INDEX. A. PAGE Abandonment, of children, relative to Abolition of grade crossings, to provide for in Lowell, to provide for in Worcester, relative to Abraham Lincoln, to provide for the observance of the birthday of 192 350 312 367 250 388 Phillips, may hold additional estate. 112 Westfield, may convey a certain tract of land to the Westfield Athenæum 110 121 quests on Worcester, membership of trustees of 348 32 original jurisdiction in certain 188 for damages for injury to property, may be brought by one or more Adams Gas Light Company, may do business in the town of Cheshire Adjutant general, appropriations for salaries and expenses in the department of Administrators, public, sale of real estate by Advances, from the treasury, to the attorney-general, relative to 291 59 277 Age of compulsory school attendance, law relative to, amended 238 Age and schooling certificates, of minors, law relative to, amended 144 Aged and Destitute Clergymen, Society for the Relief of, name changed to the Society for Ministerial Relief 101 Agent, of the dairy bureau, salary established 103 Agriculture, board of, appropriations for salaries and expenses in the office of 46 to establish the salary of the agent of the dairy bureau of 103 Aid, state and military, appropriations for the payment of 37 164 Alcohol, wood, relative to the sale of 149 Alewife brook, appropriation for the purification of 83 Aliens, licenses may be granted to, for purposes of hunting 236 Almshouse buildings, preparation of plans for 109 Almshouses, relative to certain persons received in . 274 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, may hold additional estate 109 American Unitarian Association, may hold real and personal estate 89 Amesbury Park Association, incorporated. 165 Amusements, public, relative to the licensing of 266 Andover, town of, may contract with the city of Lawrence for a water supply 329 Protestant Episcopal Church in, name changed 88 Animals, domestic, reward for killing dogs found worrying or maiming, etc. Applications, for commitments of insane persons, etc., relative to 388 tive to. 290 APPROPRIATIONS: compensation and mileage of members of the general court, etc. salaries and expenses in the office of the civil service commission 14 salaries and expenses in the office of the controller of county accounts 13 salaries and expenses in the office of the insurance commissioner. 36 salaries and expenses in the office of the commissioner of public records 23 31 salaries and expenses in the office of the tax commissioner 44 salaries and expenses in the office of the state board of insanity 43 salaries and expenses in the state library 17 salaries and expenses in the office of the state board of education 68 salaries and expenses in the office of the state board of health 11 12 APPROPRIATIONS - Continued. PAGE salaries and expenses of the land court 40 salaries and expenses of the state board of conciliation and arbitration 13 90 salaries and expenses of the gas and electric light commissioners. 41 salaries and expenses at the state industrial school for girls 61 salaries and expenses at the state prison. 33 salaries and expenses of the board of registration in dentistry 16 salaries and expenses of the board of registration in medicine 47 34 salary and expenses of the commissioner of state aid and pensions 37 47 24 38 salaries and expenses in the office of the chief of the cattle bureau of the state board of agriculture 38 salaries and expenses in the office of the state board of agriculture 46 salaries of employees, etc., in the office of the sergeant-at-arms current expenses at the hospital for dipsomaniacs, etc.. 195 29 expenses of exterminating contagious diseases among cattle, etc.. premiums on securities purchased for the Massachusetts School Fund. 42 printing and binding public documents, etc. 14 investigation of methods of protecting purity of inland waters 19 care and maintenance of reservations, etc. 127, 128, 129, 291 |