Totals. $78,872,148 57 $85,970,689 87 $85,686,065 17 $95,397,535 01 $106,069,058 88 Totals. $78,872,148 57 $85,970,689 87 $85,686,065 17 $95,397,535 01 $106,069,058 88 State Banks.-(Concluded.) September 6, 1904, 248 state banks, 4 trust companies, 1 society for savings. $78,746,336 05 68,383,331 90 197,553 07 2,902,806 42 1,608,035 94 $86,181,935 90 $101,287,736 39 $106,958,178 47 $98,397,163 38 $105,908,706 77 $122,547,420 16 85,902,873 96 88,945,067 90 95,428,501 97 109,045,073 50 120,056,915 38 361,154 87 4,992,537 71 370,836 07 430,698 51 5,495,884 72 5,927,665 67 1,396,444 39 1,457,973 02 1,229,227 35 $185,933,712 78 $209,535,891 64 $236,764,589 99 $242,041,114 48 $244,287,712 37 $273,718,216 23 $303,996,116 29 $16,111,120 00 $17,403,144 04 $19,119,930 00 $20,351,064 00 $21,626,273 53 $22,161,133 00 $23,862,810 00 4,902,817 34 7,239,305 31 3,836,000 67 2,933 29 45,041,231 95 18,364,826 02 111,234,128 86 90,768 06 105,934 17 5,969,398 11 $185,933,712 78 $209,535,891 64 $236,764,589 99 $242,041,114 48 $244,287,712 37 $273,718,216 23 $303,996,116 29 COMPARATIVE ABSTRACTS (NATIONAL BANKS). Comparative abstracts, showing the volume of business of the national banks of the State from the last reports called for in the years 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1910, as made to and furnished this department by the comptroller of the currency at Washington. Totals. $66,051,502 97 $68,358,341 25 $70,555,261 76 $78,235,686 10 $63,891,477 17 Totals.. $66,051,502 97 $68,358,341 25 $70,555,261 76 $78,235,686 10 $63,891,477 17 |