Court being given in the affirmative or negative of the questions of law raised by the special case, a sum of money, fixed by the parties, or to be ascertained by the Court, or in such manner as the Court may direct, shall be paid by one of the parties... Parliamentary Papers - Page 18by Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1864Full view - About this book
| 1857 - 674 pages
...questions raised by such special case, a sum of money, fixed by the parties, or to be ascertained by the Court or in such manner as the Court may direct, the other of them, either with or without costs. 357. The proper officer of the court shall, unless the Court shall otherwise direct, on the reasonable... | |
| Richard Morris (of Middle Temple.), William Francis Finlason - 1852 - 624 pages
...the parties, or to be ascertained by the jury upon a question inserted in the issue for that purpose, shall be paid by one of such parties to the other of them, either with or without the costs of the action. XLIV. Upon the finding of the jury in any such issue, judgment may be entered... | |
| 1852 - 584 pages
...the parties, or to be ascertained by the jury upon a question inserted in the issue for that purpose, shall be paid by one of such parties to the other of them, either with or without the costs of the action. 44. Upon the finding of the jury in any such issue, judgment may be entered... | |
| Edward Wise - 1852 - 394 pages
...the parties, or to be ascertained by the jury upon a question inserted in the issue for that purpose, shall be paid by one of such parties to the other of them, either with or without the costs of the action." 44. " Upon the finding of the jury in any such issue Judgment to judgment... | |
| Great Britain - 1852 - 718 pages
...Parties, or to be ascertained by the Jury upon a Question inserted in the Issue for that. Purpose, shall be paid by One of such Parties to the other of them, either with or without the Costs of the Action. XLIV. Upon the Finding of the Jury in any such Issue, Judgment may be entered... | |
| Canada - 1856 - 620 pages, a sum of money fixed by the parties, or to be ascertained by the Court or in BUOh casei &c. snch manner as the Court may direct, shall be paid by one of (1832, s. 47.) such parties to the other of them, either with or without costs of the action, and the... | |
| John Frederick Archbold - 1853 - 184 pages
...ascertained by im<m'speclal tne court, or in 8ucn manner as the court may direct, shall be paid case. by one of such parties to the other of them, either with or without costs of the action ; and tlie judgment of the court may be entered for such sum as shall be so agreed or ascertained, with or... | |
| John Gray - 1853 - 668 pages
...parties, or to be ascertained by the jury, upon a question inserted in the issue for that purpose, shall be paid by one of such parties to the other of them, either with or without the costs of the action (4) ; and upon the finding of the jury in any such issue, judgment may be entered... | |
| Henry Thurstan Holland - 1853 - 408 pages
...tne parties> or to be ascertained by the jury upon a question inserted in the issue for that purpose, shall be paid by one of such parties to the other of them, either with or without the costs of the action. Judgment XLIV. Upon the finding of the jury in any such to he enter- issue,... | |
| 1853 - 524 pages ascertained by the jury upon a question inserted in the issue for that purpose, shall be paid b; one of such parties to the other of them, either with or without t'ae costs of the action. 44. Upon the finding of the jury in any such issue, jad;ment may be entered... | |
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