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29. Remove all boys under sixteen from work around machinery, and secure excuses for all minors employed.

30. Erect one outside iron fire escape.

31. Provide railing for stairways and guard for emery wheel.

32. Provide railing around stationary engine; cover exposed coupling of main line shaft in basement.

33. Provide guard for gearing on neck-band ironer, and cut off key on main engine shaft.

34. Erect fire escape with balcony and inclined stairways.

35. Provide hand rails on stairways.

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37. Clear access to fire escape; provide railing for belt on soap cutting


38. Provide suitable guard for pointer.

39. Secure school excuse for minor boy.

40. Put guard on jointer and box up lower wheel of band saw.

41. Provide a more substantial smelting house; guard emery wheel.

42. Build railing around circular saw and driving pulley in wood work

ing shop.

43. Provide guard for band saw.

44. Box up gearing on tooth pressing machine.

45. Provide guard for jointer and splitter for rip saw.

46. Provide guard for jointer.

47. Provide a more suitable workroom.

48. Provide railing for three stairways and around main belt, and driv

ing pulley in basement.

49. Provide railing or guard around electric motor; secure excuse for

minor boy.

50. Secure excuse for a minor.

51. Secure school excuse for minor boy.

52. Provide excuse for minor boy.

53. Provide school excuse for minor.

54. Securely case in driving belt on motor.

55. Provide excuse for minor boy employed.

56. Erect railing around gasoline engine.

57. Report record of child labor to Labor Bureau.

58. Provide guard for jointer, and box up lower wheel of band saw.

59. Provide guard for jointer, and cover up lower wheel of band saw. 60. Provide guard for band saw.

61. Guard emery wheel.

62. Provide school excuses for two boys under sixteen, and discharge

boy under fourteen.

63. Provide school excuses for seven minors.

64. Secure excuses for two minors.

65. Provide school excuses for two minors.

66. Secure school excuses for seven minors.

67. Secure school excuses for eleven boys under sixteen years of age.

68. Secure school excuses for two minors.

69. Discharge boy under fourteen, and provide legal excuse for boy be

tween fourteen and sixteen.

70. Provide one more water closet.

71. Provide better ventilation for basement and second floor; place rail

ing on stairs leading from second to first floor and from first floor to basement; cover all overhead pulleys on shafting in basement; provide two additional water closets for female employes, properly designated and screened; erect fire escape; provide a dressing-room for use of female employes; provide loose pulleys and belt shifter for each sewing machine table.

72. Provide school excuse for minor; provide belt shifter for sewing machine tables, arranged so as to be within easy reach of every fourth operator of a sewing machine table; provide two suitable inclined stairways, iron fire escapes; provide four additional water closets; provide main stairway with hand rails; provide a suitable dressing room for women employes.

73. Provide school excuses for three minors; keep access to fire escape clear.

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78. Secure excuse for a minor.

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79. Provide school excuse for boy under sixteen.

80. Provide railing for main belt.

81. Provide school excuse for girl under sixteen.

82. Secure excuse for minor boy.

83. Provide excuse for minor boy.

84. Provide excuse for minor boy.

85. Provide school excuse for minor boy.


86. Erect railing around electric motor; provide better ventilation for printing office in basement; provide light for stairway leading to basement.

87. Erect railing around gasoline engine.

88. Provide excuses for two minor boys.

89. Box up lower wheel of band saw.

90. Cover exposed set screw.

91. Provide railing for stairways.

92. Provide school excuses for three minor boys.

93. Provide excuse for boy under sixteen.


94. Discharge two boys under fourteen years, and provide excuses for

eight minors between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years.

95. Provide excuse for boy under sixteen.

96. Provide excuses for two girls under sixteen.

97. Provide school excuses for two minors.

98. Provide railing across hoisting door.

99. Secure school excuse for minor.


100. Erect railing for engine; cover set screw on nailing machine.

101. Erect one iron fire escape.

102. Provide excuses for seven minors.

103. Provide excuse for minor boy.


104. Provide one iron fire escape; also, a step ladder from fourth floor

to shuttle.

all exposed set screws.

105. Provide excuses for four minors

106. Provide guard for emery wheel; provide railing for stairway; cover 107.

Provide school excuse for minor.

108. Erect iron fire escape.

[blocks in formation]

111. Put in three additional water closets; provide belt shifter as directed. 112. Provide belt shifters; provide four additional water closets and one additional fire escape; provide proper excuse for minor.

113. Provide belt shifter on machinery.

114. Provide belt shifter for pulleys.

115. Provide belt shifters.

116. Provide two water closets and suitable wash and dressing-room in connection with workroom; provide belt shifters as directed.





Provide suitable dressing room for femals employes.

Erect one iron fire escape; cover all exposed set screws on shafting; post factory inspection laws on each floor.

Provide school excuse for minor boy.

Erect two iron fire escapes, one escape on the rear and one on the front of the building, whose balconies on each floor are to extend to the cigar factory, connecting with the windows of that factory.

121. Erect two iron fire escapes.

122. Provide railing for engine.

123. Provide one more water closet.

124. Provide railing around electric motor.

125. Secure excuse for minor girl.

126. Erect one iron fire escape.

127. Provide railing for stairways, and also a railing for outside platform

on second floor.

128. Provide railing for motor, and cover gearing on picking machine; provide excuse for minor.

129. Provide guard for jointer; box up lower wheel of band saw; provide


one outside iron fire escape, as provided by law.

Provide suitable guard for jointer.

131. Erect iron fire escape.

132. Discharge boy under fourteen years of age.

133. Repair passenger elevator; extend fire escape as directed.

134. Erect iron fire escape.

135. Provide railing for motor; cover gearing on sifting machine.

136. Provide excuse for minor boy.

137. Provide excuse for boy under sixteen.

138. Provide excuses for two minors.

139. Provide excuse for a minor.

140. Provide excuses for two minors.

141. Provide belt shifter for mangle. 142. Provide school excuse for minors.



Provide railing for platform and a splitter for circular saw.
Provide guard for circular saw.


Provide railing for engine.





Provide suitable guard for shaper circular saw; case in lower wheel of band saw.

Provide better sanitary conditions for machine shop.

Guard jointer and shaper; case in lower wheel of band saw; provide

railings for stairways.

Guard emery wheel.


Provide guard for jointer; tighten fly wheel of engine.


Provide guard for band saw.


Provide guard for shaper; case in lower wheel of band saw.

153 Provide two water closets and a dressing-room.


Secure proper excuses for two minors or discharge them forthwith.


Provide railing around electric motor.


Put railing around electric motor.


Provide excuses for three minor boys.



Put railing around electric motor, and inclose belting from same.
Secure school excuse for minor employed.

[blocks in formation]

Erect one iron fire escape; provide railing for stairway, case in elevator on top, and provide a ladder to shuttle in photograph room. Provide railing for countershaft; provide suitable guard over belt on punch machine; clean out closets.

Provide suitable guards for two jointers and one for shaper.

Secure school excuse for minor boy.

Put railing around electric motor.

Provide guard for jointer and one for emery wheel.

Provide a dressing-room; cover all exposed set screws.

Provide railing for elevator, and suitable guard for emery wheel; put in one more water closet.

Provide seats for women, and a dressing-room for the exclusive use of female employes; employment of children under sixteen years of age for more than ten hours a day prohibited.

Secure excuses for two minors.

Provide excuses for two minors.

Secure excuses for three minors; post up fire escape signs.

173. Provide school excuses for two minors.


Cut opening through basement wall to the instrument room for better ventilation.

175. Erect one iron fire escape.


OF DULUTH, 1899-1900.

Numbers Correspond to Numbers Opposite Inspection Reports.

1. Provide galvanized air ducts, with hoods, to carry off noxious gases.

2. Whitewash interior of bakery and repair floor.

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Clean out closet, and keep it in a sanitary condition.

5. Provide excuse for a minor.

6. Secure and keep on file excuse for minor boy.

7. Keep on file excuse for minor.

8. Rail in pulley in foundry; guard exposed gear on sixty-inch lath;

cover exposed set screws on line shaft in foundry; provide better ventilation bby means of air ducts, with hoods; keep on file excuses for all children between fourteen and sixteen.

9. Designate closet for females, and provide separate closet for men. 10. Clean closet, and keep it in a sanitary condition; provide hand rail

ing for stairway.

11. Secure excuse for minor boy.

12. Discharge boy under fourteen.

13. Discharge boy under fourteen; cover jump saw levers; cover exposed

set screw.

14. Discharge boy under fourteen, and provide excuses for all other minors


15. Discharge boy under fourteen.

16. Secure and keep on file excuses for all children under sixteen in em

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Clean out water closet and keep it in a sanitary condition.

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