otherwise appropriated the sum of thirty-five hundred dol- Passed by the House June 24, 1909. CHAPTER 3. [Senate Bill No. 1.] APPROPRIATION FOR FUNERAL LATE GOV. COSGROVE. AN ACT making an appropriation for the payment of the funeral expenses of the late Governor of the State of Washington, His Excellency, Governor Samuel G. Cosgrove. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated out of the Propriation general fund in the state treasury the sum of four hundred and eighty-four and 27-100 dollars, to be paid out upon Passed by the Senate June 24, 1909. CHAPTER 4. [House Bill No. 10.] APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENSES OF INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. AN ACT appropriating the sum of thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of the expenses of the committee appointed to investigate state offices and departments at the last general session of the Legislature and continued by the special session of the Legislature convened June 23, 1909, and providing the method of payment. $30,000. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. That the sum of thirty thousand ($30,000) Appropriation dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the expenses of the committee appointed at the last general session of the Legislature and continued by the special session of the Legislature convened June 23, 1909, for the purpose of investigating "the affairs, doings and conduct of such state officers and departments of the state government as such committee shall deem proper." SEC. 2. That said sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) so appropriated shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon warrants drawn by the State Auditor upon vouchers signed by a majority of the members of said investigating committee. Passed by the House July 1, 1909. $2,400. CHAPTER 5. [Senate Bill No. 13.] APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLISHING PROPOSED AMEND- AN ACT to appropriate funds to pay the expenses of publishing Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. That the sum of twenty-four hundred dolAppropriation lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of the State of Washington to pay the expenses of publishing the proposed amendments to the State Constitution, as provided in chapters 18 and 181 of the Session Laws of 1909; and also the expense of publishing the notice of the result of the canvass of the primary election to be held in 1910, as provided by section 24, of chapter 209, Laws of 1907. SEC. 2. The State Auditor is hereby authorized to draw warrants in payment of said publications in favor of the persons entitled thereto upon vouchers approved by the Secretary of State. Passed by the Senate July 1, 1909. CHAPTER 6. [Senate Bill No. 17.] APPROPRIATION FOR PRINTING, BUREAU OF INSPECTION. AN ACT appropriating the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, to provide for the printing of the Bureau of Inspection and Supervision of Public Offices, as provided in chapter 76 of the Session Laws of 1909. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. That the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,Propriation 000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State Passed by the Senate July 1, 1909. CHAPTER 7. [Senate Bill No. 25.] APPROPRIATION FOR COURT OF IMPEACHMENT. AN ACT appropriating the sum of forty thousand dollars ($40,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of paying the expenses of the impeachment proceedings of John H. Schively, Insurance Commissioner of the State of Washington. Appropriation Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: of members. SEC. 2. The expenses which may be paid from the sum hereinbefore appropriated shall be paid at the rate of five Per diem dollars per diem for the members of the Senate while sitting as a court of impeachment, and such sum per diem for each of a board of three managers appointed by the House of Representatives as may be fixed by resolution of said House, and such pay as may be fixed by the Senate for officers and employes appointed by it in connection with such proceeding, and any other expenses of the trial au How paid. thorized by law or the rules of the Senate, including the pay per diem and mileage within the State of Washington allowed by law to witnesses summoned to appear before the Senate by either party, said per diem to be the same as allowed to witnesses in the superior courts of this state. SEC. 3. The expenditures provided for in section 2 of this act to be paid upon vouchers approved by the president and secretary of the Senate. Passed by the Senate July 1, 1909. CHAPTER 8. [Senate Bill No. 5.] COMMERCIAL WATERWAYS. AN ACT relating to the establishment and creation of commercial waterway districts, and the construction and maintenance of a system of commercial waterways, including the straightening, deepening and widening of rivers, watercourses and streams and the protection of the banks thereof, and disposing of the interests of the state in the beds and shores of navigable waters, and to provide for the means of payment thereof, and declaring an emergency. Waterway districts. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION 1. Any portion of the county requiring commercial waterways which contains five or more inhabitants and freeholders therein may be organized into a commercial waterway district, and when so organized such district, and the board of commissioners hereinafter provided for, shall have and possess the power herein conferred, or that may be hereafter conferred by law upon such district and board of commissioners, and said district shall be known and designated as commercial waterway district No. , of the county of - |