29. Erect wood partition in front of drive pulley and belt of main line shaft in basement. 30. Cover screw heads on collar of main shaft. 31. Provide better drainage in basement; repair water closet, putting it in a sanitary condition. 32. Discharge boy under fourteen years of age, illegally employed. 33. Provide school excuses for four boys under sixteen years of age; box in countershaft on flour of one planer; cover up exposed set screws on line shaft in planing mill. 34. Provide main shaft of sewing machines with loose pulleys and belt shifters; erect one iron fire escape in rear of building. 35. Remove obstructions to fire escape and keep passage to same clear. 36. Provide railing around electric motor. 37. Provide one more water closet for female employes. 38. Discharge boy under fourteen years of age. 39. Cover exposed set screws on main line shaft, countershaft of central planer and intermediate pulleys of big driving belt; provide guard for shaper. 40. Replace missing and worn-out blocks in switches, guard rails and frogs. 41. Provide school excuses for all minors employed, seven in number. 42. Provide rip saws with splitters, hoods and sticks. 43. Screen stairways on sides. 44. Provide school excuses for ten minors employed. 45. Discharge boy under fourteen years of age. 46. Clear access to fire escape, and post up signs on each floor, indicating way thereto. 47. Clear access to fire escape. 48. Thoroughly clean both interior and surroundings of store and bakery; repair defective sewage in basement; discharge three minors employed, on account of dangerous sanitary conditions. 49. Discontinue use of water closet located in bakeroom. 50. Fill out and forward to Labor Bureau blank concerning Sunday labor. 51. Provide excuses for two minor girls employed. 52. Provide school excuses for four children under sixteen years of age. 53. Provide school excuse for girl under sixteen years of age. 54. Provide excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 55. Discontinue use of elevator until the following changes have been made: Provide two guiding slides for brake beam, and have same adjusted in such manner that dog of brake will catch in teeth of brake beam; have cable straightened, adjusted and carefully examined, and if found to be defective, replace it by a new cable. 56. Provide legal excuses, instead of present teachers' certificates, for two boys under sixteen years of age. 57. Provide school excuses for two boys under sixteen years of age. 58. Provide school excuse for girl under sixteen years of age. 59. Secure school excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 60. Secure excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 61. Provide excuses for three boys under sixteen years of age. 62. Provide school excuse for girl under sixteen years of age. 63. Provide school excuses for four girls under sixteen years of age. 64. Provide excuse for boy under sixteen years of age; provide proper balconies to straight ladder fire escape on front of building, such balconies to be connected with straight ladder and taking in two windows on the fourth floor, and one window on every other floor above the first floor. 65. Erect one outside iron fire escape, and a ladder leading to hatchway of roof of building. 66. Erect one outside iron fire escape. 67. Set aside two water closets in factory for the exclusive use of female employes, and designate same. 68. Provide excuse for girl under sixteen years of age. 69. Clean out window shift to chocolate room in basement; remove iron ladder to fire escape from wall to a distance of eighteen inches. 70. Provide excuse for girl under sixteen years of age. 71. Provide excuses for four boys under sixteen years of age. 72. Fill out and forward statistical blank to bureau. 73. Provide excuses for two boys under sixteen years of age. 74. Improve sanitary conditions in water closets on first, second and third floors. 75. Provide excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 76. Provide excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 77. Secure excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 78. Provide school excuses for two girls under sixteen years of age. 79. 80. Erect one outside iron fire escape on building. Secure school excuse for boy under sixteen years of age, or discharge him. 81. Post up factory laws in box factory and planing mill; discharged boy under furteen years of age, illegally employed; provided legal excuses for eight boys under sixteen years of age. 82. Provide better ventilation for water closets; also, improve sanitary conditions of interior of building. 83. Fill out and forward to bureau statistical blank relating to Sunday labor and number of employes. 84. Provide legal excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 85. 86. 87. Provide school excuses for three boys under sixteen years of age. Fill out statistical blank concerning Sunday labor, and forward to office. Provide school excuse for one boy under sixteen years of age. 88. Fill out and forward to office statistical blank relating to Sunday labor. 89. Provide excuse for girl under sixteen years of age. 90. Secure school excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 91. Provide excuses for nine boys under sixteen years of age. 92. Forward report on Sunday labor to labor bureau. 93. Provide excuse for minor boy employed. 94. Erect fire escape on building occupied as shop. 95. Secure excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 96. Provide school excuses for eight boys under sixteen years of age. 97. Provide school excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 98. Discharge child under fourteen, and secure excuse from school attendance for seven girls and four boys under sixteen. 99. Provide legal excuses for seven boys under sixteen years. 100. Provide school excuses for two girls under sixteen years. 101. Provide excuses for five girls under sixteen. 102. Secure school excuses for three boys under sixteen. 103. Provide legal excuse from school attendance for boy under sixteen. 104. Secure excuse for boy under sixteen. 105. Provide legal excuses for nine children under sixteen years of age. 106. Provide legal excuse from school attendance for boy under sixteen years of age. 107. Provide school excuse for boys under sixteen years of age. 108. Provide excuses for five boys under sixteen years. 109. Secure excuses for nine boys under sixteen years of age. 110. Discharge boy under fourteen; provide excuses for all minors under sixteen employed. 111. Keep stairway leading to basement lighted during working hours. 112. Whitewash walls and ceiling of bakery. 113. Whitewash and thoroughly clean interior of bakery; also outside surroundings of shop. 114. Whitewash walls and ceiling of bakery. 115. Whitewash walls and ceiling of bakery. 116. Box in exposed end of spindle of excelsior machine. 117. Provide legal excuses from school attendance for eight boys and one girl under sixteen years of age. 118. Cover collar set screw line shaft, east side of building, on fourth floor; cover set screws of collar on intermediate idler; cover set screws on collar on west side line shaft. 119. Keep excuse on file for boy under sixteen years of age. 120. Discharge or secure excuses for two boys under sixteen years of age. 121. Provide excuse from school attendance for boy under sixteen. 122. Discharge forthwith two minor boys employed in factory. 123. Discharge or secure excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 124. Discharge four girls under sixteen, exployed without legal excuses. 125. Keep access to roof ladder free and unobstructed, and provide new skylight, with two ventilators. 126. Provide and set apart one more water closet for exclusive use of female employes; extend partition of present water closet to ceiling, and provide better ventilation for same. 127. Provide better ventilated water closets for male employes; change stairway from first floor to basement; remove present water closet from basement, and replace it with a new one. 128. Discharge or secure excuse for boy under sixteen in employ. 129. Provide additional water closet for workmen. 130. Secure excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 131. Keep school excuse on file for boy under sixteen years at work in establishment. 132. Provide better ventilation for work room; provide ladder in basement for use in case of fire. 133. Keep stairways lighted during working hours. 134. Secure and keep on file school excuse for girl under sixteen years. 135. Provide framework of elevator cab with wire netting on back and both sides of cab of sufficient height to prevent persons riding on elevator resting their hands on sides. 136. Improve sanitary conditions in basement; provide drainage pipes for wash machines, and lead said pipes to sewer; have water closet in basement thoroughly cleaned, and keep same in sanitary condition; keep stairway leading to basement clean and dry. 137. Discaharge girl under fourteen years of age, illegally employed, and provide excuse for girl under sixteen years. 138. Discharge one child under fourteen, and discharge or secure excuses for two girls under sixteen years of age. 139. Secure school excuses for two girls under sixteen years of age. 140. Comply with laws regulating the employment of children. 141. Forward wage report; comply with child labor laws. . 142. Forward report on wages and number of employes to bureau; comply with child labor laws. 143. Provide school excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 144. Discharge or secure excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 145. Provide excuse for boy employed, under sixteen years. 146. Provide and keep on file legal excuses for all minors employed, five in number. 147. Cover exposed part of band saw in carpenter shop; provide and keep on file legal excuse for boy under sixteen years of age. 148. Comply with laws regulating safety blocks in switchyards. 149. Discharge two boys under sixteen, at work without excuses. 150. Provide and keep on file legal excuses for two girls under sixteen. 151. Comply with child labor laws. 152. Provide legal excuse for boy under sixteen. 153. Comply with laws regulating the employment of children and keep complete record of all children employed. 154. Comply with child labor laws and forward wage reports to bureau. 155. Discharge girl under fourteen years of age working under a void ex cuse. 156. Discharge or secure excuses for three boys under sixteen years of age. 157. Discharge or secure excuse for one boy under sixteen years. 158. Discharge, forthwith, boy under sixteen employed at running eleva tor. ORDERS ISSUED ON THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD INSPECTIONS OF THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS, 1899-1900. Numbers Correspond to Numbers Opposite Inspection Reports. 1. Put bakery in good condition or close same at once. 2. Cover gearing of rollers. 3. Discharge boy under fourteen. 4. Provide guard around opening of clay rollers. 5. Provide school excuses for two minors. 6. Provide guard for emery wheel and jointer; box up lower part of band saw; discharge boy under fourteen years of age, and report employment of minors to commissioner of labor. 7. Provide railing on freight elevator. 8. Secure school excuse for minor. 9. Erect railing around steam engine. 10. Provide stairway fire escape; designate closets. 11. Provide hand rails for stairways; cover coupling on line shaft under sewing machine table on fourth floor; keep access to fire escape clear; provide school excuse for minor girl. 12. Provide proper railing around electric motor. 13. Screen stairways. 14. Provide four more water closets, properly designated, screened and ventilated; provide two belt shifters with loose pulleys to stop machines in case of accident, with free access to same. 15. Provide better ventilation by putting grating in sidewalk. 16. Case in lower wheel of band saw. 17. Keep access to fire escape clear. 18. Clear access to fire escape. 19. Keep access to fire escape clear. 20. Provide guard for gearing in grain elevator building on fifth floor. 21. Provide proper railings on stairways. 22. Provide guard on emery wheels in machine shop; cover lower part of band saw in wood working shop. 23. Screen stairways. 24. Provide guard for planer. 25. Provide suitable guard for emery wheel. 26. Repair fire escape and put hand rails on basement stairway. 27. Box up lower part of band saw; provide guard for emery wheel. 28. Provide guard for jointer. |