First meeting. Water commissioners, election, terms, etc. Quorum. continue or shut off the water for the non-payment of such rates and for violation of the terms of any such contract or agreement. SECTION 10. The first meeting of said district shall be called on petition of ten or more legal voters therein, by a warrant from the selectmen of the town of Dracut, or from a justice of the peace, directed to one of the petitioners, requiring him to give notice of the meeting by posting copies of said warrant in two or more public places in said district seven days at least before the time of said meeting. One of the selectmen shall preside at the meeting until a clerk is chosen and sworn. choice of a moderator for said meeting the question of the acceptance of this act shall be submitted to the voters, and if it shall be accepted by a majority vote of the voters present and voting thereon it shall go into effect, and the meeting may then proceed to act on the other articles contained in the warrant. After the SECTION 11. The Dracut Water Supply District shall, after the acceptance of this act at a legal meeting called for the purpose, elect by ballot three persons to hold office, one until the expiration of three years, one until the expiration of two years and one until the expiration of one year from the next succeeding annual district meeting, to constitute a board of water commissioners; and at every annual meeting thereafter one such commissioner shall be elected by ballot for the term of three years. All the authority granted to said district by this act and not otherwise specially provided for shall be vested in said board of water commissioners, who shall be subject however to such instructions, rules and regulations as the district may impose by its vote. Said commissioners shall appoint a treasurer of said district who may be one of their number, who shall give bonds to the district to such an amount and with such sureties as may be approved by the commissioners; and a majority of the commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any vacancy occurring in said board from any cause may be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by said water district at any legal meeting called for the purpose. No money shall be drawn from the district treasury on account of the water works except by a written order of said commissioners or a majority of them. The commis annual report. sioners shall annually make to said district a full report To make in writing of their doings and expenditures. provide rules, SECTION 12. Said district may adopt by-laws prescrib- District man ing by whom and how meetings may be called and notified, by-laws, and, upon the application of ten or more legal voters in etc. the district, meetings may also be called by warrant as provided in section ten. Said district may also provide rules and regulations for the management of its water works, not inconsistent with this act or with the laws of the Commonwealth, and may choose such other officers not provided for in this act as it may deem proper and neces sary. corruption SECTION 13. Whoever wilfully or wantonly corrupts, Penalty for pollutes or diverts any water obtained or supplied under of water, etc. this act, or wilfully or wantonly injures any reservoir, standpipe, aqueduct, pipe or other property owned or used by said district for the purposes of this act, shall forfeit and pay to the district three times the amount of damages assessed therefor, to be recovered in an action of tort; and upon conviction of any of the above acts shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. SECTION 14. This act shall take effect upon its accept when to t ance by a majority vote of the voters of said district present and voting thereon at any legal district meeting called for the purpose within three years after the passage of this act; but it shall become void unless the said district shåll begin to distribute water through its pipes to consumers in the town of Dracut within three years after the date of the acceptance of this act as aforesaid. Approved May 23, 1905. take AN ACT RELATIVE TO TRESPASSING UPON LAND OF CERTAIN Chap.434 STATE INSTITUTIONS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: amended. Section one hundred and twelve of chapter two hundred RL. 208, § 112, and eight of the Revised Laws is hereby amended by striking out after the word "reformatory", in the third line, the word "or", and by inserting after the word "women", in the same line, the words: - state hospital, state farm, Massachusetts hospital for epileptics, Foxborough state hospital, or any public institution for the care of insane, Penalty for trespassing upon land of certain institutions. feeble-minded or epileptic persons, so as to read as follows: - Section 112. Whoever wilfully trespasses upon land which belongs to the Commonwealth and is appurtenant to the state prison, Massachusetts reformatory, reformatory prison for women, state hospital, state farm, Massachusetts hospital for epileptics, Foxborough state hospital, or any public institution for the care of insane, feeble-minded or epileptic persons, or upon land which belongs to any county and is appurtenant to a jail or house of correction, or, after notice from an officer of any of said institutions to leave said land, remains thereon, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three months or by a fine of not more than fifty dollars. Approved May 23, 1905. Chap.435 AN ACT RELATIVE TO TEMPORARY ABSENCES OF PATIENTS R. L. 87, § 95, amended. Temporary absences of patients from institutions for FROM INSTITUTIONS FOR THE INSANE. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter eighty-seven of the Revised Laws is hereby amended by striking out section ninety-five and inserting in place thereof the following: Section 95. The superintendent or keeper of any institution, public the insane may or private, used wholly or in part for the care of the in be permitted. sane, may permit any inmate thereof temporarily to leave SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap.436 AN ACT RELATIVE TO APPLICATIONS FOR COMMITMENTS OF R. L. 87, § 39, amended. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter eighty-seven of the Revised Laws is hereby amended by striking out section thirty-nine and inserting in place thereof the following: — Section 39. Upon every application for the commitment or admission commitment, of a person as a patient to a hospital or asylum for the Statement to be filed in cases of appli. cations for persons, etc. insane or epileptic a statement shall be filed with the etc., of insane application, or within ten days after the commitment or admission, showing as nearly as can be ascertained the birthplace of such patient and of his father and mother, his age, civil condition and occupation; supposed cause and the duration and character of his disease, whether mild, violent, dangerous, homicidal, suicidal, paralytic or epileptic; the previous or present existence of insanity or epilepsy in the patient or in his family; his habits in regard to temperance; whether he has been in any hospital for the insane or epileptic, and if so, what one, when and how long; and, if the patient is a woman, whether she has borne children, and if so, what time has elapsed since the birth of the youngest; the maiden name of his mother and the names of his father, children, brothers, sisters and other next of kin, not exceeding ten in number and over eighteen years of age, and their addresses, if known by the applicant; and any facts showing whether he has or has not settlement, and if he has a settlement, in what place. If the applicant is unable to state any of the above particulars, he shall so state. A copy of the statement shall be transmitted to the superintendent of the hospital or asylum, and filed with the order of commitment or with the copy of the application for admission. The superintendent shall, within two days after the ad- Certain permission of such patient, send notice of his commitment notified of or admission by mail, postage prepaid, to each of said etc. relatives and to any other two persons whom the patient shall designate. a SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. sons to be commitment, AN ACT TO REGULATE THE USE OF THE CINEMATOGRAPH IN Chap.437 CHURCHES AND OTHER PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: The provisions of chapter one hundred and seventy-six Use, etc., of of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and five, being in churches an act entitled "An Act to regulate the use of the cine- and other pubmatograph", shall apply to the use, keeping, exhibition regulated. and inspection of cinematographs which are to be used, kept or exhibited in any church or other public building, whether such use, keeping or exhibition is on premises licensed or not licensed for entertainments. cinematograph buildings Approved May 23, 1905. Chap.438 AN ACT TO EXTEND THE TIME WITHIN WHICH THE HORSE Corporate existence of NECK BEACH STREET RAILWAY COMPANY MAY CONSTRUCT Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The organization of the Horse Neck Beach the Horse Neck Street Railway Company, as it existed prior to May first, Beach Street Time for construction, etc., of its road extended. nineteen hundred and five, is hereby legalized and its corporate existence restored and continued as though it had never ceased. SECTION 2. The time within which the Horse Neck Beach Street Railway Company is required by law and by the terms of its several locations to build and put into operation some part of its road is hereby extended until the first day of October in the year nineteen hundred and six. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Chap.439 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF NATICK TO ERECT A Town of Natick may construct a municipal building. Building committee, election, etc. Natick MUNICIPAL BUILDING AND TO BORROW MONEY THEREFOR. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The town of Natick is hereby authorized to take by purchase or otherwise land for, and to construct thereon, a municipal building containing town offices, a town hall, an armory, a police station, and quarters for such other municipal or public uses as the town may determine. SECTION 2. The construction of the said building shall be under the supervision and control of a building committee of five persons, citizens of the town, who shall be elected at the town meeting at which the town may vote to construct a building in accordance with the provisions of this act. Said committee shall elect from their number a chairman and a clerk, shall continue in office until the building is completed and shall fill any vacancies that may occur in their number. They shall receive no compensation for their services. SECTION 3. In order that the town of Natick may be Building Loan, able to borrow money within the statutory debt limit of Act of 1905. the town in case of emergency for public school purposes, the town for the purposes named in section one of this |