DETROIT. STATE BANKS. 1910. Abstracts of the published reports of the State banks and trust companies in the city of Detroit, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, January 31, March 29, June 30, September 1 and November 10, 1910. $104,242,564 83 $106,899,585 23 $111,351,352 35 $111,935,112 22 $112,653,248 19 2,642 87 3,434 69 3,899 99 6,281 99 49,961 12 201,555 41 72,957 58 Totals.. Liabilities. Capital stock paid in. $6,070,000 00 Surplus fund. 5,340,000 00 Undivided profits, less losses, current 5,460,000 00 expenses, interest and taxes paid... 2,139,007 90 Dividends unpaid.. 664 00 2,038,184 93 Commercial deposits subject to check. 25,811,375 17 25,828,838 87 Commercial certificates of deposit.. 866,509 52 859,821 18 Certified checks.. 4,215 50 28,531,587 61 507,312 43 184,293 23 4,300 50 28,416,258 59 458,051 46 149,404 24 Cashier's checks outstanding. 253,493 03 181,346 88 185,332 25 State monies on deposit.. 214,759 80 103,435 55 Due to banks and bankers.. Savings deposits... 53,929,509 76 55,417,871 33 Savings certificates of deposit.. 3,558,069 76 3,532,477 59 Notes and bills re-discounted. Reserved for taxes, interest, etc. Bills payable. Other liabilities. Totals. 114,530 65 182,630 18 5,540,688 74 57,691,981 11 3,450,601 84 197,879 76 5,729,846 66 58,405,157 37 218,667 58 5,891,433 08 59,545,852 45 $104,242,564 83 $106,899,585 23 $111,351,352 35 $111,935,112 22 $112,653,248 19 G DETROIT. NATIONAL BANKS. 1910. Abstracts of the published reports of the National banks in the city of Detroit, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, January 31, March 29, June 30, September 1 and November 10, 1910. Totals. $50,347,317 75 $52,527,311 64 $54,506,195 96 $53,087,189 62 $53,964,978 06 DETROIT. STATE AND NATIONAL BANKS. 1910. Abstracts of the published reports of the State and National banks and trust companies in the city of Detroit, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, January 31, March 29, June 30, September 1 and November 10, 1910. Totals. $154,589,882 58 $159,426,896 87 $165,857,548 31 $165,022,301 84 $166,618,226 25 Totals.. Liabilities other than those above] $154,589,882 58 $159,426,896 87 $165,857,548 31 $165,022,301 84 $166,618,226 25 200,000 00 H |