A DIALOGUE. Imitated from LUCIAN, and fuited to BEING An Attempt to reftore the ENGLISH Tongue And to correct, as well as expofe, the affected Style, Our ENGLISH LEXIPHANES, the RAMBLER. Whofe ordinary rate of Speech, In Loftinefs of Sound is rich ; Which learned Pedants much affect: Of patch'd and py-bald Languages. HJDIBRAS. The FOURTH EDITION, COnected, DUBLIN: PRINTED FOR J. WILLIAMS, No. 5, To the RIGHT HONOURABLE GEORGE, LORD LYTTELTON. MY LORD, N looking round me, throughout the world, for fome diftinguished character, to whofe protection and fostering care, I might commit the following performance, which ftands fo greatly in need of it, not only as it is the production of a nameless author, but because it combats many inveterate prejudices of the age and nation we live in, and likewise attacks fome reputations established fo firmly in the opinions of moft men, that they may be thought in no danger from any, I could! a 2 |