Date and items. Amount. Total. Allowed January 27, 1897. Amount brought forward.. $567 89 Robert Smith Printing Co.. composition on 10,000 copies Gov. Pingree's message No. 2, pp. 1-33, 61,889 ems @ 27c, sam. 8.... $16 71 Presswork, 210 tokens @ 16c, sam. 100. 33 60 27c, sam. 3.. 16 86 Presswork, 252 tokens @ 16c. sam. 100.. 40 32 Jan. 20. Alterations, governor's message, galleys 1-6, 7 hours @ 25c, sam. 7. 175 1896. Nov. Alterations, governor's manual, galleys 5-1371⁄2, 68 hours @ 25c, sam. 7. 17 00 3 labels, paroles denied, sam. 27.. 100 3 pardon files, Grossman and others, sam. 27 20 blanks for bills presented to governor, 1st form, sam. 53. book approved messages, house, sam. 21. 1,000 covers for governor's outgoing message, sam. 36 2 labels for file boxes. unclaimed letters, sam. 27... 400 400 61 senate, sam.21. 66 11 2d 53. 66 3d 53 200 200 200 200 105 105 1 25 100 60 blank requests of private secretaries of governors of other states, sam. 17 Robert Smith Printing Co., 10 Gov. Rich's message, double leaded for reading, 42 forms, special 5,000 blank applications for appointment, notary public, sam. 18. Robert Smith Printing Co., 500 proclamations, arbor day, sam. 99... Robert Smith Printing Co., composition on 25,000 copies governor's special message, railroad taxation, pp. 1-19, 81,288 eme @27c, sam. 3... Joint documents ... for the year |