Bears, Sagacity of, 424 Factory, Floating, 215 Fall, The, Philosophy of, 530 Beaumont and Fletcher, Licentiousness of, 396 Fielding and Thackeray, Bells of Cast Steel, Bellott, Lieut., Memoirs of, Bibles, Paragraph, 159 Figurative Language, 513 Fortifications, Science of, 750 France and Imperialism, 561 George the Third, Letters of, 90 Gossip of the Athenæum, 119 566 Fathers of New England, 577 252 769 525 139 113 362 705 219 128 443 672 593 747 448 179 553 375 530 Heligoland, 203 465 303 Human Voice, Philosophy of, 317 569 Hydropathy, 503 849 558 798 575 Italy, Movements and Prospects of, 217, 225, 813 232, 363-4-5, 380 527 143 Joan of Arc, 872 757 Joseph, King, Memoirs of, Taylor's Visit to India, China and Japan, 558 The Baltic Question, Telegraphic Message, First, . Teeth, Artificial, Thackeray, 66 and Fielding, "The Devil is an Ass," Thames, Ancient Embankment of, 510 England's Position, 503 Fall of Sebastopol, 237, 258, 355, 362 562 Philosophy of Sebastopol, 431 769 Russia in the Black Sea, 360 821 418 Turkish Government, 66 Poems on the War,. 66 Gentry at Home, 229, 367 253 Significance of the Struggle, 419 785 |