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THE Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act, 1923, replaces a singularly confused mass of legislation, and has rendered unnecessary a considerable portion of the matter contained in the last edition.

Mr. A. D. Stocks, Assistant Solicitor to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, has been good enough to place at my disposal the papers and memoranda used in the course of the passage of the Act into law, and to discuss with me the more important of the points of difficulty. It is, however, perhaps desirable to add that for the opinions expressed in the notes on the Act I am alone responsible.

I am further greatly indebted to Mr. R. R. Ludlow and Miss Llewelyn Davies, Barristers-at-Law, for valuable assistance in the preparation of this edition.

Mr. J. Jones Williams, Clerk of the Dovey Mawddach and Glaslyn District Board, has, unsolicited by me, supplied much information gained in the actual administration of this branch of the law.


March, 1924.

H. H.


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