Public Acts and Joint and Concurrent Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of MichiganR. Smith, 1883 Includes regular and extra sessions. |
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act entitled act is ordered act number act to amend act to authorize act to provide act to revise acts of eighteen amended by act amount appoint approved April approved June approved March approved May 31 April 21 articles of association assessed asylum auditor Bank Bay county bond certificate chapter one hundred commissioner of insurance compiled laws compiler's section corporation county clerk deemed dred duties eighteen hundred entitled An act expenses filed Fund hereby amended hundred and eighty hundred and eighty-four hundred and eighty-one hundred and eighty-three hundred and seventy-one hundred and seventy-seven hundred and seventy-three hundred dollars incorporation Joint resolution laws of eighteen liabilities Michigan enact number one hundred number two hundred ordered to take paid person railroad read as follows repeal Revenue Stamps road secretary session laws stockholders take immediate effect taxes thereof thousand dollars thousand eight hundred three thousand tion township treasurer
Popular passages
Page 131 - The amount of its capital stock and the number of shares into which the same shall be divided.
Page 22 - ... for the term of one year, two for the term of two years, and two for a term of three years...
Page 217 - ... in the county in which the principal office of such corporation is...
Page 217 - ... in the office of the secretary of state and .in the office of the county clerk...
Page 204 - Know all men by these presents, That we as principal, and and as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the people of the State of Michigan in the sum of dollars, to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents.
Page 209 - The salaries of the treasurer and resident officers of the asylum shall be paid quarterly, on the first days of January, April, July and October in each year, by the Treasurer of the State, on the warrant of the...
Page 144 - Any person violating any of the provisions of the foregoing section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, in addition thereto...
Page 192 - Such as shall have been mortgaged to it in good faith by way of security for loans previously contracted or for moneys due ; or, 3.
Page 65 - Number of corporators any number of persons not less than seven may associate required. Purposes of together and form an incorporated company for the purpose of "' 'mutual insurance of the property of its members against loss by fire...
Page 181 - If the decedent leaves neither issue, husband, wife, father, mother, brother, nor sister, the estate must go to the next of kin, in equal degree, excepting that, when there are two or more collateral kindred, in equal degree, but claiming through different ancestors, those who claim through the nearest ancestor must be preferred to those claiming through an ancestor more remote; 6.