proved. SEC. 3. The claim for such services, verified by the claimant, shall be presented to the Adjutant General, who Claims how shall, without additional cost to the state, examine and pass upon the same, and may require additional and corroborative evidence in support thereof; and he shall prepare, certify and file with the State Auditor proper vouchers showing the amount payable to the claimant under the provisions of this act. Thereupon the State Auditor shall issue his warrant for the amount found due to the claimant: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize the payment of any claim to any heir or beneficiary of the claimant for services during the Indian wars. included. SEC. 4. This act, so far as the same relates to the pay of volunteers, shall be construed so as to apply to all who Militia have been in the service of the Territory of Washington, now State of Washington, during said Indian wars of 1855 and 1856, and it shall extend to the services of the regiment of the Washington militia while the same was in actual service during said wars. SEC. 5. Whereas, The Territory of Washington, by the Governor thereof, acting under and by virtue of an act of Explanation. the territorial legislature, called into service the said veterans; and Whereas, The said men so called into service, and who did serve the territory were promised compensation for their said services, as above set forth, but have never been paid by the said territory nor the State of Washington, for said services, it is but meet that tardy justice should be done, and Whereas, Chapter 238 of the Session Laws of 1909 appropriated twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) for relief of said veterans, which has been found to be inadequate and that it will require ten thousand ($10,000) additional to pay all of the claims now presented to the Adjutant General. Passed by the House August 21, 1909. Passed by the Senate August 21, 1909. Approved by the Governor August 28, 1909. [Vetoed.] [Vetoed.] [Vetoed.] CHAPTER 30. [Senate Bill No. 24.] RELATING TO LIENS. AN ACT relating to materialmen's liens, and the enforcement thereof, and declaring an emergency. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: *SECTION 1. [Vetoed.] Every person furnishing material or supplies to be used in the construction, alteration or repair on any mining claim, building, wharf, steamer, vessel, boat, bridge, ditch, dyke, flume, tunnel, well, fence, machinery, railroad, street railway, wagon road, aqueduct to create hydraulic power, or any other building, or any other structure, or mining claim, or stone quarry, shall, at or before the time such material or supplies are delivered to any person or contractor, deliver or mail to the owner, agent of the owner, if the owner be a non-resident of the State of Washington and have an agent therein, or reputed owner of the property on, upon, or about which said material or supplies are to be used, a notice, in writing, stating in substance and effect, that materials and supplies have been delivered or ordered, as the case may be, for use therein or thereon, and a lien may be claimed therefor. *SEC. 2. [Vetoed.] It shall not be necessary, under the terms of this act, for the person furnishing materials, or supplies, to give the owner a notice each time a delivery is made, but the notice provided for in section 1 of this act shall be given at or before the time of the first delivery. *SEC. 3. [Vetoed.] The notice provided for in section 1 of this act shall be delivered or mailed to the owner, agent of the owner, if said owner be a non-resident of this state and have an agent therein, or reputed owner of the property on, upon, or about which said materials or supplies are to be used, at his last known postoffice address: Provided, however, That if the address of the owner, agent Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 disapproved by the Governor August 28, 1909. of the owner, or reputed owner is not known, or cannot, by the exercise of reasonable diligence be ascertained, then the notice shall be mailed to the owner, agent of the owner, or reputed owner, directed to a postoffice nearest the place where the materials and supplies are to be used. *SEC. 4. [Vetoed.] No lien shall be enforced unless [Vetoed.] the provisions of this act have been substantially complied with. Ch. 45, p. SEC. 5. Chapter 45, found on pages 71 and 72 of Laws 71, L. 09, 1909, be and the same is hereby repealed. Reg. Ses., repealed. SEC. 6. An emergency exists, and this act shall take Emergency. effect immediately. Passed by the Senate July 2, 1909. Passed by the House August 13, 1909. Approved by the Governor, as to sections five and six, (the balance are vetoed) August 28, 1909. MEMORIALS AND RESOLUTIONS. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. 14. Resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, That Leo. O. Meigs, Walter W. Sparks and Lester P. Edge act as the board of managers on the impeachment proceedings now pending against John H. Schively in the state Senate, with power to act throughout the entire proceedings irrespective of the adjournment of the extraordinary session of the legislature convened Wednesday, June 23, 1909. Passed by the House August 17, 1909. Approved by the Governor August 28, 1909. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION No. 16. Resolved by the House, the Senate concurring, That the president of the Senate appoint two members and the speaker of the House three members as a joint committee to notify the Governor that this extraordinary session of the legislature of 1909 is about to adjourn sine die, and that the Senate do continue in session as a court of impeachment. Passed by the House August 21, 1909. Passed by the Senate August 21, 1909. Approved by the Governor August 28, 1909. |