| Abel Boyer - 1703 - 588 pages
...fupporting and defending ;the SiJC' cefllon of the Crown, according to an A6t made * -in the firft Year of the Reign of King William 'and Queen Mary, intituled, -An Aft declaring- the ' ftjgl>t*<wd Libert id «f tbe Suli/ed, and Settling the ' Succefjion of the 'Croant.... | |
| Abel Boyer - 1712 - 528 pages
...Authority afbre&id, That the Tolerati1 on granted to Proteftant Diflenters by die Aft « made in the Firft Year of the Reign of King * William and Queen Mary, Intituled, An Aft * far Exempting their Majefoes Pro tftant Sub« idts, Difantirtg from the Chxrck of England, *... | |
| Nicholas Tindal, Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1761 - 558 pages
...in fupporting and defending " the fucceffion of the crown, according to an act made in " the firft year of the reign of king William and queen " Mary, intituled, " An atft declaring the rights and liberties " of the fubjetft, and fettling the fucceffion of the crown."... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 484 pages
...roads ¡n that part of Great Britain called England ; лпа fo much of an a£ï faffed in the third year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An aft-for the better repairing and amending the highways; and for fettling the rates of the carriage... | |
| Great Britain - 1765 - 510 pages
...diflenters by an a6t, intituled, An aft for exempting their Majejlies protejlant fubjetls^ dijfenting from the church of England, from the penalties of certain laws, and for fupplying the defects thereof; and for the further fecuring the proteftant fucceflion, by requiring... | |
| Jonathan Swift - 1766 - 548 pages
...dijjeniers, by an ail, intitled, An Act for exempting their Majeities Proteftant Subjects, diflenting from the church of England, from the penalties of certain Laws ; and for the fupply ing the defeats thereof; and for the further a bill againft occafional conformity ;... | |
| John Almon - 1767 - 410 pages
...An act for enlarging the time of continuance of parliaments, appointed by an act made in the fixth year of the reign of King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An act for the frequent meeting and calling of parliaments. . Contents 77 \ , The queftion was put, whether Proxies... | |
| Edmund Bott - 1773 - 552 pages
...defedt Vithftaiiding. F 4 Anna Anno 31 Georgii 2. Regis. An AiSt to amend an Act made in the third Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An A5l for the better Explanation, and/applying the Dtfefls of the former Laws for the Settlement of the... | |
| Great Britain - 1786 - 734 pages
...further Relief of Proteftant DifTenting Minifters and Schoolmafters. WHEREAS by an Adi made intliefir.fl Year of the Reign of King WILLIAM and Queen MARY,. intituled, An Acl for exempting their Majeflies Proteftant Subjefls, diffenting from the Church of England, from... | |
| Francis Plowden - 1792 - 658 pages
...approved by feveral acts of parliament, * the preamble fets forth more * Viz. by an aft made in the firft year of the reign of king William and queen Mary, intituled, An ate declaring the rights and liberties of the fubjefl, and fettling tbe/accefficn cftbe crown ; and... | |
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