4.5,2839.11.6 ¥63, liay 20. 38 ch. Gray Friend. BOUND JAR 10 1818 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1834, By ISAAC N. WHITING, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Ohio. C. Scorr, Printer, Columbus, O. ADVERTISEMENT. THE following work was originally prepared for the London Library of Useful Knowledge, and published in several of its numbers. It bears all the marks of extensive investigation of the subject and impartiality in treating it, which distinguish the works of that Society, and is alike nervous, elegant, and perspicuous in its style. Perhaps there is no work extant which embodies in so small a compass so full and interesting account of those eventful times which marked the rise and progress of the American Revolution. But while it will be found exceedingly interesting to readers generally, it is undoubtedly especially well calculated to form a most useful School Book. And with the view of rendering it still more valuable in this respect, to the youth of this country, and of impressing its important facts still more deeply on their minds, a series of Questions has been prepared expressly for this edition, with considerable care and attention, by an old, experienced teacher. A number of valuable notes, designed to illustrate more clearly some of the more important leading events, has also been added, taken chiefly from Holmes's Annals of America and Hale's History of the United States. The Constitution of the United States, with the amendments, has been inserted as an Appendix. With these additions it is believed there is no work of the kind to be found which can be more profitably studied by the rising generation, or which is better adapted to form a valuable text book for our Schools. It is readily confessed that few occurrences have ever transpired in connexion with the various revolutions of governments and empires, whose influences have been more extensive and salutary throughout the civilized world than the American Revolution. It formed indeed a new era in the history of mankind, and the principles which were then contended for and successfully established, the untiring ardor and stern patriotism which distinguished the actors of those times, should be early and familiarly made known, in order that we may duly prize our inestimable institutions.The publisher of this edition would therefore especially recommend the work to the attention of parents and teachers. The narrative of the enterprise of Sergeant Champe, from page 170 to the end of Section 32, is copied from Lee's Memoirs, and was intended to be in serted as a note. Gray Fund. 33. Campaign of 1781-Defeat of Greene, by Lord Cornwallis......190 34. Campaign of 1781 continued-Defeat of Lord Rawdon by Gen- eral Greene. 35. Further Events of the Campaign-Preparations for the Siege of New York. .235 36. Siege of Yorktown-Surrender of Cornwallis. ..240 37. Provisional Treaty of Peace... .246 38. Conclusion..... .252 APPENDIX- The Constitution of the United States.. .259 |