REPORT OF THE BANK EXAMINER. BANK EXAMINER'S OFFICE, MADISON, Wis., Dec. 13th, 1897. TO HON. EDWARD SCOFIELD, Governor of Wisconsin. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith the fifth semiannual report of this office exhibiting the financial condition of the state and private banks of Wisconsin, at the close of business, November 6th, 1897, as tabulated from the reports made to this office. The total number of banks in operation on the date mentioned was 241. Classified and compared with those reporting April 2nd, 1897, they are as follows: A summary of the statements of all these banks is as follows: Compared with the condition of the banks reported on April 2nd last, the following increase is shown: The cash reserve is the largest reported since the organization of this department, both in aggregate and proportionate amount, it being, notwithstanding the large increase in deposits, thirty-six and 62.100 per cent. of the total of such deposits. This gratifying increase in deposits is largely due to the improved prices of agricultural products, and the more general employment of all classes of labor, and the advanced wage scale, making depositors of many who until recently were related to the banks as borrowers only or not at all. The increase in loans and discounts marks a higher degree of confidence in business conditions, show. ing that banks are more disposed than heretofore, to encourage and support business enterprises. On page xi will be found a comparative abstract, showing the volume of business, from the several reports which have been made to this office since its organization, as fur |