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lodged with the clerk of the peace. The Commissioners of Public Works may advance monies necessary for the works.

Cap. liii.-Drainage and Improvement of Land. -An Act to confirm a Provisional Order under the Drainage and Improvement of Lands (Ireland) Act, 1863, and the Act amending the same. (29th June, 1865.)

Cap. liv. Pheasants.—An Act to alter the
Days between which Pheasants may not be
killed in Ireland. (29th June, 1865.)
No pheasants to be killed between the 1st of
February and the 1st of October in any year.

Cap. lxvii.-Kingstown Harbour.-An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Harbour of Kingstown. (29th June, 1865.)

Cap. lxx.-Constabulary Force.-An Act to alter the Distribution of the Constabulary Force in Ireland, and to make better Provision for the Police Force in the Borough of Belfast. (29th July, 1865.)

Cap. lxxi.-National Gallery, Dublin.—An Act

to amend the Acts for the Establishment of a National Gallery in Dublin. (29th June, 1865.)

The Commissioners of Public Works to be a corporation. The buildings and grounds to be vested in them.

Cap. lxxxii.-Small Benefices Act.-An Act to amend the Endowment and augmentation of Small Benefices (Ireland) Act, 1860. (5th July, 1865.)

Cap. lxxxviii.-Titles of Land.-An Act for recording of Titles of Land in Ireland. (5th July, 1865.)

A record of title to be established of land which has been the subject of conveyance or

declaration by the Landed Estates Court, and any conveyance by that court of any land or lease may be entered in the record. The court may, on application, investigate the title to any estate or interest, and upon obtaining a declaration of title the same may be entered upon the record. The officer may deliver to every person described in the record as the owner a land certificate containing a description of the estate, which certificate is to be conclusive evidence of the several matters therein contained. Recorded estates and recorded charges may be conveyed, charged, settled, and dealt with, or affected by a statutory deed or disposition, by endorsement on the certificate, by deposit of the certificate, and by deed, will, decree, order, or other means. The court to have power to record estates and interests after settlements.

Cap. ci.-Land Debentures, Ireland.-An Act

for authorizing Transferable Debentures to be charged upon Land in Ireland. (5th July, 1865.)

The Landed Estates Court in Ireland may certify land to be chargeable with debentures. The owner of land may issue debentures with sanction of the court. The debentures to be transferable, and may have coupons annexed to them entitling the bearer to the interest. In the case of unencumbered land no debenture to be charged for more than ten times the yearly value of the land.

Cap. cix.-Ulster Canal Transfer.-An Act for transferring the Ulster Canal to the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland. (5th July, 1865.)

Cap. cxviii.-Peace Preservation (Ireland).— An Act to continue and amend the Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act, 1856. (5th July, 1865.)


Admiralty, statute on, 486
Admiralty control, statute on, 486
Admiralty court, proceedings of, 34
Affirmations, statute on, 497

Africa, West Coast, Report of Committee on British
establishments in, 114; East Coast, slave trade in,
216; Bight of Biafra, trade of, 219; visit to King
of Dahomey, ib.

Agricultural statistics, Ireland, tables of, 475
Alkali Act, report of inspector on, 350
Antigua, report on the state of, 329

Argentine Republic, declaration of war against Para-
guay, 144

Army, medical department, statistical report for 1863,
of, 300; average strength of, ib.; mean daily sick
in the, ib.; total number of battalions in the, 1842-
65, 369

Artificial flower making, number employed in, 110
Australia, number of troops stationed in, 304
Austria, correspondence with, on declaring slave trade
piracy, 230

Bahamas, number of troops stationed at, 304; report
on the state of, 325

Bank of Ireland, statute on, 500
Banks, return of number of, 480

Bankruptcy courts, number of adjudications in, 32;
number of cases in which a dividend was made, ib.
Bankruptcy law, report of committee on, 477
Barbados, report on the state of, 326
Beef and mutton, average price of, 344
Belfast, commission on police jurisdiction of, 205
Belgium, the commerce and production of, 315
Benefices, return of augmentations of, 481
Beneficed clergy, statute on, 492

Bermuda, number of troops stationed at, 302; report
on the state of, 332

Bills of Exchange, revenue from, 69

Births, deaths, and marriages in Scotland, seventh
detailed report of, for 1861, 48

Births, number of, in Scotland, 48; legitimate and
illegitimate, 49; males and females, ib.
Births, deaths, &c., in Ireland, tables of, 249
Bobbins and spindles, number employed in, 109
Boot-makers, number of children employed as, 111
Brazil, correspondence on the slave trade with, 231;
war against Uruguay and Paraguay, 133
British Kaffraria, statute on, 482

British North American Provinces, correspondence on
union of, 251

Canada, number of immigrants into, 42

Cape of Good Hope, report on the state of, 333; re-
port on slave trade adjudication in, 214
Capital punishment, changes in the law of, 23; num-
ber of persons executed, 1822-1864, 24; sentenced
to, 24; bill to inflict such within gaols, 466

Carriers' Act, statute on, 488

Carpet trade, number employed in, 107

Ceylon, number of troops stationed in, 305; report on
the state of, 343

Charities, correspondence on their exemption from
income tax, 390; report on Lord Crewe's, 392;
report on Christ's Hospital, 394; report on Mag-
dalen Hospital, 409; report on St. Thomas's Hos-
pital, 413; report on London Hospital, 413; digest
of parochial in the cities of London and West-
minster, 481

Child-bearing, danger of, in Scotland, 56
Children's employment commission, 80
Chimney-sweepers, regulation regarding climbing-
boys, 86; violation of the laws on, ib.; age of
climbing-boys, 89; recommendations on, 94
China, correspondence on the foreign customs esta-
blishment in, 178; correspondence respecting direct
commerce with the west of, 259; number of British
troops stationed in, 305

Church attendance, the abolition of fine on, 468
Civil service commissioners, tenth report of, 43;
number of superior situations vacant in, 44; num-
ber of inferior situations vacant in, ib.

Civil service of India, examination for, 44; number
of competitors for, 45

Coffee, quantity imported and consumed in six months
ending June, 1865, 289

Coinage, amount of, 1855-1864, 481
Colonial governors, statute on, 486
Colonial laws validity, statute on, 483
Colonial marriages validity, statute on, 483
Colonial possessions, reports on the state of, 325
Colonial works loans, statute on, 486
Commitments, number of, in 1864, 22; age and sex of
persons committed for trial, 25; place of birth of
persons committed for trial, ib.; degree of instruc-
tion of persons committed for trial, ib.; occupation
of persons committed for trial, ib.
Compound spirits warehousing, statute on, 486
Comptroller of the Exchequer, statute on, 483
Common law courts, proceedings of, 28; number of
suits entered for trial, 29; nature of suits entered,
ib.; amount of suits entered for trial, 30; number
of executions issued by, ib.; statute on, 491
Conscience money, amount received for income-tax
as, 71

Consolidated fund, statute on, 482, 486
Convict females, number of, 79

Convict prisons, number of convicts in, 27; Report of
Directors of, 76; dietaries in, 78

Copper works in South Wales, term of employment
in, 106

Corn, quantity imported and consumed in six months
ending June, 1865, 289

Coroners' inquests, number of, 22

Cotton cultivation in Turkey, consular reports on, 189

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County of Sussex, statute on, 491

County courts, proceedings of, 31; statute on, 495
County voters registration, statute on, 490
Court of chancery, proceedings in, 33; accountant-
general's proceedings, 34

Court of criminal appeal, constitution of, 24
Court of divorce, proceedings of, 34
Court of probate, proceedings of, 34
Courts of justice, Bengal, statute on, 491

Crimes, number of, committed in England and Wales,
20; number of persons apprehended for, in Eng-
land and Wales, ib.; proceeded against summarily
in England and Wales, ib.; convicted of, 21
Criminal classes at large, in England and Wales, 19
Criminal lunatics, number of asylums for, 28; number
detained of, ib.

Criminal offenders, Scotland, tables of, 150
Crown suits, statute on, 496

Customs and inland revenue, statute on, 483

Dahomey, king of, visit to, 219

Death, causes of in Scotland, 58; number affected by
zymotic disease in Scotland, ib.; by diseases of un-
certain seat, ib.; by tubercular diseases, 61; by
brain and nervous system, 63; by diseases of the
heart, ib.; by respiratory organs, 64; by organs of
digestion, ib.; by violent deaths, 65; influence of
external agencies on, ib.

Defence Act, statute on, 487

Denmark and Germany, correspondence on Holstein,
Lauenburg, and Schleswig, 366

Discount, rate of, 1844-1864, 476

Divine worship in the Church of England, bill on, 465
Dockyards and victualling lighters, pay of, 370
Dockyards, statute on, 486

Dockyard extension, statute on, 491

Dogs, statute on, 491

Drainage and Improvement of Land, statute on, 499
Drunkenness, number of persons committed for, in
England and Wales, 21

Dublin Exhibition, statute on, 499
Dublin hospitals, report on, 249

East India, Oude, papers relating to the administra-
tion of, 435

Ecclesiastical courts, proceedings of, 35
Ecclesiastical leasing, statute on,
Ecclesiastical commission, statute on, 492

Education, report of committee of the House of Com-
mons on, 169

Election petitions, statute on, 487

Emigration, number of persons who emigrated from
1814 to 1864, 36; in 1864, ib.; number gone to the
United States, 37; Australia, ib.; Mauritius and the
West Indies, 38; total 1815 to 1864, year by year, 43
Evidence, bill on the law of, 466
Exchequer bonds, statute on, 483
Expiring laws, statute on, 486

Exports of British and Irish produce in the six
months ending June 30, 1865, 292; declared value
of British and Irish produce to each country, 295

Falmouth borough, statute on, 496
Felony and misdemeanor, statute on, 488
Finishers, hookers, &c., persons employed in, 85
Fire brigade, statute on, 493

Fire insurance duty, revenue from, 69
Foreign jurisdiction, statute on, 486
Fortifications, statute on, 483

Franchise, bill on extension of borough, 466
French Army, composition of, 306

[blocks in formation]

General post-office, statute on, 493

Glass Manufacture, history of, 113; nature of em-
ployment in, ib.

Gold Coast, history of British settlement in, 115
Greece, revolution, correspondence respecting the, 1;
proclamation of the provisional government, ib.;
protocol of plenipotentiaries of France, Great
Britain, and Russia, 2; treaty between Britain,
France, Russia, and Denmark on, 5; treaty with
respect to the Ionian Islands, 12; report on the
commerce and productions of, 312
Greenwich hospital, statute on, 485
Gun Trade in Belgium, report on, 320

Hand-loom, weaving and hosiery manufacture in
Ireland, time of working, 96

Harbours transfer, statute on, 496
Harwich harbour, statute on, 496
Hatters, number of, 112

Havana, report of slave trade in, 213
Heald Knitting, time of working in, 107
Herring Fisheries, statute on, 497

Hong Kong, report on the state of, 343
Hosiery Manufacture, 94

Houseless poor, statute on, 490

Houses of bad character, in England and Wales, 20
House of Lords, proceedings of, 35
Hypothec, report on the right of, 235

Imports, from each country, 295

Imports into the United Kingdom in the six months
ending June 30, 1865, 289; value of, in the six
months ending June 30, 1865, 290

Inclosure, statute on, 490, 491

Income Tax, revenue from, 70
Indemnity, statute on, 488

India, statute on High Court of, 482
India Office, statute on, 490

Indian presidencies, powers of governors of, 482
Industrial exhibitions, statute on, 487

Industrial Schools, number certified of, 28

Inland revenue, report of, 68; amount of, ib.; statute
on, 487

Inns of court, bill on, 467

Ionian Islands, cession of, to Greece, 12
Ireland, report of commissioners for national educa-
tion in 16; number of children in national schools
in, 17; judicial statistics of, 274; prisons in, ib.;
poor law in, 276

Iron and Hardware, persons employed in, 103
Iron Shipping-yard, time of employment in, 106
Isle of Man disafforestation, statute on, 482
Italy, report on the commerce and production of,


Jamaica, number of troops stationed at, 304; report
on the state of, 325; political franchise in, ib.;
report on tramway in, 380

Japan, correspondence respecting affairs in, 151;
entrance into the inland waters and seas of, ib.;
difficulties with the daimios of, 157; convention
with, 168

Judicial statistics of England, report on, 19

Lace manufacture, number of children employed in,
86; finishing and dressing, number of persons
employed in, 93; and embroidery work in Ireland,
number employed in, 96

Lagos, date of settlement of, 116; papers relative to
the war in the neighbourhood of, 145; report on
the state of, 333

Lancaster Court of Chancery, statute on, 491
Land debentures, statute on, 500

Land Tax, amount of revenue from, 70

Legacy and succession duty, revenue from, 69

Letter foundries in London, persons employed in, 106
Libel, bill to amend the law of, 466

Licences, number issued, and duty from, 69
Loanda, Report on slave trade, adjudication in, 215
Local government, supplemental statute on, 490, 491
Locomotives on road, statute on, 487
London brokers, bill for relieving, 472

Lucifer Match manufacture, history of, 83; number
of children employed in, 84

Lunacy, Scotland, report of commissioners of, 346
Lunatic asylums, statute on, 493

Lunatics, number of pauper in Scotland, 348

[blocks in formation]

Malta, number of troops stationed in, 302

Marriages, number registered in Scotland, 50; pro-
portion of persons who signed their names, 52;
statute on, 493

Married women, statute on, 499

Master and servant, report of committee on, 480
Mauritius, number of troops stationed in, 305; report
on the state of, 331

Merchant shipping disputes, bill on, 470

Metal manufacture in the Sheffield district, classifica-
tion of, 106

Metal manufacture, persons employed in, 103
Militia, statute on, 487

Militia ballots, statute on, 487

Milliners and dressmakers, in the United Kingdom,
98; effect of the fashionable season on, 99
Mills and forges, in operation in Staffordshire, 103
Mines, net revenue for royalty on, 344; report of
inspectors of, 258

Monserrat, report on the state of, 331
Mortgage debentures, statute on, 492

Muscat, correspondence on the slave trade with, 233
Mutinies, statutes on, 482

Naval and marine pay, statute on, 485
Naval defence, colonies, statute on, 482
Naval discipline, statute on, 486

Navy, report on the health of the, 243; ratio of
invaliding at different stations, 248
Navy and marines' wills, statute on, 483

Navy and marine, property of deceased, statute on, 486
New Brunswick, number of troops stationed at, 303
New South Wales, emigration to, 40; land revenue
of, ib; export of wool, ib.; value of gold exported
from, ib.; number of cattle and sheep in, ib.; report
on the state of, 334

New Zealand, exports of gold from, 42; further papers
relative to the affairs of, 381; number of troops
stationed in, 305

Nova Scotia, number of troops stationed at, 303

Oats, average price of, 1842-1845, 1861-64, 344
Open spaces, metropolis, report of committee on, 278
Oriental Republic, war of, with Brazil, 133
Ostrich feather makers, nature of employment in, 111
Oxford University, statute on, 491

Paper Manufacture, number employed in, 112
Paper Staining manufacture, locality of, 84; num-
ber of pieces produced, ib.

Paper Tube or "Spool" manufacture, time of
working, 97

Paraguay, protest of, against Brazilian occupation of
Uruguay, 135

Partnership, statute on the law of, 488

Paupers, in England and Wales, 1849-1864, ib.
Pawnbrokers, number of licences to, 69

Penalties, statute on, 497

Piers and harbours order confirmation, statutes on,
488, 491

Pilotage orders confirmation, 491

Police, total police force in England and Wales, 19;
cost of in England and Wales, 19
Police superannuation, statute on, 490
Poor Law Board, statute on, 496

Poor Law, Ireland, report of commissioners of, 216
Poor Law, report of the board, 71; sums received
and expended by, ib.; amount expended in relief
of the poor, 1834-1864, 72

Postmasters, number of licences to, 69

Pottery Manufactories, history of, 81; number of
persons employed in, ib.; children employed in, 82
Prince Edward Island, report on the state of, 332
Prison Officers, number of, 26

Prisons, Ireland, report of inspectors general of, 361
Prisoners, number of, 26

Prisons, cost of, 27; statute on, 496
Private bills costs, statute on, 482

Prostitutes, in England and Wales, 20

Prussia, the commerce and productions of, 312
Public-house closing Act, statute on, 492
Public offices, statute on, 490

Queensland, land sold in, 40; number of cattle and
sheep in, ib.; revenue and expenditure of, ib. ;
population of, ib.; report on the state of, 334

Railways, accidents, traffic, and capital in, 480
Reformatory Schools, numbers of commitments to
the, 27; report of inspectors on, 355; Ireland,
report of inspectors on, 360

River Plate, correspondence respecting hostilities on
the, 132

Rochdale vicarage, statute on, 496
Roman Catholic oath, bill on, 469

Russia, the commerce and productions of, 313
Russian Army, composition of, 307

Salmon Fishery Act, statute on, 496

Savings' Banks, number of depositors and sums de-
posited in, 344; sums paid or withdrawn by
trustees of, 345

Saxony, the commerce and productions of, 313
Science and Art, report of department of, 266
Scotland, number of pauper lunatics in, 348
Scotland, tables of criminal offenders in, 150
Sewage utilization, statute on, 487
Sewage, metropolis, report of committee on, 197;
quantity of produced in, 201; value of, 202
Sewing machines, use of, 100; advantages of, ib.
Shipping, number and tonnage of ships belonging to
the United Kingdom, 249; tonnage of vessels
entered and cleared in the six months ending 30th
June, 1865, 293; tonnage of vessels from various
countries, 294; tonnage of vessels, coastwise, ib.
Shirt Makers, number of in England and Wales, 98
Shoe Makers, number of in England and Wales, 98
Sierra Leone, history of British settlement in, 115;
report of slave trade in, ib.; report on the state
of, 332

Slave Trade, treaties for the abolition of, 118;
correspondence with British Commissioners on, 213
Smoke nuisance, statute on, 499

South Australia, sales of land in, 41; settlement of
extension territory in, ib.; report on the state of, 342
South Kensington Museum, state of buildings of, 269
Spirits, revenue from, 68; consumption of, ib.
Spirits, causes of diminution of consumption of, 472
Straw Hat and Bonnet Makers, number of in England
and Wales, 98

Straw Plait, making up, number of persons engaged
in, 95

St. Christopher, report on the state of, 331

St. Lucia, condition of liberated Africans in, 39; re-
port on the state of, 329

St. Vincent, report on the state of, 328
Subscriptions and declarations, statute on, 489
Sugar, quantity imported and consumed in the six
months ending 30th June, 1865, 289
Sugar duties and drawback, statute on, 485
Sugar, quantity imported and consumed of, 1844-
1864, 345; changes in the duties on from 1844-
1864, ib.

Tailors, number of in England and Wales, 98
Tasmania, report on the state of, 342

Taxes, estimated amount imposed in Great Britain
and Ireland respectively of, 346

Tea Dealers, number of licences to, 69

Tea, quantity imported and consumed in the six
months ending 30th June, 1865, 289
Tests abolition, Oxford, bill on, 469

Thieves and depredators, estimated number of, in
England and Wales, 20

Titles of Land, statute on, 500

Tobacco Dealers, number of licences to, 69
Tobacco Manufacture, number employed in, 107;
quantity imported and consumed in the six months
ending June 30, 1865, 289

Tobago, report on the state of, 328

Trade and Navigation, annual statement of for 1864,
447; for six months ending 30th June, 1865, 289
Tramways, statute on, 492

Treason and felony, bill to abolish forfeitures for, 471
Trespass, Scotland, statute on, 487
Trinidad, report on the state of, 326

Turkey and Persia, correspondence on the demarca-
tion of the frontier between, 376

Turks and Caicos Islands, report on the state of, 326
Turnpike acts continuance, statute on, 488
Turnpike trusts arrangements, statute on, 495

Umbrella and Parasols, number employed on, 109
Union chargeability, statute on, 494
United States, papers respecting the termination of
the war in, 184; correspondence on the Kearsage
and Alabama with, ib.; on the change of form
of consular exequaturs, 186; on the assassination of
President Lincoln with, ib.; further correspondence
respecting the cessation of civil war in, 187; re-
specting the proclamation issued in, 188; respecting
compensation to Widow Gray, ib.

Uruguay, occupation of, by Brazil, 133

Vagrancy, number of persons committed for in Eng-
land and Wales, 21

Valuation of land, Scotland, committee on, 370
Vancouver Island, report on the state of, 362
Vessels not armour plated, number of, 370
Victoria, sales of land in, 41; digging population in,
ib.; report on the state of, 335; population, posi-
tion, area, climate, gold mines, &c., 336

Virgin Islands, report on the state of, 331

Water companies, return of capital of, 476
Wearing Apparel Manufacture, numbers of boys
employed in, 97

Weight, report of committee on the parliamentary
standard of, 435

Weights and Measures, letter from Comptroller of
Exchequer on, 413; history of the standards of, 414
Western Australia, land sold in 1864 in, 42; number
of emigrants to, ih.

Wrecks and Casualties, abstract of return of, 443


London. Printed by SMITH, Elder and Co., Old Bailey, E.C.

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