| United States. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency - 1919 - 156 pages
...and shall keep a separate set of books and records showing in proper detail all transactions e ngaged in under authority of this subsection. Such books...by the State authorities to the same extent as the books and records of corporations organized under State law which exercise fiduciary powers, but nothing... | |
 | 1919 - 872 pages
...'assets and keep a separate set of books and records for these transactions, which books and records must be open to inspection by the state authorities to the same extent as the books and records of those operating under state law; that no national bank may receive in its trust... | |
 | 1919 - 880 pages
...assets and keep a separate set of books and records for these transactions, which books and records must be open to inspection by the state authorities to the same extent as the books and records of those operating under state law; that no national bank may receive in its trust... | |
 | Michigan. Banking Division - 1920 - 840 pages
...capacity from the general assets of the bank and shall keep a separate set of books and records showing a proper detail all transactions engaged In under authority...by the State authorities to the same extent as the books and records of corporations organized under State law which exercise fiduciary powers, but nothing... | |
 | Michigan. Banking Division - 1922 - 484 pages
...capacity from the general assets of the bank and shall keep a separate set of books and records showing a proper detail all transactions engaged In under authority...by the State authorities to the same extent as the books and records of corporations organized under State law which exercise fiduciary powers, but nothing... | |
 | Michigan. Banking Division - 1923 - 488 pages
...capacity from the general assets of the bank and shall keep a separate set of hooks and records showing a proper detail all transactions engaged In under authority...Inspection by the State authorities to the same extent ns the books anil records of corporations orcrnnized under State law which exercise fiduciary powers,... | |
 | Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) - 1924 - 1364 pages
...Federal reserve banks. (Sec. 11, line 30, p. 21.) National banks exercising fiduciary powers . . . shall keep a separate set of books and records showing...transactions engaged in under authority of this subsection. (Sec. 11, line 20, p. 22.) Such books and records shall be open to inspection by the State authorities... | |
 | Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) - 1924 - 444 pages
...separate set of books and records showing in proper detail all transactions engaged in under autnority of this subsection. Such books and records shall be...by the State authorities to the same extent as the books and records of corporations organized under State law whica exercise fiduciary powers, but nothing... | |
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