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[No. 14, A.]

House of cor rection.

[Published April 11, 1883.]


AN ACT to amend section 1 of chapter 130 of the laws of 1881, entitled "an act in relation to the House of Correction of Mil. waukee county, and amendatory of section 2514 of the revised statutes of 18.8."

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:


SECTION 1. Section 1 of chapter 130 of the laws of 1881 is hereby amended by striking out the word "two," wherever the same occurs, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "three," so that said section when so amended shall read as follows: Section 1. Section 2514 of chapter 115 of the revised statutes of 1878 is hereby amended by striking out the words "less than life," where the same occur in the third line of said section, ană inserting in lieu thereof the words exceeding three years," so that said section when so amended shall read as follows: Section 2514. All persons convicted in said court who would otherwise be sentenced to be imprisoned at hard labor in the state prison for any term not exceeding three years; and all persons convicted in said court in city prosecutions. and in other case, who would otherwise be sentenced or committed to imprisonment in the county jail, may he sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor in the House of Correction of Milwaukee county.

SECTION 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 24, 1882.

[No. 160, A.]

[Published, March 31, 1889.]


AN ACT to reduce the act incorporating the city of Janesville and the several acts amendatory thereof into one act and to amend the same.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:




SECTION 1. The act entitled "an act to reduce the act incorporating the city of Janesville, and the several acts amendatory thereof into one act, and amend the same," approved April 12, 1866, and the several acts

amendatory thereof, are hereby consolidated and amended, so as to read as follows:

SECTION 2. The district of country in the county of Rock, contained within the limits and boundaries hereinafter described, shall be a city by the name of Janesville, and the people now inhabiting, and those who shall hereafter inhabit said district of country, shall be a municipal corporation, by the name of the city of Janesville, and shall have the general powers possessed by municipal corporations at common law, and, in addition thereto, shall possess the powers herein specially granted; and the authorities thereof shall have perpetual succession, shall be capable of contracting and being contracted with, suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded in all courts of law and equity, and shall have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure.

SECTION 3. The territory lying in the county of Rock, and included within the following described limits and boundaries, shall constitute the city of Janesville, to-wit: All of sections one and two, in township two north, of range twelve east, all of sections twenty-five, twenty-six, thirty-five and thirty-six, in township three north, of range twelve east; the west half of section six, in township two north, of range thirteen east, and the west half of sections thirty and thirty-one, in township three north, of range thirteen east.

SECTION 4. The said city shall be divided into five Wards. wards, as follows: All that part of the said district comprised within the following boundaries shall be the first ward, to wit: commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Rock river with the north boundary line of the city, thence west on said north boundary line to the west boundary line of the city, thence south on said west boundary to the center line of Pleasant street, thence east on the center line of said street to the center line of West Milwaukee street produced, thence northeasterly along the center line of said street and along the center line of said street produced to the center line of Rock river, thence northerly along the center line of said river to the place of begin. ning; and all that part of said district that lies east of the middle of Rock river and north of the middle of Milwaukee street and the middle of the highway leading northeasterly from Milwaukee street to the city limits, shall be the second ward. All that part of said district that lies south of the said second ward and east of


the middle of Rock river and also east of that portion of the north and south quarter section line of section one (1), town two (2), range twelve (12) east, that lies south of Rock river shall be the third ward. All that part of the said district comprised within the following boundaries shall be the fourth ward, to wit: commenc ing at the point of intersection of the center lines ot Pleasant and Linn streets (Palmer and Sutherland's addition to Janesville), thence south on the center line of said Linn street and on the center line of said street produced to the center line of Rock river, thence down along said center line to the west boundary line of said city, then southerly along said west boundary line to the south boundary line of said city, thence easterly along said south boundary line to said north and south quarter section line of section one (1), thence northerly along said quarter section line to the center line of Rock river, thence up along the center line of said river to the center line of West Milwaukee street produced, thence southeasterly on said line produced and on the center line of said street to the center line of Franklin street (Smith, Bailey & Stone's addition to Janesville), thence southeasterly along the center line of said street to the center line of Pleasant street, thence westerly along the center line of said street to the place of beginning. All that part of the said district comprised within the following boundaries shall be the fifth ward, to-wit: Commeneing at the point of intersection of the center line of Pleasant street with the west boundary line of the city, thence south on said west boundary line to the center line of Rock river, thence up along the center line of said river to the center line of Linn street (Palmer & Sutherland's addition) produced, thence north along the said line produced and along the center line of said street to the center line of Pleasant street thence easterly along the center line of said street to the center line of Franklin street (Smith, Bailey & Stone's addition to Janesville), thence northwesterly along the center line of said street to the center line of West Milwaukee street, thence southwesterly along the center line of said street to the center line of Pleasant street, thence west along the center line of said street to the place of beginning.



SECTION 1. The annual election for ward and city officers shall be held on the first Tuesday in April,

of each year, at such place in each ward as the common council shall designate, and ten days' previous notice shall be given by the common council of the tine and place of holding such election, and of the ward and city officers to be elected.

SECTION 2. The municipal government of said city Municipal shalt consist of a common council, composet of the government. mayor, and two aldermen from each ward. The other officers of the corporation shall be a clerk, treasurer, city attorney, school commissioner at large, two justices of the peace, sealer of weights and ineasures, and one constable, supervisor and school commissioner for each ward. and a street commissioner and city marshal. SECTION 3. At the annual election there shall be officers to be

elected by the qualified electors of said city, a mayor, clerk, treasurer and sea'er of weights and measures, who shall holl their respective offices for one year, a justice of the peace who shall hold his office for two years, and every two years there shall be elected by the qualified electors of said city a city attorney and a school commissioner at large, who shall hold their respective offices for two years. At such annual election there shall also be elected by the qualified electors of each ward, an alderman, who shall hold his office for two years; a constable and supervisor, who shall hold their re-pective offices for one year; and every two years there shall be elected by the qualified electors of each ward, a school commissioner, who shall hold his ollice for two years. All officers of said city heretofore elected under its charter, shall hold their respective offices until the expiration of the term for which they were elected, and nothing in this act shall be so construed as to authorize the election of any mayor, clerk, treasurer, city attorney, school commissioner at large, justice of the peace, sealer of weights and measures, alderman, school commissioner, supervisor, constable or other officer, whose term of office shall commence be'ore the expiration of the terms of office of any such officer heretofore elected under the charter of said city. All elective officers specified in this act shall hold their respective offices for the terms provided in this act, and until their successors are elected and qualified. All other officers named in this art, and which are not by this act declared elective, shall be appointed by the common council by ballot.


SECTION 4. The common council may appoint a str et comm'sstreet commissioner and a city marshal, and may re- sioner. move and displace both or either of them at its pleas


How represented.

When vacancy shad occur.

Vote by ballot.

Who are entitled to vote.


ure, and shall fix the rate of compensation to be paid to each, and they shall not receive any greater compensation than that so fixed.

SECTION 5. The several wards in this city shall be represented in the common council by two aldermen, who shall be residents thereof. If any alderman remove from or cease to be a resident of the ward represented by him, his office shall thereby become vacant.

SECTION 6. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of mayor, alderman or justice of the peace, after the commencement of the term of service, and more than two months before the next general election of ward and city officers, such vacancy shall be filled by a new election, which may be ordered by the common council, and held within fifteen days after such vacancy shall occur. Any vacancy in either of the offices above named in this section, which shall not have been supplied by an election before the general election of ward and city officers next succeeding the happening thereof, may be supplied at such general election. Any vacancy happening in any other office shall be filled by the common council. The person elected or appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold his office and discharge the duties thereof for the unexpired term, and with the same rights and subject to the same liabilities as the person whose office he may be elected or appointed to fill.

SECTION 7. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, and a plurality of votes shall constitute an election, notwithstanding the provisions of law may not have been fully complied with in noticing or conducting the election, or canvassing or returning the votes, so that the real will of the plurality may not be defeated by any informality. Where two or more candidates for an elective office shall have an equal number of votes for the same office, the election shall be determined by the casting of lots in the presence of the common council and under its direction.

SECTION 8. All persons entitled to vote for county or state officers, and who shall reside in the ward where they offer to vote, shall be entitled to vote for any officer to be elected under this act, and be eligible to any office thereby created.

SECTION 9. The mayor shall nominate to the common council at their first regular meeting in September of each year, and in case there be no such regular meeting, then a special meeting which shall be held on the last Tuesday of said month, three persons for in

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