Coal combines prohibited. Golored insane, for removal of ... Constitutional convention submission Constitutional convention, election of delegates provided Convicts, to provide for employment of. Commission, railroad, created Commissioners of election created Commissioners of election, how compensated. Commissioners of registration to appoint election officers Commissions may enact and enforce ordinances in Commissioner county work-house authorized to elect Combinations and conspiracies prohibited Common enclosures protected from trespassing stock. Communicable diseases, to prevent spread of among Corporate and partnership firms, laborers to have first Corporations, prohibited from contributing to cam- · Corporations, foreign, contracts validated. Corporations, amount of capital stock to be inserted in Corporations, act of 1891, requiring dividends to be Charters for skating rinks provided Charter for American Gas Enricher and Governo" pro- Charter of religious Sunday-schools authorized... Cities and towns to sue in chancery.. Civil districts, apportionment amended.. Clerks of courts of record to keep judgment index... Clerks of courts and clerks and masters to keep cash Corporations, act for the organization of amended as Corporations, municipal, may use same sewer pipes.. 108 274 128 309 238 174 156 109 115 271 153 152 240 119 275 126 128 167 113 131 138 County courts to have county records rebound Court of chancery appeals, writ of error not appeal- able after ten days... Carroll county, exempt from fish law of 1895. Carroll county, game protected.. Carter county, fish law.... Centennial City, incorporated. 231 Chancery court, Johnson City, abolished.. Chancery and law courts, Johnson City, act creating 540 Chancery court, Grundy county, time of holding Charter, Jackson, amended and bonds athorized to be Charter, Memphis, amended Charter, Fayetteville & Elkton Turnpike Co., amended 284 608 Charter, Perryville, repealed.. 293 616 Charter, Shelbyville, amended. Cheatham county fish law, amended. 296. 632 Circuit and chancery court in certain counties, time of holding changed... 294 616 Circuit and chancery courts, Van Buren county, time of holding changed.... Circuit court, ninth judicial circuit, time of holding INDEX TO ACTS-Continued. INDEX. Chapter. Page. Clay county, time of holding chancery court changed. 160 350 Corporate limits of McMinnville extended. County judge Lincoln county, act creating amended.. 198 415 Covington, charter amended. 253 566 Dividends to be declared, act of 1881 repealed.. Domestic animals, to prevent the spread of diseases. Davidson county, line 10th and 13th districts changed 296 633 DeKalb county, exempt from fish law ... 134 319 DeKalb and Warren, county line changed DeKalb county, time of holding chancery court changed 294 616 Eastern hospital for insane, new building to be erected Election commissioners, how compensated... Election officers, how appointed..... Elections, penalty prescribed for violation of laws.. Election laws, acts of 1890 extended to civil districts Electric light and power companies, lines and poles, for protection of.. water closets.... Employment of convicts provided for. Employers of females required to furnish separate Equalizers and assessors, board of abolished.. F Public Acts- Fences, lawful, authorized to be adopted by county Fences, partition, how removed.. Females, employers of to furnish separate water-closets 123 Fish, for protection of..... Fish hatchery, necessary lands may acquire, Unicoi Food, adulteration or misbranding of prohibited.. Foreign corporations, contracts validated.. Fraternal orders, regulation and control of.... Fraternal orders, to prevent other than member from Funding State debt, certain bonds prohibited. 129 Funding Board, State, authorized to issue registered Funds, public school, collection and disbursements pro- Funding of scrip certificates authorized 237 293 247 279 197 236 177 151 19 144 207 310 28 154 36 163 40 169 |