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CIII. AN ACT to authorise the Acquisition of Lands by the Admiralty with a view to the Extension of Portsmouth Dockyard, and for other 29 July. Purposes connected therewith

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CIV. AN ACT to extend the Powers of the Public Works (Manufac-] 29 July.

turing Districts) Act, 1863

CV. AN ACT to explain the Statutes of Her present Majesty for 29 July.

amending the Laws relating to the Removal of the Poor

CVI. AN ACT to authorise the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury to make Provision in regard to the Salaries of certain Sheriffs Substitute in Scotland

29 July.

CVII. AN ACT to confirm a Provisional Order under "The Drainage] 29 July. and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Act, 1863"

CVIII. AN ACT to amend "The West Indian Incumbered Estates


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CIX. AN ACT for providing a further Sum towards defraying the Expenses of constructing Fortifications for the Protectiou of the Royal Arsenals and Dockyards and the Ports of Dover and Portland, and of creating a Central Arsenal

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29 July.

29 July.

CX. AN ACT for the Amendment of the Law relating to the Mitigation 29 July.

of Penalties

CXI. AN ACT to transfer certain Houses in and near Cranbournestreet, in the City of Westminster, from the Commissioners of Her Majesty's 29 July. Works to Her Majesty, for the Considerations therein mentioned

CXII. AN ACT to amend the Law relating to future Judgments, 29 July. Statutes and Recognizances

CXIII. AN ACT to amend the Laws relating to the Conservancy of the of the}

River Thames; and for other Purposes relating thereto

CXIV. The Improvement of Land Act, 1864

29 July.

29 July.

CXV. AN ACT to prohibit the placing of poisoned Flesh and poisonous Matters in Plantations, Fields, and open Places, and to extend "The 29 July. Poisoned Grain Prohibition Act, 1863

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CXVI. AN ACT to make Provision for distributing the Charge of Relief of certain Classes of poor Persons over the whole of the Metropolis -f CXVII. AN ACT to render permissive the Use of the Metric System of Weights and Measures

CXVIII. AN ACT to amend the Acts relating to Salmon Fisheries in Scotland

29 July.

29 July.

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CXIX. AN ACT to make Provision for the Discipline of the Navy CXX. AN ACT to facilitate, in certain Cases, the obtaining of further Powers by Railway Companies

CXXI. AN ACT to facilitate, in certain Cases, the obtaining of Powers for the Construction of Railways

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Sess. 1864.]





PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS, 27° & 28° VICT., 1864:


Whether they relate to the WHOLE or to any PART of the UNITED KINGDOM;


(E.) signifies that the AcT ENGLAND (and WALES, if the subject extends so far).

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relates to





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ABOLITION of Vestry Cess; for the Abolition of Vestry Cess in
Ireland, and for other Purposes relating thereto
Accidents Compensation; to amend the Act 9 & 10 Vict. c. 93, for
compensating the Families of Persons killed by Accident.
Accounts (Corn); to amend the Law relating to Publication of
Accounts of Corn imported, and to Returns of Purchases and Sales
of Corn

Administration of Justice. See Accidents Compensation. Bombay,
High Court at. Chancery, Court of. Circuits. Civil Bills Courts.
Clerks of the Peace. Common Law Procedure. Conveyancers.
Court of Chancery. Criminal Justice. Criminal Prosecutions.
Divorce Court. Ecclesiastical Courts and Registries. Gaols. In-
sane Prisoners. Judgments, &c. Jurors and Juries. Justices
Proceedings Confirmation. Justiciary, Court of. Limited Penalties.
Penal Servitude. Penalties. Recognizances, &c. Sheriffs Substi-
tute. Summary Procedure. Trespass.

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Admiralty Lands and Works; to make Provision respecting they
Acquisition of Lands required by the Admiralty for the Public Ser-
vice, and respecting the Use and Disposition thereof, and the Exe-
cution of Works thereon

to authorise the Acquisition of Lands
by the Admiralty with a view to the Extension of Portsmouth Dock-
yard, and for other Purposes connected there with


Agents, Naval; to provide for the Appointment, Duties, and Remune-
ration of Agents for Ships of War, and for the Distribution of
Salvage, Bounty, Prize and other Money among the Officers and
Crews thereof

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Anchors; for regulating the Proving and Sale of Chain Cables and] (G. B. & I.) 27


Animals, Malt for; to allow the making of Malt Duty-free to be used
in feeding Animals

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Annuities. See Elgin and Kincardine, Countess of. Lawrence, Sir

Annuities (Government); to grant additional Facilities for the Pur-
chase of small Government Annuities, and for assuring Payments of
Money on Death

to provide for the Investment and Appropria-
tion of all Monies received by the Commissioners for the Reduction
of the National Debt on account of Deferred Life Annuities and Pay-
ments to be made on Death

Application of Aids. See Consolidated Fund.

Appropriation of Supplies; to apply a Sum out of the Consolidated
Fund and the Surplus of Ways and Means to the Service of the Year
1864, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of

Archbishopric of Armagh; for amending the Act 11 & 12 Geo. 3,
c. 17 (I.), in respect of the Charges on the Revenues of the See of

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Ardglass. See Piers and Harbours.

Armagh and Dublin, Provincial Courts of; for the Union of the Dio--
cesan Courts and Registries in Ireland; for the Regulation of the
Mode of Procedure therein, and also in the Provincial Courts of
-Armagh and Dublin; and for Appeals therefrom


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Armagh Archiepiscopal Revenues; for amending the Act 11 & 12)
Geo. 3, c. 17 (I.), in respect of the Charges on the Revenues of the
Archbishopric of Armagh

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Army. See Mutiny.

Army Prize (Shares of Deceased); to amend the Law relative to the
Payment of the Shares of Prize and other Money belonging to de-
ceased Officers and Soldiers of Her Majesty's Land Forces

Arsenals. See Fortifications.

Ashford. See Local Government of Towns.

Assessment (Union) Committees. See Union Assessment Committees.
Assurances, Charitable. See Charitable Assurances. Enrolments.
Assurances, Life. See Government Annuities, &c.

Attorney, Letters of. See Stamps.

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Ballots for the Militia. See Militia.

Bank of Ireland; for impressing by Machinery Signatures of Names on
Bank Notes and certain Bills of the Bank of Ireland

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Bank Notes; to enable certain Banking Co-partnerships which shall
discontinue the Issue of their own Bank Notes to sue and be sued
by their Public Officer

for impressing by Machinery Signatures of Names on Bankì
Notes and certain Bills of the Bank of Ireland
Bank Post Bills; to permit for a limited Period Compositions for Stamp]
Duty on Bank Post Bills of Five Pounds and upwards in Ireland -S
Banking Co-partnerships; to enable certain Banking Co-partnerships]
which shall discontinue the Issue of their own Bank Notes to sue
and be sued by their public Officer

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Beer, for more effectually regulating the Sale of, in Ireland
Bills of Bank of Ireland. See Bank Notes.



Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes; to amend the Law relating
to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes in Ireland.

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to remove certain Re-

strictions on the Negotiation of Promissory Notes and Bills of
Exchange under a limited Sum in Ireland

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Sess. 1864.]



Bleaching and Dyeing Works; for extending the Provisions of "The


Bleaching and Dyeing Works Act, 1860," (Act 23 & 24 Vict. c. 78) (G. B. & I.) 98.

Bolton. See Local Government of Towns.

Bombay, High Court at; to confirm the Appointment of Henry Pen-

dock St. George Tucker, Esquire, as one of the Judges of Her Ma-
jesty's High Court at Bombay, and to establish the Validity of certain
Proceedings therein

(U. K.) 16.

Bounty. See Prize (Naval).

Bray. See Piers and Harbours.

Brighton. See Local Government of Towns. Piers and Harbours.
British Spirits; to amend the Laws relating to the warehousing of Bri-
tish Spirits
Burials Registration; to make further Provision for the Registration of}
Burials in England

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Bri- (U. K.)


(E.) 97.

Cables and Anchors; for regulating the Proving and Sale of Chain] (G. B. & I.) 27.

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Cathedral Minor Corporations; to substitute fixed instead of fluctu-)
ating Incomes for the Members of certain minor Corporations in
certain of the Cathedral Churches in England



Cattle. See Malt for Animals.

Central Arsenal. See Fortifications.

Cess, Vestry; for the Abolition of Vestry Cess in Ireland, and for other
purposes relating thereto


Chain Cables and Anchors, for regulating the Proving and Sale of
Chancery, Court of; for making better and further Provision for the
more efficient Despatch of Business in the High Court of Chancery S
Charitable Assurances Enrolments; to further extend the Time for
making Enrolments under the Act 24 & 25 Vict. c. 9, "to amend
the Law relating to the Conveyance of Lands for Charitable Uses,"
and otherwise to amend the said Law

Charity Commission; for confirning a Scheme of the Charity Commis-
sioners for the Charity called "The Free Grammar School," in the
City of Coventry -

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Chimney Sweepers Regulation; to amend and extend the Act 3 & 4) (G. R. & I.) 37.
Will. 4, c. 85, for the Regulation of Chimney Sweepers
Church of England; to substitute fixed instead of fluctuating Incomes
for the Members of certain minor Corporations in certain of the Ca-
thedral Churches in England

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Church in Ireland; for the Union of the Diocesan Courts and Registries
in Ireland; for the Regulation of the Mode of Procedure therein,
and also in the Provincial Courts of Armagh and Dublin; and for
Appeals therefrom

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for amending the Act 11 & 12 Geo. 3, c. 17 (I.), in
respect of the Charges on the Revenues of the Archbishopric of

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Church of Scotland; to remove Disabilities affecting the Bishops and] (G. B. & I.) 94.
Clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Scotland

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to facilitate the Commutation and Sale of certain
Vicarage Teinds in Scotland -
Cinque Ports, &c. ; to extend the Provisions of "The Criminal Jus-
tice Act, 1855," (19 & 20 Vict. c. 118), to the Liberties of the Cinque
Ports and to the District of Romney Marsh, in the County of Kent -)

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Circuits (Court of Justiciary); to provide for the Alteration of the Cir-)
cuits of the Court of Justiciary in Scotland, and for holding additional
Circuit Courts

Civil Bill Courts; to amend the Procedure of the Civil Bill Courts in

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Clergy. See Church of England, &c.

Clerks of the Peace Removal; for amending the Law relating to the
Removal of Clerks of the Peace


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Clevedon. See Piers and Harbours.

College of Physicians; to enable Her Majesty to grant a Lease for)
Nine hundred and ninety-nine Years of the Building known as the
College of Physicians in Pall Mall East

Colleges, Public; for annexing Conditions to the Appointment of Persons
to Offices in the Governing Bodies of certain Public Schools and

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Commissioners of Lunacy. See Lunacy.

Commissioners of Works. See Cranbourne Street.

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Common Law Procedure; to amend "The Common Law Procedure)
(Ireland) Act, 1853," (16 & 17 Vict. c. 113), in relation to Jurors
and Juries in the County of Cork

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Commons Inclosure; to authorise the Inclosure of certain Lands in
pursuance of a Report of the Inclosure Commissioners for England
and Wales

to authorise the Inclosure of certain Lands in
pursuance of a Special Report of the Inclosure Commissioners
Companies Seals; to enable Joint Stock Companies carrying on Busi-)
ness in Foreign Countries to have Official Seals to be used in such

Compensation for Accidents; to amend the Act 9 & 10 Vict. c. 93, for】
compensating the Families of Persons killed by Accident

Compositions for Stamp Duty. See Bank Post Bills.

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Conservancy of the Thames; to amend the Laws relating to the Con-
servancy of the River Thames; and for other purposes relating


Consolidated Fund; to apply the Sum of 584,650 l. out of the Con-l
solidated Fund to the Service of the Year ending 31st March 1864 ]

to apply the Sum of 4,500,000l. out of the Con-l
solidated Fund to the Service of the Year 1864

to apply the Sum of 15,000,000 l. out of the Con-

solidated Fund to the Service of the Year 1864

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to apply a Sum out of the Consolidated Fund and`
the Surplus of Ways and Means to the Service of the Year 1864,
and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament
Contagious Diseases; for the Prevention of, at certain Naval and
Military Stations -
Conveyancers, &c.; to amend the Laws relating to Conveyancers,
to Drench smena Equilating tisinconveyancers,}
Special Pleaders, and Draughtsmen in Equity practising in Ireland
Cork, County of. See Jurors and Juries.


Corn Accounts and Returns; to amend the Law relating to publication
of Accounts of Corn imported, and to Returns of Purchases and
Sales of Coin

Corporations (Cathedral Churches). See Cathedral Minor Corporations.

Countess of Elgin and Kincardine; to settle an Annuity on Mary
Louisa Countess of Elgin and Kincardine, in consideration of the
distinguished Services performed by the late James Earl of Elgin).
and Kincardine -

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