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Time changed day of January. ments, Art. X.

to first Wednes

See amend

Inhabitants of unincorporated plantations, who pay state

of the contents thereof, and delivered by the town clerk of such towns, to the sheriff of the county in which such town lies, thirty days at least before [the last Wednesday in May] annually; or it shall be delivered into the secretary's office seventeen days at least before the said [last Wednesday in May:] and the sheriff of each county shall deliver all such certificates by him received, into the secretary's office, seventeen days before the said [last Wednesday in May.]

And the inhabitants of plantations unincorporated, qualified as this constitution provides, who are or shall

taxes, may vote. be empowered and required to assess taxes upon them



amendments, Art. XV. Assessors to

notify, etc.

selves toward the support of government, shall have the same privilege of voting for councillors and senators in the plantations where they reside, as town inhabitants have in their respective towns; and the plantation meet

Time of eled by ings for that purpose shall be held annually [on the same first Monday in April], at such place in the plantations, respectively, as the assessors thereof shall direct; which assessors shall have like authority for notifying the electors, collecting and returning the votes, as the selectmen and town clerks have in their several towns, by this constitution. And all other persons living in places unincorporated (qualified as aforesaid) who shall be assessed to the support of government by the assessors of an adjacent town, shall have the privilege of giving in their votes for councillors and senators in the town where they shall be assessed, and be notified of the place of meeting by the selectmen of the town where they shall be assessed, for that purpose, accordingly.

Governor and council to ex

votes, and issue

III. And that there may be a due convention of senaamine and count tors on the [last Wednesday in May] annually, the governor with five of the council, for the time being, shall, to first Wednes. as soon as may be, examine the returned copies of such bamendments, records; and fourteen days before the said day he shall

summonses. Time changed

in January

Art. X. Majority changed to plurality by amendments, Art. XIV.

Senate to be final judge of

issue his summons to such persons as shall appear to be chosen by [a majority of] voters, to attend on that day, and take their seats accordingly: provided, nevertheless, that for the first year the said returned copies shall be examined by the president and five of the council of the former constitution of government; and the said president shall, in like manner, issue his summons to the persons so elected, that they may take their seats as aforesaid.

IV. The senate shall be the final judge of the elecelections, etc., tions, returns and qualifications of their own members, as


to first Wednes

by amend


pointed out in the constitution; and shall, [on the said of its own memlast Wednesday in May] annually, determine and declare Time changed who are elected by each district to be senators [by a day of January majority of votes; and in case there shall not appear to ments, Art. X. be the full number of senators returned elected by a changed to majority of votes for any district, the deficiency shall be plurality by supplied in the following manner, viz.: The members of Art. XIV. the house of representatives, and such senators as shall be declared elected, shall take the names of such persons as shall be found to have the highest number of votes in such district, and not elected, amounting to twice the number of senators wanting, if there be so many voted for; and out of these shall elect by ballot a number of Vacancies, how senators sufficient to fill up the vacancies in such district; Changed to and in this manner all such vacancies shall be filled up in people. every district of the commonwealth; and in like manner mente, Art. all vacancies in the senate, arising by death, removal out XXIV. of the state, or otherwise, shall be supplied as soon as may

be, after such vacancies shall happen.]


election by See amend

of senator.

fication abol

ments, Art.

V. Provided, nevertheless, that no person shall be Qualifications capable of being elected as a senator, [who is not seised Property qualiin his own right of a freehold, within this commonwealth, ished. of the value of three hundred pounds at least, or possessed See amend. of personal estate to the value of six hundred pounds at XIII. For further pro. least, or of both to the amount of the same sum, and] who vision as to residence, see has not been an inhabitant of this commonwealth for the also amendments, Art. space of five years immediately preceding his election, and, XXI at the time of his election, he shall be an inhabitant in the district for which he shall be chosen.


VI. The senate shall have power to adjourn themselves, Senate not to provided such adjournments do not exceed two days at a than two days. time.

VII. The senate shall choose its own president, ap- it shall choose point its own officers, and determine its own rules of establish its proceedings.


shall try all impeachments.

VIII. The senate shall be a court with full authority to hear and determine all impeachments made by the house of representatives, against any officer or officers of the commonwealth, for misconduct and mal-administration in their offices. But previous to the trial of every impeachment the members of the senate shall respectively be sworn, truly and impartially to try and determine the Oath. charge in question, according to evidence. Their judg- Limitation of ment, however, shall not extend further than to removal sentence. from office and disqualification to hold or enjoy any place

Quorum. See amendments, Arts. XXII. and XXXII.

of honor, trust, or profit, under this commonwealth; but the party so convicted shall be, nevertheless, liable to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to the laws of the land.

IX. [Not less than sixteen members of the senate shall constitute a quorum for doing business.]

Representation of the people.

Representatives, by whom chosen. Superseded by amendments, Arts. XII, and XIII., which were also



House of Representatives.

ARTICLE I. There shall be, in the legislature of this commonwealth, a representation of the people, annually elected, and founded upon the principle of equality.

II. [And in order to provide for a representation of the citizens of this commonwealth, founded upon the principle of equality, every corporate town containing one hundred and fifty ratable polls may elect one representsuperseded by ative; every corporate town containing three hundred

Art. XXI.
7 Mass. 523.

Proviso as to towns having less than 150 ratable polls.

Towns liable to fine in case, etc.

Expenses of travelling to and from the general court, how paid. Annulled by Art. XXXV.

Qualifications of a representative.

and seventy-five ratable polls may elect two representatives; every corporate town containing six hundred ratable polls may elect three representatives; and proceeding in that manner, making two hundred and twenty-five ratable polls the mean increasing number for every additional representative.

Provided, nevertheless, that each town nowincorporated, not having one hundred and fifty ratable polls, may elect one representative; but no place shall hereafter be incorporated with the privilege of electing a representative, unless there are within the same one hundred and fifty ratable polls.]

And the house of representatives shall have power from time to time to impose fines upon such towns as shall neglect to choose and return members to the same, agreeably to this constitution.

[The expenses of travelling to the general assembly, and returning home, once in every session, and no more, shall be paid by the government, out of the public treasury, to every member who shall attend as seasonably as he can, in the judgment of the house, and does not depart without leave.]

III. Every member of the house of representatives shall be chosen by written votes; [and, for one year at

as to residence.

ments, Art. XXI.

least next preceding his election, shall have been an inhab- New provision itant of, and have been seised in his own right of a free- See amendhold of the value of one hundred pounds within the town S he shall be chosen to represent, or any ratable estate to Property quali. the value of two hundred pounds; and he shall cease to ished by amendrepresent the said town immediately on his ceasing to be XIII. qualified as aforesaid.]

ments, Art.

of a voter.

visions super

IV. [Every male person, being twenty-one years of qualifications age, and resident in any particular town in this common- These prowealth for the space of one year next preceding, having a seded by freehold estate within the said town of the annual income amendments, of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, XXXXXX shall have a right to vote in the choice of a representative and XXXII. or representatives for the said town.]

Arts. III., XX.,

See also amendments, Art.

V. [The members of the house of representatives shall was annulled b be chosen annually in the month of May, ten days at least Art. XXVI. before the last Wednesday of that month.]

Time of election changed by amendments, Art. X., and changed again by amendments,

Art. XV.

Representatives, when chosen.

can impeach.

VI. The house of representatives shall be the grand House alone inquest of this commonwealth; and all impeachments made by them shall be heard and tried by the senate.

nate all money


VII. All money bills shall originate in the house of House to origi. representatives; but the senate may propose or concur bills. with amendments, as on other bills.

more than two

VIII. The house of representatives shall have power Not to adjourn to adjourn themselves; provided such adjournment shall days. not exceed two days at a time.


IX. [Not less than sixty members of the house of Quorum. See representatives shall constitute a quorum for doing busi- Arts. XXI. and ness.]


returns, etc., of bers; to choose

establish its

for certain

X. The house of representatives shall be the judge of To judge of the returns, elections, and qualifications of its own mem- its own members, as pointed out in the constitution; shall choose their its officers and own speaker; appoint their own officers, and settle the rules, etc. rules and orders of proceeding in their own house. They May punish shall have authority to punish by imprisonment every offenet person, not a member, who shall be guilty of disrespect 14 Gray, 226. to the house, by any disorderly or contemptuous behavior in its presence; or who, in the town where the general court is sitting, and during the time of its sitting, shall threaten harm to the body or estate of any of its members, for any thing said or done in the house; or who shall assault any of them therefor; or who shall assault, or arrest, any witness, or other person, ordered to attend the

Privileges of members.


Governor and council may punish.


house, in his way in going or returning; or who shall rescue any person arrested by the order of the house.

And no member of the house of representatives shall be arrested, or held to bail on mesne process, during his going unto, returning from, or his attending the general assembly.

XI. The senate shall have the same powers in the like cases; and the governor and council shall have the same General limita- authority to punish in like cases : provided, that no imprisonment on the warrant or order of the governor, council, senate, or house of representatives, for either of the above described offences, be for a term exceeding thirty days.

14 Gray, 226.

Trial may be by committee, or otherwise.

And the senate and house of representatives may try and determine all cases where their rights and privileges are concerned, and which, by the constitution, they have authority to try and determine, by committees of their own members, or in such other way as they may respectively think best.


His title.

To be chosen annually. Qualifications. See amendments, Arts. VII. and XXXIV.

By whom chosen, if he




ARTICLE I. There shall be a supreme executive magistrate, who shall be styled - THE GOVERNOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSA MASSACHUSETTS; and whose title shall be - HIS EXCELLENCY.

II. The governor shall be chosen annually; and no person shall be eligible to this office, unless, at the time of his election, he shall have been an inhabitant of this commonwealth for seven years next preceding; [and unless he shall at the same time be seised, in his own right, of a freehold, within the commonwealth, of the value of one thousand pounds;] [and unless he shall declare himself to be of the Christian religion.]

III. Those persons who shall be qualified to vote for have a majority senators and representatives within the several towns of

of votes.

Time of election changed by amendments, Art. X., and

changed again ments, Art. XV.

by amend

this commonwealth shall, at a meeting to be called for that purpose, on the [first Monday of April] annually, give in their votes for a governor, to the selectmen, who shall preside at such meetings; and the town clerk, in the presence and with the assistance of the selectmen, shall,

in open town meeting, sort and count the votes, and form

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