Title Page... INDEX. Page. 1 2 3 3 4 Review FACTORY INSPECTION. Table I.-Giving summary of factory inspection reports of industries for the entire state for the years 1901 and 1902; showing the number of establishments inspected, the number of employes (males, females and children), the number of Sunday workers, the number of night workers, and the number of orders issued for each industry. .... Table II.-First District, City of St. Paul, establishments inspected, number of employes, time worked, etc., classified according to indus tries Table III.-Summary of St Paul inspections.. Table IV. Second District, City of Minneapolis, establishments inspected, number of employes, time worked, etc., classified according to industries.. Table V.-Summary of Minneapolis inspections. Table VI.-Third District, City of Duluth, establishments inspected, number of employes, time worked, etc., classified according to indus tries 7 16 20 47 51 94 98 109 Table VII. Summary of Duluth inspections. Table VIII.-First District, exclusive of St. Paul, establishments inspected, number of employes, time worked, etc., classified according to industries..... 112 Table IX-a. Summary by industries of inspections in First District, ex clusive of St. Paul. 148 Table IX-b.-Summary by cities and towns of inspections in First Dis trict, exclusive of St. Paul. 150 Table X.-Second District, exclusive of Minneapolis, establishments inspected, number of employes, time worked, etc., classified according to industries.... 151 Table XI-a. - Summary by industries of inspections in Second District, exclusive of Minneapolis... 174 Table XI-b.-Summary by cities and towns of inspections in Second Dis trict, exclusive of Minneapolis. 176 Table XII.-Third District, exclusive of Duluth, establishments inspected, number of employes, time worked, etc., classified according to industries 177 Page. Table XIII-a. Summary by industries of inspections in Third Districi, exclusive of Duluth. 202 Table XIII-b.-Summary by cities and towns of inspections in Third Dis triet, exclusive of Duluth.... Table XIV. - Showing industrial growth in Minnesota since 1860... 206 Table XV.-Showing orders issued for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth and 204 the three districts, exclusive of the cities, for the years 1901 and 1902 208 CLASSIFICATION OF WAGES. Introductory 231 Table I.-Wage reports, grouped by industries and as reported by em ployers Table II.-Classification of wage earners by industries and trades...... weekly earnings and grade of manual labor 233 262 263 Table III-b.-Minneapolis, wage earners grouped according to amount of weekly earnings and grade of manual labor. Table III-c.-Duluth, wage earners grouped according to amount of 264 weekly earnings and grade of manual labor. 265 Table III-d. Other towns in the state, wage earners grouped according to amount of weekly earnings and grade of manual labor.. 266 Table IV.-Summary of tables II. and III...... 267 Table V.--Percentage of all wage earners receiving specified wages.... 268 MALE WAGE EARNERS' INDIVIDUAL STATEMENTS. Introductory 271 Personal individual statements. 273 Table. Showing various occupations, former trade, idle time in days, wages received, length of work day, Sunday labor (if any), rate of pay for overtime, membership in organized labor and the benefits received from same. 286 THE DOMESTIC SERVICE PROBLEM. "The Wage Earners."-An address delivered in St. Paul in 1902..... 299 "Employments Unsuitable for Women"-By Henry T Finck............ 335 Individual personal statements. 342 Table. Showing occupation, length of time employed, kind of work previously engaged in, skill necessary for the service required, length of time given to training, present rate of wages, hours of work each day, vacation granted during the year, together with time granted off duty on holidays, health conditions surrounding occupation, etc.. 353 MINE INSPECTION. Resume of the work....... Conditions surrounding mine workers. Medical treatment and benefit arrangements.... 359 361 366 Need of legislative regulations.. Page. 367 369 Table A.-Classified reports from seventeen mines, giving number of persons having been employed during 1900 and their occupation.... 372 Table A-1.-Summary of classified reports from seventeen mines, giving number of persons having been employed during 1900 and their occupation Table B.-Giving actual number of days work performed by each class 380 381. 388 389 Table D.-Iron ore production of Missaba and Vermillion range mines during 1200, number of men employed during the period and production per man per day..... 391 Tabie E.-Ore production of all mines of the Missaba and Vermillion ranges since opening of first mine in 1884... 392 Table F.-Iron ore shipments from Minnesota mines during the year 1901 394 Table G.-Mine inspection report, 1902. 395 RAILROAD SWITCH YARD INSPECTION. Introductory 399 Table.-Showing railroad switch yard inspection for the years 1901 and 1902, giving the number of switches and blocks, and condition of the latter, inspected, for both years, by railroads and towns.. 401 CHILD LABOR. Excerpts from the twelfth United States census. 407 411 Table I.-Child labor in manufacturing and non-manufacturing establishments, throughout the state, 1901 and 1902..... 417 Table II.-Showing total number of wage earners and total number of children under sixteen years of age in industries, also percentage of children to total number of wage earners... 419 THE FLOURING MILL INDUSTRY. "The Manufacture of Flour," by Frank J Sheridan of the United States Bureau of Labor... INDEX. LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Page. 451 Summary of labor organizations in the state... 452 454 membership, as reported to the Bureau of Labor..... Table II.-Labor organizations of Minneapolis, the date organized and the membership, as reported to the Bureau of Labor. Table III.-Labor organizations of Duluth, the date organized and the membership, as reported to the Bureau of Labor. Table IV.-Labor organizations of cities and towns in the state other than those in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth, the date organized and the membership, as reported to the Bureau of Labor. Table I.-Labor organizations of St. Paul, the date organized and the 454 456 458 459 Table V.-Classified industries of St. Paul, from reports of labor organizations, showing the number of working hours per day and week, average daily wages, how paid, what increase, if any, in wages, and the decrease in working hours since organization... Table VI.-Classified industries in Minneapolis, from reports of labor organizations, showing the number of working hours per day and week, average daily wages, how paid, what increase, if any, in wages, and the decrease in working hours since organization.. Table VII.-Classified industries of Duluth, from reports of labor organizations, showing the number of working hours per day and week, average daily wages, how paid, what increase, if any, in wages, and the decrease in working hours since organization.... 461 464 467 Table IX. Showing benefits to members of various organizations in Table VIII.-Classified industries of cities and towns in the state, other than those in Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth, from reports of labor organizations, showing the number of working hours per day and week, average daily wages, how paid, what increase, if any, in wages, and the decrease in working hours since organization........ 403 474 Minneapolis Table XI.-Showing benefits to members of the various organizations in 478 482 Table XII. Showing benefits to the members of the various organizations in cities and towns of the state other than St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth. 484 RAILROAD LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Organizations of railroad men in train service. 493 494 Directory for the state of the divisions of the engineers and conductors.. 498 Directory for the state of the lodges of the firemen and trainmen. RAILROAD WAGES. .... 499 Wages of railroad employes. 503 Table I-a.-Wages of locomotive engineers employed on the various railroads in Minnesota, as reported to the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, by the railroads, for the years 1894. 1896, 1898, 1900 and 1902, showing the number employed by railroads, the total days worked, total amount paid in wages, with the average days worked in each of the years, the average amount of yearly wages paid, together with their average daily wages. 504 Table I-b.-A comparative exhibit by years of the average daily wages of locomotive engineers on the railroads of Minnesota, as reported by the railroads from 1890 to 1900 inclusive. 507 |