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ful supervision over the sanitary condition of their respective towns and cities, and to abate promptly any nuisance dangerous to the public health. It shall be the duty of local boards of health to make frequent sanitary inspections, and also to investigate without delay, any and all complaints, either written or verbal, relating to unsanitary conditions. Local boards of health shall see that public buildings, railway stations, schoolhouses, etc., are at all times kept in a good sanitary condition.

ART. XI. Local boards of health are instructed to examine carefully into the condition of public water-supplies and their watersheds, and as far as practicable to cause to be removed any and all conditions contaminating or liable to contaminate such supplies. During the summer months frequent examinations and inspections should be made.

ART. XII. Any person or corporation violating the rules and regulations issued by the state board of health shall be subject to a fine of not more than two hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not more than six months, or both, and it shall be the duty of any person to whom a knowledge of such violation may come to notify the state board of health.

ART. XIII. Local boards of health are directed to furnish a copy of this circular to every practitioner of medicine in their respective jurisdictions.



IRVING A. WATSON, Secretary.


Concord, N. H., May 22, 1893.

Copies of the law, rules and regulations, placards, blanks, circulars, etc., were transmitted to every local board of health in the state, accompanied with the following letter:


To the Local Board of Health:

CONCORD, May 6, 1893.

We inclose herewith copies of the law, rules and regulations for the restriction and prevention of epidemic diseases, etc., in accord

ance with an act of the legislature of 1893. Also suitable blanks upon which to report certain diseases, in accordance with the rules and regulations mentioned, together with copies of placards to be used.

You will observe that the law and the regulations are in some respects a new departure in this state, and any violation of the same will be attended with heavy penalties.

Form 1 is for the use of physicians or other persons in reporting the diseases named in the regulations.

Form 2 is for local boards of health to report the first case of either of the diseases named to the state board of health.

Form 3 is for weekly reports to the state board of health during the prevalence of the disease, instead of monthly reports as heretofore, and the old blanks should no longer be used.

You are respectfully requested to distribute a copy of the rules and regulations to each physician in your town or city, together with a few copies of blank Form 1; also to report promptly to this board any violation of the law.

If there is any point in these rules and regulations or in the blanks that is not perfectly plain, we shall be glad to give you all the information necessary to explain the same. We can furnish your board at any time circulars relating to the prevention and restriction of diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, and cholera, and we shall very soon issue a circular relating to the prevention and restriction of measles. After this date local boards of health are directed to placard houses infected with measles and to prohibit the children from such houses from attending the public schools, and they must enforce such isolation as they deem necessary to prevent the spread of the disease.

Per order,


Before any successful attempt can be made to restrict the spread of a disease, it becomes necessary to know of its existence; therefore it is required that each physician shall report every case of cholera, small-pox, typhus fever, yellow-fever, diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet-fever, and measles, coming under his observation, to the local

board of health. A violation of this rule is punishable by both fine and imprisonment. The necessity of such a regulation, as a part of the general plan of action in suppressing a given disease, is at once apparent.

The regulations referred to were promulgated to local boards of health about the first of June, accompanied by blank notifications for physicians' use, and also with the necessary blanks for local boards to make returns to the state board, in accordance with article ten of the regulations.

The following blank for physicians' use was furnished in sufficient quantities to local boards of health, for the requirements of their respective localities:

[Form 1.]



Maximum penalty for failure to report cases of Cholera, Small-pox, Typhus Fever, Yellow-Fever, Diphtheria, Membranous Croup, ScarletFever, Typhoid Fever, and Measles, $200, six months' imprisonment, or both.

Names of Patients. Sex. Age.



Places where children from these houses attend school....

Where and how disease originated..

Report every case, whether in the same family or not.
Send or mail this promptly to Sec. Local Board of Health.

Name of person reporting..

P. O. address and date...


The local board of health was instructed, upon receiving notice of the outbreak of any of the diseases named in article one, to immediately report the same to the State Board

of Health, upon a special blank (form 2) furnished for that


[Form 2.]


To be mailed to the secretary of the State Board of Health, Concord, N. H., immediately on the occurrence of a first case of cholera, smallpox, typhus fever, yellow fever, diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, and measles.

To the Secretary of the State Board of Health:

Sir,-There is to my knowledge a case of.

[blocks in formation]

The danger of the spreading of the disease is..

(Great, not great, etc.)

for the reason that.

Precautionary measures..

(Will be taken, have been taken, or are follows:....

gested to the State Board of Health, as the case may be.)


(Whether Health Officer, or Secretary of local Board of Health.)

(Post Office Address.)

.189. (Date.)

(Please fill the blank spaces in this notice if possible, but having learned the name of the disease, do not delay sending the report in order to learn other facts provided for in this blank.-Sec. State Board of Health.)

In addition to reporting to the state board the first appearance of any of the diseases mentioned, a weekly report is required from the local board so long as any one of the diseases continues. The weekly report to be rendered upon the following blank (form 3):

[Form 3.]



To the Secretary of the State Board of Health, Concord, N. H.:
Sir:-The following is a report of all known cases of diseases named
below, in..
N. H., during and at the close

[blocks in formation]

*The health officer or secretary of each local board of health in New Hampshire is respectfully requested to forward a report on this blank to the State Board of Health, Concord, N. H., promptly after the close of each week during any portion of which a case of the diseases named in this report has been present within the jurisdiction of his board.

† Add to this list the name of such a disease as small-pox, cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, etc, whenever it occurs.

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