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Bismarck Archipelago, 27.

Bivalent chromosomes, 62, 64.
Blayney, Dr., 33.

Blood, immunity after injection of,
332, 369, 375.

[ocr errors]

immunity in hæmorrhagic
tumours, 134.

plasma of the action on cancer
cells, 100.

quantity of, to induce resist-
ance, 333.

specificity of protection after
injection of, 369.

stream, extension by the, 100.
supply of a squamous-celled
carcinoma, interference with,

supply of hæmorrhagic tumours,
interference with, 154.

supply, sphacelation after com-
plete obliteration of the, 157.

time to induce resistance after
injection of, 333.

Blood-serum, no resistance by in-
jection of, 334.

Bone, fracture of, 22.
Bonney, Victor, ix.

Borrel, 23, 69, 70, 73, 76, 97, 100,
107, 118, 136, 141, 142, 175,

268, 317, 360, 368.

and Bridré, 281, 376.

and Haaland, 97.

Boveri, M., 65.

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Boveri, Th., 57, 65.

Boyé, 30.

Brain, protection with, 376.

Brand cancer (of cattle), 22, 24.
Brault, 420.

Braun, 241, 242.

Breast, carcinoma of, in Sudan, 12.
Bridré, 118, 134, 136, 137, 142, 360,


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Cancroid of mouse, 171. Carbohydrates, respiratory quotient after a meal rich in, 430. Carcinoma, adeno-, of small intestine of, grouse, 45.


adeno-, of small intestine of mouse, 71.

adeno-, with excessive keratinisation, 171.1

and sarcoma, age-incidence of, 6.

and sarcoma artificially brought together, 201.

component of mixed tumours, 198.

in trout, thyroid enlargement progressing to the development of true, 52.

[ocr errors][merged small]

of axilla, squamous-cell, 81. of breast in Sudan, 12.

of intestine, spontaneous and experimental, 265.

of jaw, lymphatic metastases in squamous-celled, 97.

of nipple, squamous-celled, 82.

of the caruncula of the eye in cattle, squamous-celled, 42.

of the kidney in a rabbit, 42.

of the mamma from an old lioness, 42.


of the neck, squamous-cell,


of the ovary of a canary, columnar-celled, 47.

of the parotid in a jackal, 42. of the penis, 40.

of the penis in British Guiana, frequency of, 19.

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Caruncula of the eye in cattle, squamous-celled carcinoma of the, 42.

Casting out and degeneration of chromosomes, 63.

Cats, cancer in, 44.

Cattle in India, "horn core" of, 22, 24.

, squamous-celled carcinoma of the caruncula of the eye in, 42.

Cavernous angioma, 123. Cellularity of stroma, 215, 238. Cellular connective tissue no longer degenerates after transplantation, 191.

granulation tissue, round necrotic areas, 214.

stroma as a constant feature through several generations, 244.

Central Australia, 27.

Queensland, north-west, 27. Cervix uteri in a gazelle, squamouscelled sarcoma of the, 42.

Cestodes, 23.

Ceylon, cancer in, 19.

Chalmers, Dr. A. J., 19.

Changes from the acinous to the

alveolar condition of the parenchyma, 254.

Changes in the stroma, hæmorrhagic and oedematous, 87.

in the stroma of Jensen's tumour, transitory, 187.

in the stroma of tumour 37, 210, 213.

in tumour-cells, alternating, 278.

leading to inhibition of growth, nature of the, 339.

of the introduced stroma elements, degenerative, 190. Character of growth, rhythmic, 308, 310.

-, localised, of malignant new growths, 107.

Chemical irritants and cancer, 22. Chemiotactic power, suppression of, 356.

Chemiotaxis, angioblastic, 356. Chimney-sweeps' cancer, 24. Chlorides, estimation of, 399. Chondro-osteo sarcoma of mamma, 78, 80.

sarcoma of spine, 70. Chorion-epithelioma, 333. -, absorption of, 333.

Chromosomes, bivalent, 62, 64. casting out and degeneration of, 63.

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Classification of the new growths of

the mouse and the rat, 69.

Clay pipes, 19.

pipe cancer, 22.

Clelland, Dr. Burton, 42, 45.

Clinical course of and results of

operation on mouse tumours, 101.

course of spontaneous mouse tumours, 91.

Clowes, 76, 276, 317, 318.

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and Gaylord, 267, 271, 278. Clumping of the chromosomes, 62. Cod, angioma of pectoral girdle in, 53.

osteo-sarcoma of the operculum in the, 53.

Columnar-celled carcinoma of the

Ovary of a canary, 47. Concomitant immunisation, 390, Conditions of origin and conditions

of growth of cancer, distinction between, 107, 320. Congenital glio-sarcoma of orbit, 4. origin of cancer, ix., 24, 80. pigmented moles, 28, 29. Connective tissue, interdependence of growth of epithelial and, 257.

tissue no longer degenerates after transplantation, 191.

tissue, specific influence on the, 128.

Conversion of adenomatous formation

into alveolar, 124.

Cooper, Astley, xvii.

Copeman and Hake, 398, 432.

Corney, Dr. Glanville, 14.

Cortical adrenal tissue, cancer of in

frog, 48.

Cousens, Mr. F. W., 47.

Cows, cancer in, 44.

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