Printed by virtue of an Act of the Legislature, under the direction and supervision of Secretary of the Senate. W. S. GEORGE & Co., STATE PRINTERS AND BINDERS. EVENING SESSION. 7 o'clock, P. M. The Senate met and was called to order by the Acting President pro tem. Roll called: a quorum present. Mr. Dewey asked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. Stoddard for an indefinite time. Mr. Goodell asked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. Sutton for the evening. By unanimous consent, Mr. McGowan offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the President and Secretary of the Senate be and they are hereby authorized to draw their warrant in favor of the reporter of the Senate for the amount of his compensation at five dollars per diem, according to the resolution authorizing his appointment; Which was adopted. By unanimous consent, Mr. Dewey moved that when the Senate adjourn, it stand adjourned until Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. DeLand called for the yeas and nays. The motion prevailed, by yeas and nays, as follows: Pending the announcement of the vote, Mr. Wheeler moved that Mr. McGowan be excused from voting; Which motion prevailed. The committee on appropriations and finance made the following report: |