Totals. $81,498,517 67 $88,623,537 34 $95,561,515 74 $99,974,511 02 $104,056,072 02 Totals. $81,498,517 67 $88,623,537 34 $95,561,515 74 $99,974,511 02 $104,056,072 02 $109,398,138 47 $117,495,460 83 $132,515,439 07 $132,690,353 31 $143,530,641 03 $157,531,530 54 $157,261,906 76 $109,398,138 47 $117,495,460 83 $132,515,439 07 $132,690,353 31 $143,530,641 03 $157,531,530 54 $157,261,906 76 STATE BANKS. 1910. Abstracts of reports made by the State banks of Michigan to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, the reports being called for on past days unknown to the bank officers, viz., January 31, March 29, June 30, September 1 and November 10, 1910. For reports of individual State banks and trust companies see succeeding pages. $281,965,785 02 $289,808,048 94 $297,977,326 05 $300,520,727 62 $303,996,116 29 24,840 97 341,238.13 21,355 06 561,390 18 22,073 36 24,964 43 397,900 09 398,029 49 4,537,461 98 Commercial deposits subject to check 64,331,990 66 Commercial certificates of deposit.. 14,887,902 30 Certified checks. 165,177 13 $22,209,630 00 $22,970,910 00 Due to banks and bankers. Savings deposits... Saving certificates of deposit. Reserved for taxes, interest, etc. 7,957,428 24 8,582,295 70 942.342 80 7,751,614 13 128,171,539 68 36,693,324 65 803,985 35 7,776,290 36 129,836,443 22 390,646 17 8,222,465 26 131,860,560 88 37,271,278 18 37,211,788 03 224,137 19 57,892 73 201,000 00 441,500 00 39,517 08 243,875 87 46,058 32 NATIONAL BANKS. 1910. Abstracts of reports made by the National banks of Michigan to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, January 31, March 29, June 30, September 1 and November 10, 1910. For reports of individual National banks see succeeding pages. Totals. $158,690,456 76 $160,810,546 15 $162,904,746 91 $162,333,199 00 $157,261,906 76 Totals. $158,690,456 76 $160,810,546 15 $162,904,746 91 $162,333,199 00 $157,261,906 76 STATE AND NATIONAL BANKS. Abstracts showing the total volume of business transacted by the State and National banks and trust companies of Michigan, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, January 31, March 29, June 30, September 1 and November 10, 1910. Totals. $440,656,241 78 $450,618,595 09 $460,882,072 96 $462,853,926 62 $461,258,023 05 |