INDEX (a). ABANDONMENT, of fisheries, 4, 11. ACCOUNTS OF FISHERY BOARD, ADJOINING, meaning of, 18. ADVERTISEMENT, effect of, proof of, 131. how proved, 131. of proposed byelaws, 109. AGGRIEVED, scale of licence duties, 111. orders constituting or affecting fishery boards, 81, 82. meaning of, 98. ANCIENT RIGHT, must be claimed by individuals, 41, 42. ANGLER, arrest of, under Larceny Act, 1861..19. tackle of, under Larceny Act, 1861..19. ANNUAL CLOSE SEASON, 14, 15, 61—66, 70, 71, 137, 138. elvers in Severn district, 15, 137, 138. freshwater fish, 15, 70-72. fishing for, during, 70-72. migratory trout, obstructing of, during, 66. rainbow trout, 15, 66, 67. no annual close season, 66. salmon, 14, 15, 61, 62. fishing for, during, 14, 61, 62. obstruction of, during, 64. putts and putchers, 15, 61, 62. removal of fixed engine during, 63. rod and line, 14, 61, 62. sale of, during, 64, 65. (a) 1923 Act means the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act, 1923. F.L. 209 P ANNUAL CLOSE SEASON-continued. trout, 15, 65, 66. fishing for, 15, 65, 66. rod and line, 15, 66. sale of, during, 15, 65, 66, 67. ARTIFICIAL CHANNEL, fishing in, 49. ARTIFICIAL OBSTRUCTIONS, 47-53. fish passes in, 51–53. fishing near, 49. power of fishery board to purchase or lease, 47. ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION, saving for, 34, 60, 66, 80. approval of, in case of works below high-water mark, 139. BYELAWS-continued. making of, by fishery board, 108-110. of fishery board, 103. of Minister, 103. principles regulating validity of, 102. proof of, 129-130. purposes for which they may be made, 103-107. revocation of, 110. sea fisheries committee, extent of power to make, 155, 161–163. powers of Minister as to, 160. under repealed Acts, 62, 144. under unrepealed Acts, 62. validity of, principles regulating, 102. CANALS, right to dredge and cleanse, 138. water supply to, 52, 54. CERTIFICATE, Special Commissioners of English Fisheries, by, 40, 41. CHAIRMAN, casting vote of, 95. includes acting chairman, 143. minutes of meeting signed by, 95. power of, to fix day of first meeting of board, 94. CHAR, to summon extraordinary meeting of board, 94. application of Act to, 143. CLASSIFICATION, of fisheries, 1. CLERK OF FISHERY BOARD, appointment of, 96. copy of byelaw certified by, 129. minute certified by, 95. scale of licence duties certified by, 129. duties of, under 1923 Act, 88, 101. special order to water bailiff signed by, 121. CLERK TO JUSTICES, certificate by, of conviction, 127. COCKLES, beds, adjoining, legal proceedings for theft from, 158. ownership of, statutory provisions, 158. theft of, from several fishery, how punished, 157. COMMISSIONERS CLAUSES ACT, 1847, COMMITTEE, joint, under Local Government Act, 1888. .22. COMMON CARRIER, fish consigned by, 69. COMMON FISHERY, COMMON OF FISHERY, nature of, 12, 13. COMMON WATERS, COMPENSATION, for injury by placing of gratings, 60. caused by order under Part IV., 80. to fishery by byelaw, 107, 108. COUNTY COUNCIL, appointment of members of fishery board by, 86, 87. CRAB, fishery, power of Minister to make orders as to, 158. sea fisheries committees to make byelaws affecting, consent required, 84. merger of fisheries, rights of, on, 11. ownership of lands underlying public fisheries, 3, 4, 5. power to grant fisheries, 7, 8. saving for rights, etc., of, 138, 139. CRUIVE, fishing near dams containing, 49, 50. CULCH, definition, 162 n. CUSTOMS, power to open packages, 67, 68. DAM, alteration of, 51-53, 56. compensation for injury to, 54. definition of, 140. fish pass obligatory in new, 51, 52. fish passes in, power of fishery board to construct, 53, 54. fishing for salmon or trout near, 49. inspection of, 119, 120. malicious damage to, 39. obstructing salmon or trout near, 49. rebuilding of, 51, 52. repair of, removal of fish pass for, 52 Severn Navigation, 137. sluices at, closing of, 50, 51. |