel wreaths, having as their supports gilded eagles, and the whole splendidly set off by terminal groups of standards, bearing the flag of England, supported on either side by those of France, Sardinia, and Turkey, en faisceaux. The area of the courtyard was also covered with beds of flowers; and on the flat roofs of the lodges at either side extemporized to diminish as the more open space was gained; gardens had been established. At regular distances, all down the Boulevards, tall banner standards had been erected, from which long graceful streamers, suspended in the Venetian style, waved with every breath of air; and Those who do not know Paris will have some besides these street decorations each house had difficulty in realizing the splendid aspect of its separate manifestations of welcome, some- the line of Boulevards to-day, with the bright times in the form of a familiar tri-color, some- sunlight pouring down from a sky without a times in a bit of tapestry hung out from a bal- cloud, the pavements and carriage-way swarmcony, sometimes in the less pretending shape ing with people, the lofty houses with their of colored lanterns strung across from window jalousied windows thrown open and filled with to window, even to the lofty garret. It was spectators, the extensive ranges of balconies curious to observe the intense desire displayed all occupied, and in every direction that indesby all classes to make this wonderful city look cribable air of excitement manifest which its best and fairest before the eyes of our island marks the anticipation of a great public event. Queen, to inspire Her Majesty and the mem- Nothing could be finer, and Londoners might bers of the Royal family who accompanied her well gaze with a sense of humiliation at a specwith a due appreciation of the claims which tacle which the inferior architecture of their Paris has to be considered the gayest and most own metropolis renders it impossible for them brilliant capital in the world. Certainly those to approach. The road of the procession lay claims were never more overpoweringly dis- along the Boulevard de Strasbourg, the Port played. The great breadth of the Boulevards St. Denis, the Boulevards Bonne Nouvelle, and the importance of preserving the series of Poissonnière, Montmartre, Italiens, Des Capusplendid perspectives which they present un- cines, and the Madeleine, down to the Rue interrupted prevented a series of triumphal Royale, across the Place de la Concorde, and arches; but along the route of the procession by the Champs Elysées, the new avenue de l'Immany trophies had been erected, some of them peratrice, and the Bois de Boulogne to St. including sculpture of considerable merit, and Cloud. About 4 o'clock the troops, to the bearing inscriptions suitable to the occasion. number, it is said, of 100,000 men, half of the At one point the names of the departments in-line and half of the National Guard, began to scribed in shields drew attention to the senti- take up their positions on this immense and ment that Paris on that occasion represented splendid route. The former held the left side all France; at another it was some institution of the thoroughfare, and the latter the right, or private company close at hand, which, while, penned in behind them, the myriads of rushing to the edge of the trottoir, vindicated spectators gradually settled into their places its importance by setting up a special sign of and waited patiently for the arrival of the welcome. The one triumphal arch was really illustrious strangers. The Prefect of Police a fine piece of construction, and looked exceed-set down the number of people assembled at ingly imposing. Raised by the artistes of the 800,000, and, considering the vast accession Opera close to the Rue le Pelletier, it had the made within the last few days to the population inside of its piers and intrados covered with of Paris, it did not probably fall much short of Imperial bees, the terminal figures over each pier being formed by pairs of colossal eagles, with extended wings. At several other points chains of streamers, or cords to bear some pendant banner of inscription, crossed the thoroughfare, but otherwise the grand series of Vistas which the line of the Boulevards commands was not disturbed. It is worthy of remark that not only did the decorations extend throughout the route itself, but also along the side streets which open up from it, and that these were hung with flags and trophies of evergreens as far as the eye could penetrate down them. This was particularly observable that mighty aggregate. At particular points along the Boulevard a thin stream of passengers might occasionally be observed in slow movement, fighting their way through the fixed and immovable masses around them, but otherwise all movement was completely at an end, and for hours those who occupied the windows, balconies, and housetops had nothing better to do than to watch, now a band of young Polytechnic students, now the officers of different regiments, now the municipal authorities of the banlieues, now a party of sergens de ville in their black cocked hats, blue coats, and smart white pantaloons, sauntering or moving quickly |