TABLE X.-SECOND DISTRICT, EXCLUSIVE OF MINNEAPOLIS-Continued. Inspection of Establishments by Towns and Industries, and Number of Employes. TABLE X.-SECOND DISTRICT, EXCLUSIVE OF MINNEAPOLIS-Continued. Inspection of Establishments by Towns and Industries, and Number of Employes. TABLE X.-SECOND DISTRICT, EXCLUSIVE OF MINNEAPOLIS-Continued. Inspection of Establishments by Towns and Industries, and Number of Employes. TABLE X.-SECOND DISTRICT, EXCLUSIVE OF MINNEAPOLIS-Continued. New Ulm-Cont'd. BREWING AND MALTING-Cont'd. ELECTRIC LIGHT WORKS- Eagle Roller Mill Co... WATER SUPPLY WORKS BAKING Woodmark, P. R. BRICK MANUFACTURING Kuhn Bros. Princeton Brick Co. Woodcock & Oakes. Farnham Brick Co.. CIGAR MANUFACTURING Johnston, Thos. H.... 30 10 26 30 40 10 26.. 1 10 52... HARNESS MANUFACTURING FLOUR AND FEED MILLS Sadley, J. T. D.. |