AUDITOR. Q. What are the chief duties of auditor? A. To examine all bills presented for payment out of the State treasury, and to approve such as are legal. To keep an account of all bills due the State, and all sums of money paid into the State treasury. To ascertain the condition of all insurance companies doing business in the State; learning whether they have means sufficient to keep the promises that they have made to those whose lives or property they have insured; and if any have not, to revoke their certificates, or to inform the attorney-general, who will then ask a court to have such companies stopped from doing any further business in the State. To aid the governor and treasurer in computing the rate per cent. of taxation necessary to raise the annual revenue fixed by the legislature. To report biennially to the governor the transactions of his office. Q. What security must the auditor give? A. A bond for $50,000. Q. What is his salary? A. $3,500 a year. TREASURER. Q. What are the principal duties of the treasurer? A. To receive and safely keep all money belonging to the State. To pay out no money except on the order of the auditor. To report monthly to the auditor all sums of money received and paid out. To report biennially to the governor all his official acts. Q. What security must the treasurer give for the faithful performance of his duty? A. A bond for $500,000, and more, if the governor so requires. His salary is $3,500 per year. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Q. What are some of the duties of the superintendent of public instruction? A. To consult with leading teachers on methods of instruction. To advise and instruct county superintendents in respect to their duties. To give opinions on school laws when properly requested To pay promptly to the proper officers all money coming into his hands as superintendent. To stop the payment of money to officers or teachers who refuse to conform to the requirements of law. To report biennially to the governor, stating what has been done for the benefit of the schools of the State, in what ways their condition may be improved, and what changes should be made in the school laws. The superintendent must give a bond for $25,000. His salary is $3,500 per year. ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Q. What are some of the duties of the attorney-general? A. To act as attorney for the people or the State in suits before the supreme court. To act as attorney for the State officers in suits relating to their official duties. To advise State officers on questions of State constitutional law, when such law relates to their duties. To advise the legislature concerning constitutional questions when requested. To see that sums of money intended for State institutions are used as intended. The attorney-general's bond is for $10,000. His salary is $3,500 a year. RETURNING BOARD. Q. Who constitute the State returning board? A. The secretary of State. auditor, treasurer, and attorney-general. Q. What is the duty of the returning board? A. After every general election, to count the votes returned to them by the county clerks. STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. The State board of equalization consists of one member from each congressional district in the State. The term is four years. The board meets on the second Tuesday in August, annually, at Springfield, to equalize assessments in the various counties of the State. Its members receive $5.00 per day for time actually spent about their duties, and 10 cents per mile of necessary travel in going to and returning from the capital. APPOINTED OFFICERS. OFFICERS APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR WITH CONSENT OF SENATE. Q. What State officers are appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate? A. Three canal commissioners, five commissioners of public charities, three penitentiary commissioners for each penitentiary, nineteen justices of the peace for the city of Chicago, the seven members composing the State board of health, chief grain inspectors, three railway and warehouse commissioners, three trustees for each of the State charitable institutions, and three for the State reform school, one person at the stock yards near Chicago, and one at those in East St. Louis, to prevent cruelty to animals, and one public administrator in each county. OFFICERS APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR ALONE. Q. What other officers are appointed by the governor? A. Commissioners of deeds, notaries public, printer expert, adjutant general, and all commissioned officers of the State militia. DUTIES OF OFFICERS APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR Q. State the duties, terms of office, and pay of each of the above officers. A. The canal commissioners have charge of the Illinois and Michigan canal, and of the locks, dams and improvements in navigation of the Illinois and Little Wabash rivers. Their term is two years. Their pay is $5 per day for the time actually employed. They must each, except the treasurer of the board, give bonds for $25,000. The commissioner who acts as treasurer must give bonds for $50,000. It is the duty of commissioners of public charities to visit, at least twice a year, the State asylums for the deaf and dumb, the blind, the insane, and the school for feeble-minded children, the soldier's orphans' home, and the State reform school, and to see that these institutions are properly conducted. Their term is five years. They receive no pay, bnt their expenses are repaid to them by the State. The Chicago justices of the peace perform the same duties as other justices, and derive their pay from fees regulated by law. They hold office for a term of four years. The penitentiary commissioners have power to appoint a warden for the penitentiary at a salary of $2,500, a deputy warden at $1,800, a chaplain at $1,500, a physician at $1,500 per year, and, with the advice of the warden, such other officers as may be necessary, at salaries fixed by the commissioners. It is the duty of the commissioners to care for the penitentiary, and to this end to meet at the penitentiary once every month, and to receive reports from the warden and other officers. They are required to report biennially to the governor. Their term is six years. They must give bonds for $25,000. Their salary is $1,500 per year. One of the most important duties of the State board of health is to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases into the State. The members receive no pay, except for expenses. They may appoint a secretary at a salary fixed by themselves, but his salary and their expenses together must not exceed $5,000 per year. Their term is seven years. It is the duty of the railway and warehouse commissioners to examine the condition and management of all railways and warehouses in the State, and all matters relating to railways and warehouses as far as they affect the welfare of the people; and to report annually to the governor, informing him whether warehouses and railways are observing the laws of the State made for their regulation. The commissioners must give bonds for $20,000. Their salary is $3,500. Their term is two years. They can appoint a secretary at a salary of $1,500 per year. Chief grain inspectors have charge of the inspection of grain in warehouses, obey the instructions of the railway commissioners, and receive salaries fixed by them. Their term is two years. The trustees of the State charitable and correctional institutions have power, and it is their duty to appoint, a superintendent for each institution, and to make rules for the government of the same. They receive no pay except for their expenses. Their term is six years. |