Copyright, 1900, for the State of Michigan, by Justus S. Stearns, Secretary of State. Rec. Apr. 30,1710. PRINTED AND BOUND BY ATTORNEY GENERAL-FRED A. MAYNARD, GRAND RAPIDS. Pursuant to Act No. 182, Public Acts 1893, the Justices reside at Lansing during their terms of office. 18. BYRON A. SNOW, ANDREW C. MAXWELL, 19. JAMES B. MCMAHON, PHILIP PADGHAM, 21. PETER F. DODDS, 22. 20. EDWARD D. KINNE, . 23. WILLIAM H. SIMPSON, WATSON BEACH, ROBERT J. KELLEY, . EDWARD E. EDWARDS, 24. 25. 26. 27. FLINT. IONIA. KALAMAZOO. SAGINAW. SAULT STE. MARIE MT. CLEMENS. GRAND RAPIDS. BAY CITY. MT. PLEASANT. ST. JOHNS. LANSING. PORT HURON. WEST BRANCH. |