General Laws of the State of Idaho ...Authority, 1915 |
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Act shall take ACT TO AMEND AMEND SECTION amended by Chapter amended to read amount application appointed appropriated Approved March 15 assessment authorized bank Benewah county Board of County Boise counties Bonner county Boundary county canal carrier Cassia County certificate Chapter 179 city or village clerk Codes of Idaho construction contract corporation County Commissioners County Treasurer DECLARING AN EMERGENCY deliver District Court Dollars duty election emergency existing therefor Enacted Engineer expense filed fund Gem county hereby amended highway district IDAHO AS AMENDED improvement district interest irrigation district issued Kootenai county Land Commissioners Legislature levied liable license lien ment municipal negotiable receipt notice Oneida county owner paid passage and approval payment person Power county purchase purpose read as follows record Revised Codes school district SESSION LAWS take effect Teton county therein thereof thereto tion Treasurer trustees warehouseman water master