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Entry taker to copy entries.

To index grants.

To make new map.

Entries and maps to be

enterer; or where the said map shows a re-entry, then in the name of said re-enterer for the respective section, quarter section, fractional section, as shown in said original entry, or upon said map, except where the same shows that said entry, or re-entry was in the name of two or more persons, then to the person or persons whose names appear to have been the original enterer, or reenterer, and when issued said grant or grants shall become muniments of title inuring to the benefit of all persons claiming under, by or through the said original enterer, or re-enterer, of, in, or to the said respective section, quarter section, or fractional quarter section, in said district.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, By the authority aforesaid, that the entry taker and register of said Ocoee District shall be authorized and required to have accurately copied in a well bound book, or books to be provided by the State for that purpose, all original entries now to be found in his office, and have the same thoroughly and accurately indexed, in a well bound book, or books, by name of the enterer or re-enterer, as well as by range, township, section, quarter section and fractional quarter section. In making said index the entries and re-entries now appearing marked on the said official map of said district, now on file in the said office, shall be treated and regarded as entries.

Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, By the authority aforesaid, that said entry taker and register shall be authorized and required, in like manner, to make or cause to be made, a full, complete and accurate index by the name of the grantee, also by range, township, section, quarter section, or fractional quarter section, of all the grants, copies of which have been preserved in his office.

Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, By the authority aforesaid, that said register and entry taker of said Ocoee District is authorized and required to have the said original map of said Ocoee District now on file in his said office copied on a scale large enough to read easily all that is now written on the same, and if he thinks best may have the same sub-divided into sheets convenient for binding and have the same bound for the use of those desiring to examine said map, and to be kept in his said office.

Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, By the authority aforesafely kept. said, that the said register and entry taker, after the copies of said original entries and maps may have been made, said copies shall be retained in said office and said original map and entries shall be deposited in some place, in the city of Cleveland, Tennessee, in a fire proof

room or safe, free from dampness, to protect the same against loss by fire or spoliation, and shall not allow said originals to be examined except in his presence, or the presence of some reliable person sent by him for

that purpose.

spected and

Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, By the authority afore- Work to be insaid, that the Governor be, and he is hereby authorized paid for. and required to appoint some suitable person to inspect said copies and indexes when made, and upon his report that the same have been accurately copied and indexed shall issue his warrant upon the State Treasury, in favor of said entry taker and register for the sum, not exceeding five hundred ($500.00) dollars, to pay for the same, which appropriation shall be paid out of the contingent fund.

Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, By the authority afore- Repeal. said, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same is hereby repealed, and that the same shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

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AN ACT to amend Sections 1 and 2 of an act entitled "An Act to amend an Act to provide for the organization of corporations, approved March 23, 1875, and grant charter to water companies, approved March 27, 1877," the same being Chapter 104 of the Acts of 1877.

ter 134, Acts

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Amends Chapthe State of Tennessee, That Section 1 of the Acts ap- 1877. proved March 27, 1877, being Chapter 104 of the Acts of 1877 be, and the same is hereby amended by insert


ing next after the words, "Provided they shall repair the same with the least possible delay" the following, to-wit: The said corporation is hereby empowered and authorized to condemn and take and occupy such land as may be necessary for the location of a reservoir or reservoirs and the right of way through any and all lands. which may be deemed necessary in laying its pipes or pipe, acqueducts or conductors, through which the water is to flow or be transmitted from its reservoir or reservoirs, the same to be laid or placed in such manner as to do as little injury as possible to private property. If the corporation cannot agree on the amount of compensation to be paid for said land and rights of way with the owners thereof, the same shall be assessed and all proceedings had that is and are provided by Sections 1,325 to 1,348, inclusive, of the Code of Tennessee.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That Section 2 of the Act approved March 27, 1877, said Act being Chapter 104 of the Acts of 1877, be, and the same is hereby amended by or adding to said Section, the following, to-wit: Provided, however, charters may be granted when the application therefor shows the fact is, that water is to be furnished to the inhabitants of an incorporated town or village and those adjacent, without such leave and certificate aforesaid.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

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AN ACT to amend Chapter 161, Acts of 1887, entitled "An Act for the benefit of turnpike companies between towns and railroad depots, that are not as much as five miles in length.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Amendment. the State of Tennessee, That the caption of Chapter 161, Acts of 1887, be amended by inserting after the word "depots" the words "or the termini of turnpikes."

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That Section 1 of Chapter 161, Acts of 1887, be amended by inserting after the words "railroad stations" in line four these words, "or between such and the termini of turnpikes."

Sec. 3. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

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AN ACT to authorize and empower County Courts to take certain book or books of record, which may need to be rebound, from the office of County Court Clerk, Clerk and Master, Circuit Court Clerk, and Register of any county in this State and have the same properly rebound, and releasing said County Court Clerks, Clerks and Masters, Circuit Court Clerks and Registers from liability on their official bonds for the safe keeping of such book or books, in their respective offices, while they are out of said offices for the purpose of being rebound.

to rebind

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Authority the State of Tennessee, That whenever any county court records. of this State on due examination as now required by law, shall ascertain that any of the books of record in the

Liability of

clerks suspended.

office of the register, county court clerk, clerk and master or circuit court clerk need to be rebound in order to preserve and keep in proper condition for use such books, then the county court of such a county may order and empower the chairman of said court to take charge of such books of record, and execute a receipt for the same to the proper officer having custody of said books, and at once forward them to some good, competent and reliable book-binding firm or company in this State, and take a receipt from said firm or company for such books received by them, and require them to rebind said books and return them to him at as early a date as possible.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That during the time said record book or books are kept out of the office and custody of said county court clerk, clerk and master, circuit court clerk or register for the purpose stated in Section 1 of this Act, he shall be released and held harmless and free from all liability on his official bond or otherwise for the proper and safe keeping of such books in his office.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act shall be and they are hereby repealed.

Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

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