FOR BANK OFFICERS. BY GEO. M. COFFIN, AUTHOR OF "Hand-Book for National-Bank Shareholders." WASHINGTON, D. C., MCGILL & WALLACE, Printers and Publishers, 1893. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1891, by GEO. M. COFFIN, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. IN N preparing this (the fifth) edition of this work, some important additions have been made, the chief of which are the two new chapters on the powers and duties of the President and Cashier, respectively. Though treating specially of the law and practice governing National banks, the volume, as it now stands, will be found valuable and useful to the officers of any commercial bank, for the reason that the National banking system embodies the very best features of commercial banking, as is conclusively shown by the wonderful success, growth and strength attained by it in a period of about twenty-five years. Perhaps the best proof of the merit of the work is the fact that it has reached a third edition in sixteen inoliths tafie, a result largely owing to the commendation kindly expressed by some of the most prominent and successful bankers in all sections of the country. 257168 |